Özel Kubilay Yücel Polikliniği

Özel Kubilay Yücel Polikliniği Polikliniğimiz ve Sağladığımız Hizmetlere Sağ Kısımdaki Menüden Erişebilir Sorularınızı Dr. Kubilay Y Kedinizi Keşfetmeniz İçin!

Dr. Kubilay Yücel - Dermatoloji Uzmanı; konusunda uzman ve profesyonel ekibi ile birlikte başarılarını sürdürmeye devam ediyor.

Özel Kubilay Yücel Kliniği ekibi ve mutlu bir cumartesi ☀️

Özel Kubilay Yücel Kliniği ekibi ve mutlu bir cumartesi ☀️

Sevgili babamız Erdoğan Yücel’in “Hayatımın İzlerinde Zamana Dokunan Mısralar” isimli kitabı yayınlanmıştır. Sevgili İsm...

Sevgili babamız Erdoğan Yücel’in “Hayatımın İzlerinde Zamana Dokunan Mısralar” isimli kitabı yayınlanmıştır. Sevgili İsmail Küçükkaya’ya canlı yayınını, kitabın “İzmir” isimli bölümüyle sonlandırdığı için sonsuz teşekkür ediyoruz 🙏 Teşekkürler , teşekkürler Kadir Dursun , Teşekkürler Berna Dursun ve Teşekkürler Canım Eşim Prof.Dr.Melike Behiye Yücel 🙏🩵

Sevgili uzman doktorlarımız Kubilay Yücel ve Yavuz Tezcan’ın sunumları ile katkı sağladığı “Dolgu Komplikasyonları ve Yö...

Sevgili uzman doktorlarımız Kubilay Yücel ve Yavuz Tezcan’ın sunumları ile katkı sağladığı “Dolgu Komplikasyonları ve Yönetimi Toplantısı” 😊👍🏻

🇬🇧 Bloomea helps smooth the skin surface and improves the appearance of uncomfortable skin, uneven skin tone and gives t...

🇬🇧 Bloomea helps smooth the skin surface and improves the appearance of uncomfortable skin, uneven skin tone and gives the skin a natural glow. It makes it possible to minimize fine wrinkles. Likewise, it helps to tighten the pores and tighten the skin, providing a more youthful appearance.

🇩🇪 Bloomea hilft, die Hautoberfläche zu glätten und verbessert das Erscheinungsbild von unruhiger Haut, ungleichmäßigem Hautton und verleiht der Haut eine natürliche Ausstrahlung. Es ermöglicht es, feine Falten zu minimieren. Ebenso hilft es, die Poren zu verkleinern und die Haut zu straffen, was ihr ein jüngeres Aussehen verleiht.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

🇬🇧 Scarlet X is a micro-needling and radiofrequency (RF) device used for skin rejuvenation and tightening. By sending ra...

🇬🇧 Scarlet X is a micro-needling and radiofrequency (RF) device used for skin rejuvenation and tightening. By sending radio frequency waves to the lower layers of the skin, it increases collagen production and regenerates skin tissue. It is used in the treatment of problems such as wrinkles, sagging and skin tone inequalities.

🇩🇪 Scarlet X ist ein Mikro-Nedling- und Radiofrequenz (RF)-Gerät, das zur Hautverjüngung und -straffung eingesetzt wird. Indem es Radiofrequenzwellen in die unteren Hautschichten sendet, erhöht es die Kollagenproduktion und regeneriert das Hautgewebe. Es wird bei der Behandlung von Problemen wie Falten, Erschlaffung und ungleichmäßiger Hautfarbe eingesetzt.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

Have a Great Week❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health...

Have a Great Week

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

Happy Weekend❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of ...

Happy Weekend

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

🇬🇧 Lifu offers a non-surgical face lift and skin recovery using sound waves. It activates collagen production by focusin...

🇬🇧 Lifu offers a non-surgical face lift and skin recovery using sound waves. It activates collagen production by focusing on the lower layers of the skin, thus providing a natural lifting, tightening and lifting effect on the skin.

🇩🇪 Lifu bietet ein nicht-chirurgisches Facelifting und eine Hauterholung durch Schallwellen. Es aktiviert die Kollagenproduktion, indem es sich auf die unteren Hautschichten konzentriert und so einen natürlichen Lifting-, Straffungs- und Lifting-Effekt auf die Haut ausübt.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

Klinik Olarak 2024’ü Uğurluyoruz. 2025 Merhaba✨⭐️

Klinik Olarak 2024’ü Uğurluyoruz. 2025 Merhaba✨⭐️

🇬🇧 Carbon peeling removes dead cells by skin renewal and gives the skin a smoother appearance. It tightens large pores a...

🇬🇧 Carbon peeling removes dead cells by skin renewal and gives the skin a smoother appearance. It tightens large pores and provides healthier skin by balancing excess oil on the skin. It also purifies the skin by reducing the appearance of acne and blackheads.

🇩🇪 Kohlepeeling entfernt abgestorbene Zellen durch Hauterneuerung und verleiht der Haut ein glatteres Aussehen. Es strafft große Poren und sorgt für eine gesündere Haut, indem es überschüssiges Öl in der Haut ausgleicht. Außerdem reinigt es die Haut, indem es das Auftreten von Akne und Mitessern reduziert.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

Sevgili Doktorumuz Yavuz Tezcan’a Nice Mutlu Sağlıklı Yıllar Diliyoruz, Doğum Gününü Kutluyoruz. 💐

Sevgili Doktorumuz Yavuz Tezcan’a Nice Mutlu Sağlıklı Yıllar Diliyoruz, Doğum Gününü Kutluyoruz. 💐

🇬🇧 Bloomea Neolift activates collagen fibers and fibroblasts in the skin by combining two different current types in a s...

🇬🇧 Bloomea Neolift activates collagen fibers and fibroblasts in the skin by combining two different current types in a single system. As a result;
* Restores the skin's natural radiance.
* Visibly reduces fine lines, wrinkles and skin imperfections.
* Reshapes facial contours and provides an instantly noticeable lifting effect.

🇩🇪 Bloomea Neolift aktiviert die Kollagenfasern und Fibroblasten in der Haut durch die Kombination von zwei verschiedenen Stromarten in einem einzigen System. Das Ergebnis ist;
* Stellt die natürliche Ausstrahlung der Haut wieder her.
* Reduziert sichtbar feine Linien, Fältchen und Hautunreinheiten.
* formt die Gesichtskonturen neu und sorgt für einen sofort spürbaren Lifting-Effekt.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

🇬🇧 Paris Sparkle Injection is a method used to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin. In this treatment, a special formulat...

🇬🇧 Paris Sparkle Injection is a method used to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin. In this treatment, a special formulation is injected into the skin. The formulation promotes cellular regeneration in the lower layers of the skin, maintains the skin's moisture balance and makes the skin look younger and brighter.

🇩🇪 Die Paris Sparkle Injektion ist eine Methode zur Verjüngung und Revitalisierung der Haut. Bei dieser Behandlung wird eine spezielle Formulierung in die Haut injiziert. Die Formulierung fördert die Zellregeneration in den unteren Hautschichten, erhält den Feuchtigkeitshaushalt der Haut und lässt die Haut jünger und strahlender aussehen.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

🇬🇧 Regenera Activa; It helps to create a voluminous appearance by thickening the hair strands. It activates inactive hai...

🇬🇧 Regenera Activa; It helps to create a voluminous appearance by thickening the hair strands. It activates inactive hair cells under the skin and enables them to grow again. Regenera Activa is a prominent procedure among the methods applied for hair loss problems.

🇩🇪 Regenera Activa; Es trägt zu einem voluminösen Aussehen bei, indem es die Haarsträhnen verdichtet. Es aktiviert die inaktiven Haarzellen unter der Haut und lässt sie wieder wachsen. Regenera Activa ist ein herausragendes Verfahren unter den Methoden, die bei Haarausfall angewendet werden.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr

🇬🇧 Lip filler gives a more prominent and attractive appearance by plumping the lips. It is used to shape thin lips, corr...

🇬🇧 Lip filler gives a more prominent and attractive appearance by plumping the lips. It is used to shape thin lips, correct asymmetries and define lip contours. It also provides a smoother texture by adding moisture to the lips.

🇩🇪 Eine Lippenvergrößerung verleiht den Lippen ein markanteres und attraktiveres Aussehen, indem sie sie aufpolstert. Sie wird eingesetzt, um dünne Lippen zu formen, Asymmetrien zu korrigieren und Lippenkonturen zu definieren. Außerdem sorgt sie für eine glattere Textur, indem sie die Lippen mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt.

❗ Private Kubilay Yücel Polyclinic is a private health institution authorised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey for health tourism. This post has been prepared for promotional and informative purposes for our health tourism activities and is intended to inform our foreign patient candidates and patients.

☎ Contact: 444 30 75
📞 WhatsApp: +90 533 957 88 56
🌐 www.kubilayyucel.com.tr


Bulvar Ofis, Fener Mahallesi Bülent Ecevit Bulvarı 1971 Sokak No: 36-D Kat:1, Lara Caddesi , 07230 Muratpaşa/Antalya


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