#Isparta the Land of Fragrance is a Turkish spelling of Greek Sparta, by prothesis declustering.
Isparta was said to correspond to the ancient city of Baris, which is a namesake and was part of the Roman province of Pisidia. A later theory has it instead as the Eastern Roman fortress Saporda; in Muslim sources it appears as Sabarta. G. E. Bean characterized the situation thus: "These perpetually shifting conceptions leave the reader quite bewildered." Modern scholars locate Baris near Kılıç, in Keçiborlu district, Isparta province.
At an early stage, it became a Christian bishopric, a suffragan of the Metropolitan see of Antioch of Pisidia, the province's capital. The names of two of its bishops are known with certainty: Heraclius participated in the First Council of Nicaea in 325 and Leo in the Second Council of Nicaea in 787. In addition, Paulus was at the Council of Constantinople (869), and Stephanus was at the Council of Constantinople (879). Still, one or both of these may have been of the Baris in the Roman province of Hellespontus. #Isparta zemlja mirisa je turski način pisanja grčke Sparte, deklasteriziranjem proteze.
Rečeno je da Isparta odgovara drevnom gradu Barisu, koji je istoimeni i bio je dio rimske provincije Pisidije. Kasnija teorija kaže da je to istočnorimska utvrda Saporda; u muslimanskim izvorima pojavljuje se kao Sabarta. G. E. Bean ovako je opisao situaciju: "Ove koncepcije koje se neprestano mijenjaju ostavljaju čitatelja prilično zbunjenim." Moderni znanstvenici lociraju Baris blizu Kılıça, u okrugu Keçiborlu, pokrajina Isparta.
U ranoj je fazi postao kršćanska biskupija, sufragan Metropolitanske stolice Antiohije Pizidijske, glavnoga grada provincije. Sa sigurnošću su poznata imena dvojice njezinih biskupa: Heraklije je sudjelovao na Prvom nicejskom saboru 325., a Lav na Drugom nicejskom saboru 787. Osim toga, Pavao je bio na Carigradskom saboru (869.), a Stjepan je bio na saboru u Carigradu (879). Ipak, jedan ili oba od
Suuçtu Waterfall is in Mustafakemalpaşa, Bursa
Suuçtu Waterfall was formed by the collapse of a fault line. The water pouring from a height of 38 meters exhibits a beautiful view with its pond, which it fills in winter, despite the decrease in water in summer. Suuçtu, which is preferred as a sightseeing area and a picnic place, is a clean air warehouse with cool air among the beech trees surrounding it.
The altitude of Suuçtu Waterfall is 464 meters. The water droplets that hit your face while standing nearby tell you where the name of this waterfall came from. Suuçtu Waterfall, which forms a whole with nature with its loud sound, is located in Bursa's Karadere river.
Although natural sports and activities are carried out in the area, which has been declared a tourism zone, the waterfall in Suuçtu Nature Park of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks is a natural wonder recreation area where visitors from all over the world and local and foreign tourists show great interest.
Located among 60 large and small waterfalls on the Karadere route, Suuçtu Waterfall fascinates those who see it with the beauties around it.
Vodopad Suuçtu nalazi se u mjestu Mustafakemalpaşa, Bursa
Vodopad Suuçtu nastao je urušavanjem linije rasjeda. Voda koja se slijeva s visine od 38 metara pruža prekrasan pogled sa svojim jezercem koje zimi puni, unatoč opadanju vode ljeti. Suuçtu, koji je omiljen kao područje za razgledavanje i mjesto za piknik, je skladište čistog zraka s hladnim zrakom među bukovim stablima koja ga okružuju.
Nadmorska visina vodopada Suuçtu je 464 metra. Kapljice vode koje vam padaju u lice dok stojite u blizini govore vam otkud ime ovom vodopadu. Vodopad Suuçtu, koji svojim glasnim zvukom čini cjelinu s prirodom, nalazi se u rijeci Karadere u Bursi.
Iako se prirodni sportovi i aktivnosti provode na tom području, koje je proglašeno turističkom zonom, vodopad u Parku prirode Suuçtu
#Galatea #kadiköy #karaköy two #continents within a hour. Have you tried to spend whole day between #galata and #chalcedon while you were in #istanbul
What if #newyorktimes is right about first letter of #alphabet #paphlagonia #ponticalps
#galata #bosphorus #istanbul🇹🇷
The Galata Tower's namesake is the quarter that it's located, Galata. Built as a watchtower as a part of the Walls of Galata, the tower is currently being used as an exhibition place and a museum. It's one of the symbols of Beyoğlu and Istanbul.
The tower replaces an earlier Galata Tower that was built in 528 during the Byzantine Empire. This tower was destroyed during the Crusades.
As for some interesting tales about the Galata Tower, one of the most well-known stories revolves around the legendary Ottoman aviator Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi. According to an account written by Evliya Çelebi, an explorer who recorded his observations in a famous Seyahâtnâme travelogue, Hezârfen Çelebi flew from the top of the tower to Doğancılar Square in Üsküdar with wings attached to his arms. Due to this spectacular feat, Sultan Murad allegedly grew suspicious of the man and sent him to exile in Algeria.
Ime tornja Galata je četvrt u kojoj se nalazi, Galata. Izgrađen kao stražarnica kao dio zidina Galate, toranj se trenutno koristi kao izložbeno mjesto i muzej. To je jedan od simbola Beyoğlua i Istanbula.
Toranj zamjenjuje raniji toranj Galata koji je izgrađen 528. godine za vrijeme Bizantskog Carstva. Ova kula je uništena tijekom križarskih ratova.
Što se tiče zanimljivih priča o tornju Galata, jedna od najpoznatijih priča se vrti oko legendarnog osmanskog avijatičara Hezarfena Ahmeta Čelebija. Prema izvještaju koji je napisao Evliya Çelebi, istraživač koji je zabilježio svoja opažanja u poznatom putopisu Seyahâtnâme, Hezârfen Çelebi je poletio s vrha tornja na trg Doğancılar u Üsküdaru s krilima pričvršćenim za ruke. Zbog ovog spektakularnog podviga, sultan Murad je navodno postao sumnjičav prema tom čovjeku i poslao ga u progonstvo u Alžir.
The Galata Tower's namesake is the quarter that it's located, Galata. Built as a watchtower as a part of the Walls of Galata, the tower is currently being used as an exhibition place and a museum. It's one of the symbols of Beyoğlu and Istanbul.
The tower replaces an earlier Galata Tower that was built in 528 during the Byzantine Empire. This tower was destroyed during the Crusades.
As for some interesting tales about the Galata Tower, one of the most well-known stories revolves around the legendary Ottoman aviator Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi. According to an account written by Evliya Çelebi, an explorer who recorded his observations in a famous Seyahâtnâme travelogue, Hezârfen Çelebi flew from the top of the tower to Doğancılar Square in Üsküdar with wings attached to his arms. Due to this spectacular feat, Sultan Murad allegedly grew suspicious of the man and sent him to exile in Algeria.
Ime tornja Galata je četvrt u kojoj se nalazi, Galata. Izgrađen kao stražarnica kao dio zidina Galate, toranj se trenutno koristi kao izložbeno mjesto i muzej. To je jedan od simbola Beyoğlua i Istanbula.
Toranj zamjenjuje raniji toranj Galata koji je izgrađen 528. godine za vrijeme Bizantskog Carstva. Ova kula je uništena tijekom križarskih ratova.
Što se tiče zanimljivih priča o tornju Galata, jedna od najpoznatijih priča se vrti oko legendarnog osmanskog avijatičara Hezarfena Ahmeta Čelebija. Prema izvještaju koji je napisao Evliya Çelebi, istraživač koji je zabilježio svoja opažanja u poznatom putopisu Seyahâtnâme, Hezârfen Çelebi je poletio s vrha tornja na trg Doğancılar u Üsküdaru s krilima pričvršćenim za ruke. Zbog ovog spektakularnog podviga, sultan Murad je navodno postao sumnjičav prema tom čovjeku i poslao ga u progonstvo u Alžir.
Galata Kulesi'nin adaşı, bulunduğu semt olan Galata'dır. Galata Surları'nın bir parçası olarak gözetleme kulesi olarak inşa edilen kule, günümüzde sergi ve müze olarak kullanılıyor. B