We would like to stop unfair visa requirements for Turkish young people who travels to Europe as part of the "youth in action" and "life long learining" programs. Visa procedure creates discrimination between young people and cause to complicate their participation in ‘Youth in action’ programs. As we are a group, called "NO-VISA", we believe there is a huge need to discuss about visa procedure a
mong young people and support youngsters to share their ideas and information about visa procedure. Besides, it will stimulate their ability to think imaginatively about future of European Union, in order to achieve political goals. With our project called ‘No visa for youth on the move’, we aim to increase the awareness of Turkish youngsters concerning the relations of Turkey and the EU in a positive and reflective way. Furthermore, in this way we would like to encourage the Turkish young citizens to keep on thinking about seeing Turkey as a part of the EU in a close future. ‘No Visa for Youth on the Move’ project aims to create a discussion environment for young people about Turkey’s situation in European Union. Thus, young people will have a chance to influence Turkey-Europen Union relation through their discussions, cultural exchanges in "No visa for youth on the move" project activities. We would like to stop unfair visa requirements for Turkish young people who travels to Europe as part of the "youth in action" and "life long learining programs. Project name: No visa for youth on the move. As young people, we have a fear that EU decision makers do not listen our voice. On the other hand we have hope to make our voice heard by them. Therefore, there is no way for being upset.
Çıkış noktalarımız: Vize sivil toplum kuruluşlarının, ünversitelerin ve biz gençlerin AB projelerinden faydalanmasını engellemektedir. Vize, Türk iş adamlarının gümrük birliği çerçevesinde sahip olmaları gereken adil rekabeti engelleyerek Avrupalı iş adamları lehine haksız rekabete neden olmaktadır. Vizenin varlığı ve uygulama koşulları vatandaşlarımıza karşı ayrımcı politikanın bir ürünüdür. www.ronesans.org.tr