Firmamız 1996 yılında kurulmuş ve Kazakistan ,Rusya ,Ukrayna ,Beyaz Rusya ,Kaliningrad ve Türkii Cumhuriyetleri’ne , öz mal araçları ile müşterilerine taşımacılıkta hizmet vermeye başlamıştır. Rusya Federasyonu'nda 2003 yılında %100 Türk sermayesi ile kurulmuş olan 'OOO UGD Logistics Moskova ' firması ,bir UNO iştiraki olup %100 hissesine sahip bulunmakta.
'OOO UGD Logistics Moskova ' firması ,
Rusya’da ASMAP ‘ a üye olup 3 tane aracı bulunmakta .
2003 yılında araç sayısını arttırarak , Bulgaristan,Macaristan ,Slovakya,Çek Cumhuriyeti ,Polonya ,Litvanya,Letonya,Estonya ülkelerini de hizmet ağına eklemiştir. C2 taşıtlistemizde 34 araç bulunmakta .Araçlarımız mega , mega maxima ve düz tenteli olup tümünde uydu takip sistemi bulunmakta .
UNO Transport has gained a well deserved reputation for its reliable service in the forwarding industry for 17 years. We have been providing service especially on the routes of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine with reinforcement of our group companies UGD Logistics and Birlik RORO. UNO has been providing service also for the european destinations especially Poland, France, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia and Estonia since 2003. From the very first day on, we are dedicated to raise our sevice quality above the previous level through knowledge, experience and customer satisfaction. Owing to our commitment to reliable service built upon our strict observance of codes of good conduct and laws, we are able to deliver your goods to the destination in time so as to allow you to take benefit from extra time and cost advantages. Needless to say, our convenient price policy as an added value. By strictly implementing the Quality Management Standard, UNO eliminates any time and money losses resulting from any mistake attributable to us. This ever raises our service quality and the resulting cutomer satisfaction.