Brithai International is dedicated to bringing you innovative products that are easily available in the UK and the US but are difficult to find in Thailand. New products will be added continually so please bookmark this page and comeback to see what's new. Forget the TV and the computer games, Kids need to get out in the fresh air, be active and enjoy themselves. If their outdoor activities promot
e fitness, health and well being, even better! Being a newly formed company, initially our attention is drawn to Trampolines and Tamplolining. As soon as kids or adults step on to a Trampoline a broad smile is drawn which remains all the time that person is bouncing around. How else can one gain so much enjoyment from such physical exercise. We now stock more great products that will help keep your kids active including Skates and Scooters. Please feel free to browse our website and don't forget to visit the additional information links.