To check our tours and their reliable reviews, visit our website: Side, VII. century, it became a settlement center. century, it came under the rule of the Lydian Kingdom together with all Pamphylia, and after the collapse of the Lydian Kingdom in 547/46, it came under the rule of the Persians. The city, which preserved its freedom to some extent in this period, minted coins in its
own name. Side, which opened its doors to the Macedonian king without any resistance during the Anatolian campaign of Alexander the Great (334 BC), later became one of the great coinage centers established by Alexander. Side, which constantly changed hands between the Hellenistic Period kingdoms after the death of Alexander, was built in BC III. century, first the Ptolemies, and in 215-189 BC, it was under the rule of the Seleucids. The city mostly had friendly relations with Antiochus III, provided the support of the Pergamon and Rhodes kingdoms of the Syrian Kingdom, and sided with the Seleucids with the Side navy in the war it opened against the Romans. At the end of this war, when the Seleucids were defeated, Pamphylia and in the meantime Side were given to the Kingdom of Pergamon according to the Apameia peace made in 188 BC. On the other hand, Side regained its independence after a while and experienced one of the brightest periods in history.