📢 Exciting News from EATSA Journal!
We are happy to announce the new Editorial Leadership and Board Committee for the EATSA Journal! This is an exciting milestone in our journey towards academic excellence, and we are confident that the new team will continue to uphold the high standards we've set.
🎓 New Editor-in-Chief: Welcome and Congratulations to Dr. Simon Teoh, a distinguished academic from Murdoch University, Australia, specializing in tourism policy with a focus on Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness (GNH) Tourism Model.
🤝 Co-Editors:
Dr. Petra Gyurácz-Németh, Associate Professor at the University of Pannonia, Hungary, with expertise in hotel quality management and tourism sustainability.
Dr. Aleksandra Łapko, Assistant Professor at the Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland, specializing in water tourism and sustainable development.
📋 Editorial Office Team:
Mohamed Mahmoud (Head of Editorial Office - Administration)
Hanna Lobejko (Formatting and Design)
January Sathavattey (Communications)
🌍 Advisory Board:
Dr. Kevser Çınar (Budgets/Regulations)
Dr. Madhuri Sawant (Indexation)
Dr. Piotr Zmyślony (Communications)
Join us in welcoming this remarkable team! We are confident they will lead the journal to new heights in the academic world.