Pretty incredible that, kind of like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, this striking red flower gave birth to the pomegranate bulb that will house hundreds of tartly sweet crimson arils. We can't wait until fall!!Kind of like the time and process a pomegranate has to go through to produce its amazing fruit. sometimes our journeys involve the same amount of waiting and patience. Your #mondaymotivation is to take heart and trust the process. Fruit will come! And, come visit Antalya in the fall when the pomegranates are ripe!!!#antalyaturkey #thisisantalya #thisisculture #thisisfood #holiday #travel #instatravel #wander
We enjoyed a private 3-4 hour walking tour of the Tbilisi Old Town with Giorgi and his lovely daughter. Giorgi was patient with our family of six and kept us moving along while also allowing for necessary breaks. His stories were woven with facts and legends and kept everyone from our 9-year-old to our 18-year-old engaged. Even our non-history loving family member enjoyed the time.
When we started our tour, we had zero historical knowledge about the city of Tbilisi or the country of Georgia. 3-4 hours later we were full of information and an appreciation for the heritage and history Giorgi shared. His insights added so much depth to our Tbilisi experience, and we would recommend the Tbilisi Old Town Walking Tour without reservation. Be sure to go down into the underground bakery and purchase some freshly baked treats!
As the temperatures heat up, we are already thinking about indoor activities. Other than breath-taking views of snow on the mountain tops in the distance, the Antalya city center doesn't offer snow and cold weather lovers much to get excited about. This is why the Snow World & Ice Museum at the Antalya Aquarium can be a fun stop (with measured expectations) in any season: it provides a much needed break from the warmth of Antalya. Read our latest post at to find out if a visit to Snow World & Ice Museum should be on your list of things to do while in Antalya, and how to make the most of your time there. #antalya #thisisantalya #thisisadventure#indoorantalya#antalyathingstodo#antalyaindoorfun#antalyafamilyfun#antalyasnowworld#snowworldantalya#turkeytravel #vacationdestination #turkeytourism #antalyaturkey #mediterraneanvacation #discoverturkey
Poppies in Ancient Laodicea over the weekend. ♥️ Do you need more #mondaymotivation to visit Türkiye and get outside? #thisisantalya #poppies#instaflowers#wildflowersinbloom#wildflowers#ancientturkey#laodicea#denizil#turkeytravel #vacationdestination #turkeytourism #discoverturkey
When we moved to Türkiye almost 11 years ago, household pets were not common. The only cats and dogs we saw were the ones in the street. Fast forward to today when house cats peeking out of windows or sweater-vested dogs walking on a leash with their doting owners are an everyday sight. With the growth in popularity of house hold pets has come an increase in businesses providing services for them. Read our latest post at to learn about our favorite pet supply store, our current choice for a pet groomer, and our highly-recommended pet sitter.#thisisantalya #thisisexpatadvice #antalyapets #antalya #antalyaturkey #antalyapetstore #antalyapetgroomer #antalyapetpansiyon #antalyapetsitter #antalyacats #antalyadogs #iguana #exoticpets #mediterraneanvacations #türkiye #antalyatürkiye #insideantalya
Rainy Mondays make us want to stay snuggled up at home and scroll through cute animals on Instagram. So, in that light, here are some #catsofantalya to make you smile. #thisisantalya#antalya#februaryinantalya#mondaymotivation #catsofinstagram#kittens#cats#streetcats#kittycats#turkey#türkiye #turkeyvacationplanning#turkeytravelplanning#antalyatraveladvice#mediterraneansea#mediterranean
If you happen to be headed to the Land of Legends, you might want to leave some time to check out Candy Candy, the latest confectionery wonderland in the Antalya region. Read our latest post at to find out if this candy lover's dream should be on your list of places to visit. #thisisantalya #thisisfood #antalya #antalyaturkey #familyfunantalya #mediterraneanvacation #antalyavacation #antalyathingstodo #antalyasightstosee #chocolate #candy #candycandyantalya #thelandoflegends #türkiye #antalyatürkiye #turkeytripplanning #turkeytrip #insideantalya #antalyafamilyfun #antalyaindoorfun
This week’s #mondaymotivation is inspired by our visit to the upper Düden Falls this weekend: Let it be like water under the bridge.Don’t dwell on the past or allow things that happened a long time ago (or even yesterday) to keep weighing you down. Process the hurts, arguments, disappointments in a healthy way if you need to; then let them go. That’s all water under the bridge. Watch for Friday’s updated post about a visit to Upper Düden Falls. #waterunderthebridge#walkon#moveon#upperdüden#thisisantalya #düdenfalls#discoverturkey#turkey#türkiye #thingstodo#antalyathingstodo#turkeyvacationplanning#turkeytravelplanning#antalyatraveladvice#mediterraneansea#mediterranean
Frigid. Exhilarating. Magical. Frightening.It took us almost six years of living in Antalya, but we finally conquered the Mount Olympos Teleferik. Read our latest post at to learn more about Mount Olympos and our family's experience, as well as some insider tips to make your visit better. #thisisantalya #thisisadventure#mountolympos#mountolymposantalya#mountolymposteleferik#tahtalıdağı#antalya #antalyaturkey#discoverturkey#turkey#türkiye #ancientantalya#thingstodo#antalyathingstodo#antalyancientcities#turkeyvacationplanning#turkeytravelplanning#antalyatraveladvice#mediterraneansea#mediterranean
It’s official, and it’s no surprise to those of us who live here: Antalya had a record-breaking 15.7 million visitors in 2023!! After not getting out as much as we would have liked in 2022, 2023 was a full year! We actually crossed off four of the five places we desired to visit this past year and saw some lesser known ruins, too!Read our latest post to learn about our top five experiences/discoveries of 2023 and what is on our short list for 2024. #thisisantalya #2023recap#2024hopes#goals#2024goals#antalya #antalyaturkey#discoverturkey#turkey#türkiye #ancientantalya#thingstodo#antalyathingstodo#antalyancientcities#turkeyvacationplanning#turkeytravelplanning#antalyatraveladvice#mediterraneansea#mediterranean#antalyaindoorfun
What a weekend of celebrating Türkiye’s centennial! 🇹🇷 🎆Everyone was so busy having fun, school was canceled today to allow children to recover. Here is a snapshot of the festivities in which our kids got to participate at school. 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷Cumhuriyet bayramınız kutlu olsun, Türkiye! #thisisantalya #thisisculture #antalya #antalyaturkey#turkishculture #discoverturkey#turkeyculture #turkishlife #turkish #atatürk #türkiye #cumhuriyetbayramı #cumhuriyet #independence #100years #turkishholidays #celebrate
Who doesn't love a good selfie? Or, even better, an usie, a groufie, or a wefie? Did you know these are all apparently terms for a group selfie? Newish to the entertainment scene in Antalya is Selfie Park. This indoor museum of sorts claims to be the largest of its kind in "Europe" (even though Antalya is technically a part of Asia, but whatever) and is dedicated to helping its visitors achieve the perfect photo to post to social media.To learn more about this eclectic selfie lovers' park, read our latest post at #thisisculture #antalya #antalyaturkey #familyfunantalya #mediterraneanvacation #antalyavacation #antalyathingstodo #antalyasightstosee #selfiefun #selfieparkantalya #selfies #usies #wefies #groufies #türkiye #antalyatürkiye #turkeytripplanning #turkeytrip #insideantalya #antalyafamilyfun #antalyaindoorfun