Sirena Yachts is a yacht builder with a different kind of outlook on the world, and it comes through in everything we do. We have a passion for art and support the artists who create noteworthy additions to global culture.
In honor of the New Year, we’re sharing our latest collaboration in the world of art. Canan Savaş the artist of this year’s Art of Sirena Project, uses wood as the main material in her works and constructs her works with paper and twine. Her aim is to reflect Sirena Yachts’ self-confident and recognizable line, the importance Sirena Yachts attaches to human and nature, the sense of sustainability and the ability to take care of life and nature in the best way to Sirena Yachts owners. #SirenaMarine #SirenaYachts #ArtofSirena
Sirena Marine strives to create yachts that appeal to experienced cruisers, and each model in the range carries shared characteristics, such as cruising efficiency over a range of speeds, excellent interior volume, advanced technology, and fine craftsmanship. But they each have special features that differentiate one model from the next, whether it’s the option of having a wide-open saloon, an enclosed flybridge, or a main-deck master. There’s a Sirena for every cruiser. Which one is best for you? #SirenaMarine #SirenaYachts
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ü saygı, minnet ve özlemle anıyoruz.
We commemorate the founder of our Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, with love, respect and gratitude.
#SirenaMarine #10Kasım
Her şey denizler kadar engin bir özgürlük ve eşsiz bir Cumhuriyet tutkusuyla başladı.
Sirena Marine olarak, 101 yıl önce fedakârlık ve azimle küllerinden doğan Cumhuriyet’imizin izindeyiz.
Değerlerimizi geleceğe taşıyarak büyütmek için kararlılıkla çalışıyoruz.
Nice Aydınlık Yıllara!
Today, on the 101st anniversary of our Republic, we pledge to keep this great legacy alive and pass it on to future generations.
Happy 101st anniversary of our Republic!
#SirenaMarine #SirenaYachts
Cumhuriyetimizin değerleri doğrultusunda kalıcı izler bırakmış, toplumsal kalkınmaya yönelik çalışmalara cesaret ve kararlılıkla öncülük etmiş Suna Kıraç; sanatın, kültürün ve tarihin önemine inanmış çok değerli bir iş insanıydı. İdeallerini, arkasında bıraktığı güçlü kurumlarla gelecek nesillere aktarmayı başarmış Suna Kıraç, vizyoner bir iş insanıydı. İlham veren eğitim gönüllüsü, kültür sanat alanında yaptığı çalışmalarla etki yaratan Cumhuriyet kadını Suna Kıraç’ı vefatının 4. Yıl dönümünde sevgi saygı ve özlemle anıyoruz.
Leadership takes many forms. For Sirena Marine brand Sirena Yachts and the Sirena 88, that meant an exploration of how design traits translate to a variety of market segments. The consistency that carries through the range celebrates the thread the yachts all share, prodigious capabilities, cruising efficiency, and also the timeless design, both inside and out, that sets Sirena apart from other builders. #SirenaMarine #TheSpiritOfTheSea #SirenaYachts
Think about it: Craftsmanship is truly a blend of artistry and technology, and it takes the people who make the connection, whether they are designers or engineers, boatbuilders or carpenters, painters or upholsterers, or countless others who turn their experienced eye and hard-won skills to the work at hand. These are the people, the men and women, who engage in the craftsmanship that set our Sirena Marine product lines apart. #SirenaMarine #TheSpiritOfTheSea #SirenaYachts #Euphoria #Azuree #SirenaSuperyacht
New year, new plans and new adventures to try. #HappyNewYear #2021
Happy New Year!
New year, new plans and new adventures to try. #HappyNewYear #2021
Make a wish
New year, new plans and new adventures to try. #HappyNewYear #2021
Don’t put your dreams on hold. #Sirena88
Cannes Yachting Festival 2019 / #tbt #Azuree46 #Euphoria68 #Sirena58 #Sirena64 #Sirena88 See you next year from 8 to 13 September.