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A terrible hardship, you’ll agree, but it has to be done.


is a town on the southern tip of Lake Egirdir, overlooking Mount . Lake Egirdir is the fourth largest lake in Turkey, with an area of 482km². Egirdir was previously known as Egridir; unfortunately, this means ‘it’s crooked’, so to remove the negative connotations, the name was changed to Egirdir, meaning she is spinning. Opposite the town center are two small islands connected to the mainland by a causeway. They are known as and and are good places to base yourself to view the natural and historical sites of Egirdir.
The town and the lake were formerly called Eğridir, a Turkish pronunciation of the town's old Greek name, Akrotiri. Eğridir means "it is crooked" in Turkish, so to remove the negative connotations, in the mid-1980s, the "i" and the "r" were transposed into a new official name, thus creating Eğirdir. This name evokes spinning and flowers, although many people in Turkey still call the town and the lake by their former name.
Yeşil Ada ("Green Island," formerly known as Nis) - until 1923, was home to a Greek community living in stone and timber houses.
ist eine Stadt an der Südspitze des Egirdir-Sees mit Blick auf den Berg . Der Eğirdir-See ist mit einer Fläche von 482 km² der viertgrößte See der Türkei. Egirdir war früher als Egridir bekannt; Leider bedeutet dies „es ist krumm“. Um die negativen Konnotationen zu beseitigen, wurde der Name in „Egirdir“ geändert, was bedeutet, dass sie sich dreht. Gegenüber dem Stadtzentrum liegen zwei kleine Inseln, die durch einen Damm mit dem Festland verbunden sind. Sie sind als und bekannt und sind gute Ausgangspunkte, um die natürlichen und historischen Stätten von Eğirdir zu besichtigen.
Die Stadt und der See hießen früher Eğridir, eine türkische Aussprache des alten griechischen Namens der Stadt, Akrotiri. Eğridir bedeutet auf Türkisch „es ist krumm“. Um die negativen Konnotationen zu beseitigen, wurden Mitte der 1980er Jahre das „i“ und das „r“ in einen neuen offiziellen Namen umgewandelt, wodurch Eğirdir entstand. Dieser Name erinnert an Spinnen und Blumen, obwohl viele Menschen in der Türkei die Stadt und den See immer noch bei ihrem früheren Namen nennen.
Yeşil Ada („Grüne Insel“, früher bekannt als Nis) – war bis 1923 die Heimat einer griechischen Gemeinde, die in Stein- und Holzhäusern lebte.
je grad na južnom kraju jezera Egirdir, s pogledom na planinu . Jezero Egirdir je četvrto najveće jezero u Turskoj, s površinom od 482 km². Egirdir je prije bio poznat kao Egridir; nažalost, to znači 'krivo je', pa je da bi se uklonile negativne konotacije, ime je promijenjeno u Egirdir, što znači ona se okreće. Nasuprot središta mjesta nalaze se dva otočića koja su nasipom povezana s kopnom. Poznati su kao i i dobra su mjesta za razgledavanje prirodnih i povijesnih znamenitosti Egirdira.
Grad i jezero su se ranije zvali Eğridir, turski izgovor starog grčkog imena grada, Akrotiri. Eğridir na turskom znači "krivo je", pa su sredinom 1980-ih "i" i "r" prebačeni u novi službeni naziv, da bi se uklonile negativne konotacije, čime je nastao Eğirdir. Ovo ime asocira na predenje i cvijeće, iako mnogi ljudi u Turskoj još uvijek nazivaju grad i jezero njihovim nekadašnjim imenom.
Yeşil Ada ("Zeleni otok", ranije poznat kao Niš) - do 1923. godine, bio je dom grčke zajednice koja je živjela u kućama od kamena i drveta.


is the western Mediterranean's high-end yacht spot, and the attractive bay makes a relaxing alternative to despite all the buildings in the town's hills. There's a small but clean swimming beach at the western end of the quay, and boat charter companies throughout town offer '12 island tours around this end of Fethiye Körfezi (Gulf of Fethiye). These tours are primarily private, so you have to hire the whole boat, and they are more suitable for groups than individuals or couples.
ist der High-End-Yachtrevier im westlichen Mittelmeerraum und die attraktive Bucht ist trotz aller Gebäude in den Hügeln der Stadt eine entspannende Alternative zu . Am westlichen Ende des Kais gibt es einen kleinen, aber sauberen Badestrand, und Bootscharterfirmen in der ganzen Stadt bieten 12-Inseltouren rund um dieses Ende des Fethiye Körfezi (Golf von Fethiye) an. Diese Touren sind in erster Linie privat, Sie müssen also das ganze Boot mieten und sind eher für Gruppen als für Einzelpersonen oder Paare geeignet.
je mjesto za vrhunske jahte na zapadnom Mediteranu, a atraktivna uvala predstavlja opuštajuću alternativu unatoč svim zgradama na gradskim brdima. Postoji mala, ali čista plaža za kupanje na zapadnom kraju rive, a tvrtke za iznajmljivanje brodova diljem grada n**e '12 obilazaka otoka oko ovog kraja Fethiye Körfezi (Zaljev Fethiye). Ove ture su prvenstveno privatne, pa morate unajmiti cijeli brod, a prikladnije su za grupe nego za pojedince ili parove.


Located on the mouth of the Berdan River (Cydnus in antiquity), which empties into the Mediterranean, sits at a junction where land and sea routes connecting the plain (today called Çukurova), central Anatolia, and the Mediterranean Sea meet. The climate is typical of the Mediterranean region, with very hot, humid summers and chilly, damp winters.
Tarsus was the city where, according to the Acts of the Apostles, "Saul of Tarsus" was born, although he was "brought up" in Jerusalem. was a Roman citizen "from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city". Saul, who would eventually become Paul the Apostle after his professed encounter with Jesus, returned here after his conversion. About eight years later, Barnabas retrieved him from Tarsus to help with preaching and teaching in Syrian Antioch.
Tarsus was the metropolitan see of the province of Cilicia Prima under the Patriarchate of Antioch. From the 6th century onwards, the metropolitan see of Tarsus had seven suffragan bishoprics.
liegt an der Mündung des Flusses Berdan (in der Antike Cydnus), der ins Mittelmeer mündet, an einem Knotenpunkt, an dem sich Land- und Seewege treffen, die die Kilikische Ebene (heute Çukurova), Zentralanatolien und das Mittelmeer verbinden . Das Klima ist typisch für den Mittelmeerraum mit sehr heißen, feuchten Sommern und kühlen, feuchten Wintern.
Tarsus war die Stadt, in der laut der Apostelgeschichte „Saul von Tarsus“ geboren wurde, obwohl er in Jerusalem „aufgewachsen“ war. war ein römischer Bürger „aus Tarsus in Kilikien, ein Bürger keiner gewöhnlichen Stadt“. Saulus, der nach seiner angeblichen Begegnung mit Jesus schließlich zum Apostel Paulus werden sollte, kehrte nach seiner Bekehrung hierher zurück. Ungefähr acht Jahre später holte ihn Barnabas aus Tarsus zurück, um beim Predigen und Lehren im syrischen Antiochia zu helfen.
Tarsus war der Sitz der Provinz Cilicia Prima unter dem Patriarchat von Antiochia. Ab dem 6. Jahrhundert hatte der Metropolsitz Tarsus sieben Suffraganbistümer.
Smješten na ušću rijeke Berdan (Cydnus u antici), koja se ulijeva u Sredozemlje, se nalazi na raskrižju gdje se susreću kopneni i pomorski putovi koji povezuju ravnicu (danas zvanu Çukurova), središnju Anatoliju i Sredozemno more . Klima je tipična za mediteransku regiju, s vrlo vrućim, vlažnim ljetima i hladnim, vlažnim zimama.
Tarz je bio grad u kojem je, prema Djelima apostolskim, rođen "Savao iz Tarza", iako je "odgojen" u Jeruzalemu. je bio rimski građanin "iz Tarza u Ciliciji, građanin ne običnog grada". Savao, koji će na kraju postati apostol Pavao nakon svog navodnog susreta s Isusom, vratio se ovamo nakon obraćenja. Otprilike osam godina kasnije, Barnaba ga je doveo iz Tarza da pomogne u propovijedanju i poučavanju u sirijskoj Antiohiji.
Tarz je bio metropolitansko sjedište provincije Cilicije Prima pod Antiohijskom patrijaršijom. Od 6. stoljeća nadalje metropolija u Tarzu imala je sedam sufraganskih biskupija.
Akdeniz'e dökülen Berdan Nehri'nin (antik çağda Cydnus) ağzında yer alan , ovasını (bugün Çukurova olarak anılır), Orta Anadolu'yu ve Akdeniz'i birbirine bağlayan kara ve deniz yollarının buluştuğu bir kavşakta yer almaktadır. . Yazları çok sıcak ve nemli, kışları serin ve nemli olan Akdeniz Bölgesi'nin tipik iklimidir.
Tarsus, Elçilerin İşleri'ne göre, Kudüs'te "büyümüş" olmasına rağmen "Tarsuslu Saul"un doğduğu şehirdi. , "Kilikya'nın Tarsuslu, sıradan bir şehrin vatandaşı olmayan" bir Roma vatandaşıydı. İsa ile karşılaştığını iddia ettikten sonra sonunda Havari Pavlus olacak olan Saul, din değiştirdikten sonra buraya geri döndü. Yaklaşık sekiz yıl sonra Barnabas, Suriye Antakyası'nda vaaz etme ve öğretme işlerine yardım etmesi için onu Tarsus'tan aldı.
Tarsus, Antakya Patrikhanesi'ne bağlı Kilikya Prima eyaletinin metropol merkeziydi. 6. yüzyıldan itibaren Tarsus metropol makamında yedi seçmen piskoposluğu vardı.


, also known as or , ecclesiastical, it was later incorporated into the western part of the Byzantine Greek Empire of Trebizond.
Its population is 163,405. It is located at the confluence of the Tokat River (Tokat Suyu) with the Yeşilırmak (Iris River).
The city was established in the Hittite era. During the time of King Mithridates VI of Pontus, it was one of his many strongholds in Asia Minor.
After the Battle of Manzikert, the town, like most of Asia Minor, came under the control of the Seljuk Turks. After the death of Sultan Suleiman ibn Qutulmish in 1086, the Emir Danishmend Gazi took control of the area, operating from his power base in the town of Sivas. It would be many decades before the Seljuks re-took control of that region in the reign of Kilij Arslan II.
, auch bekannt als oder , kirchlich, wurde später in den westlichen Teil des byzantinischen griechischen Reiches von Trapezunt eingegliedert.
Die Einwohnerzahl beträgt 163.405. Es liegt am Zusammenfluss des Tokat-Flusses (Tokat Suyu) mit dem Yeşilırmak (Iris-Fluss).
Die Stadt wurde in der hethitischen Zeit gegründet. Zur Zeit von König Mithridates VI. von Pontus war es eine seiner vielen Hochburgen in Kleinasien.
Nach der Schlacht von Manzikert geriet die Stadt, wie der größte Teil Kleinasiens, unter die Kontrolle der seldschukischen Türken. Nach dem Tod von Sultan Suleiman ibn Qutulmish im Jahr 1086 übernahm der Emir Danishmend Gazi die Kontrolle über das Gebiet und operierte von seiner Machtbasis in der Stadt Sivas aus. Es sollte viele Jahrzehnte dauern, bis die Seldschuken unter Kilij Arslan II. die Kontrolle über diese Region zurückeroberten.
, također poznat kao ili , crkveni, kasnije je uključen u zapadni dio Bizantskog grčkog carstva Trebizond.
Ima 163.405 stanovnika. Nalazi se na ušću rijeke Tokat (Tokat Suyu) u Yeşilırmak (rijeka Iris).
Grad je osnovan u doba Hetita. Za vrijeme pontskog kralja Mitridata VI. bio je jedno od njegovih brojnih uporišta u Maloj Aziji.
Nakon bitke kod Manzikerta grad je, kao i veći dio Male Azije, došao pod kontrolu Turaka Seldžuka. Nakon smrti sultana Sulejmana ibn Qutulmisha 1086. godine, emir Danishmend Gazi preuzeo je kontrolu nad područjem, djelujući iz svoje baze moći u gradu Sivasu. Proći će mnogo desetljeća prije nego što su Seldžuci ponovno preuzeli kontrolu nad tom regijom za vrijeme vladavine Kilija Arslana II.


; the city was founded by the Phrygians in at least 1000 BC, although it is estimated to be older than 4000. The current town lies about a mile from the ancient Phrygian city of Dorylaeum. Many Phrygian artifacts and sculptures are still found in the city's archeological museum. There is also a museum of meerschaum stone, whose production remains still notable, used to make high-quality meerschaum pipes. In the fourth century AD, the city moved about ten km northeast, from Karacahisar to Şehirhöyük. The region was originally inhabited by the Hittites.
Many ancient geographers described the city as one of the most beautiful in Anatolia.
; grad su osnovali Frigijci najmanje 1000. pr. Kr., iako se procjenjuje da je stariji od 4000. Sadašnji grad leži oko milju od drevnog frigijskog grada Dorylaeuma. Mnogi frigijski artefakti i skulpture još uvijek se nalaze u gradskom arheološkom muzeju. Tu je i muzej morske pjene, čija je proizvodnja još uvijek zapažena, od koje se izrađuju visokokvalitetne lule od morske pjene. U četvrtom stoljeću nove ere grad se pomaknuo desetak km sjeveroistočno, od Karacahisara do Şehirhöyüka. Regiju su izvorno naseljavali Hetiti.
Mnogi stari geografi opisali su grad kao jedan od najljepših u Anadoliji.

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