What to do in Turkey

What to do in Turkey All information about Turkey

Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun ; sağlık ,mutluluk , kalbizin güzelliklerini getirsin 🧿🧿🧿🥳🥳🥳🥳✨✨✨✨✨   🎄

Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun ; sağlık ,mutluluk , kalbizin güzelliklerini getirsin 🧿🧿🧿🥳🥳🥳🥳✨✨✨✨✨ 🎄


Polygot Travel Agency Mehmet Gökce What to do in Cappadocia Let see that !!

Kanyonun çevresi 06 Haziran 1996 tarihli Resmi Gazete ile "Saklıkent Millî Parkı" ilan edilerek korumaya alınmıştır. 12....

Kanyonun çevresi 06 Haziran 1996 tarihli Resmi Gazete ile "Saklıkent Millî Parkı" ilan edilerek korumaya alınmıştır. 12.390 hektarlık milli park alanında Kaş ve Seydikemer'in üçer köyü yer alır.

Eşen çayı'nın kolu olan Karaçay'nın Akdağ üzerinde oluşturduğu jeomorfolojik oluşumdur. Torosların üzerinde yayla yerleşmeleri yer alır. Kayak tesisleri mevcuttur. Kanyonun tabanı şiddetli akan suyla dolu olduğundan, su içinden geçmek imkânsızdır. Giriş, kanyonun dik yamaçlarına demir çubuklarla tutturulan 200 metrelik tahta bir köprüyle yapılabilmektedir. Köprüden sonrasında soğuk ve güçlü karstik kaynaklar bulunur. Yılda 180-210 bin turist gelmektedir.

The surrounding of the canyon was taken under protection by declaring "Salıkent National Park" in the Official Gazette dated 06 June 1996. There are three villages of Kaş and Seydikemer each in the 12,390-hectare national park area.

It is a geomorphological formation formed by Karaçay, a tributary of Eşen Stream, on Akdağ. There are plateau settlements on the Ta**us Mountains. Ski facilities are available. Since the bottom of the canyon is filled with heavy flowing water, it is impossible to pass through it. The entrance can be made via a 200-meter wooden bridge, which is attached to the steep slopes of the canyon with iron bars. After the bridge, there are cold and strong karst springs. 180-210 thousand tourists come annually.

Dokuz kubbeli, dört sütunlu, kapalı haç planlı, üç apsislidir. Asıl girişi güney yönünden olan kiliseye, kuzeyden açılan...

Dokuz kubbeli, dört sütunlu, kapalı haç planlı, üç apsislidir. Asıl girişi güney yönünden olan kiliseye, kuzeyden açılan bir tünel vasıtasıyla girilebilmektedir. Elmalı Kilise'nin ilk süslemeleri doğrudan duvara kırmızı boya ile yapılan haç ve geometrik motiflerdir. Kilise 11'inci yüzyılın ortası ve 12'nci yüzyılın başına tarihlenmektedir. Sahneler; Deesis, doğum, üç müneccimin tapınması, vaftiz, Lazarus'un diriltilmesi, başkalaşım, Kudüs'e giriş, son akşam yemeği, ihanet, Hz. İsa Golgota yolunda, Hz. İsa çarmıhta, Hz. İsa'nın gömülmesi, Hz. İsa'nın cehenneme inişi, kadınlar boş mezar başında, Hz. İsa'nın göğe çıkışı ve aziz tasvirleridir. Ayrıca Tevrat kaynaklı İbrahim Peygamber'in misafirperverliği ve üç Yahudi gencin fırında yakılması sahnesi resmedilmiştir.

It has nine domes, four columns, a closed cross plan, and three apses. The church, whose main entrance is from the south, can be entered through a tunnel opened from the north. The first decorations of Elmalı Church are crosses and geometric motifs made with red paint directly on the wall. The church is dated to the middle of the 11th century and the beginning of the 12th century. Scenes; Deesis, birth, worship of the three astrologers, baptism, resurrection of Lazarus, metamorphosis, entry into Jerusalem, last supper, betrayal, Hz. Jesus on the way to Calvary, Hz. Jesus on the cross, St. The burial of Jesus Jesus' descent into hell, women at the empty tomb, Hz. Christ's ascension and saints. In addition, the hospitality of the Prophet Abraham and the burning of three Jewish youths in the oven are depicted.

Towards the end of the winter season, the waters of Kuş Lake begin to rise and cover the small willow grove and surround...

Towards the end of the winter season, the waters of Kuş Lake begin to rise and cover the small willow grove and surrounding reeds on the northwest coast. Migratory birds, who spend the cold seasons in southern countries on the days when winter turns into spring, choose the quiet Bird Sanctuary National Park as their nesting place. They lay eggs and incubate in their nests. Here the cubs open their eyes, feed, grow, flourish and fly away to come again next year.

The nutrition, security and sheltering opportunities provided by lake waters, willow groves and reed beds and favorable climatic conditions direct large bird migrations between Euro-Asian continents to this small (64 Ha) dormitory, causing the region to gain international fame. Every year 2-3 million birds from 239 bird species that incubate, overwinter and stop by during migration, from spoonbills to fishermen, from paddy fishermen to cormorants, from reed nightingale to pelicans, from swans to geese and ducks, visit here every year. Kuşcenneti National Park has a special place different from other national parks in our country. Due to the richness of birds in the national park, which is of international importance, and the successful conservation practice within the definition of a national park, in 1976, the Council of Europe was awarded a Class A European diploma. This diploma was renewed in 1981-1986-1991 and 1996. In addition, with the decision published in the Official Gazette dated 15.04.1998 and numbered 23314, Bird Sanctuary was included in the scope of the Romsen Convention (Convention on Wetland of International Importance, Especially as Waterfowl Habitat).
Places to See: The opportunity to watch the interesting periods of bird life in the Bird Sanctuary is between March-July and September-October. A wide perimeter can be observed from the watchtower. 🇹🇷

Dipsizgol is 235 km from Ankara. After a journey of about 3 hours, we follow the Çankırı-Ilgaz highway and turn left bef...

Dipsizgol is 235 km from Ankara. After a journey of about 3 hours, we follow the Çankırı-Ilgaz highway and turn left before reaching Tosya, and after passing the Çiftler village, we reach Dipsizgöl.

Dipsizgöl, with its small, cute and panoramic view, "Welcome!" Then, it warms us up like a warm April morning… Wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of big cities, and saying, “Let's go to a quiet and calm place where I can rest my head.” It is a perfect fit for those who say… It has a magical beauty in its almost untouched state. It is clear from all aspects that it will take on different beauties in every season, especially with its rainbow-like colors from yellow to orange in autumn and with its snowy landscape in winter months.

Dipsizgöl is a crater lake. It was declared a "Nature Park" in 2011. People in Tosya and nearby settlements use it as a recreation area. There are no streams feeding the lake. In fact, the source of such lakes comes from the lower part of the lake. The reason why these are called bottomless lakes is; It was due to the increase in the depth level at the outlet source at the bottom of the lake as a result of volcanic movements.

Strabo is dedicated to the mother goddess on Mount Dindymon behind Cyzicus. According to the Orthodox tradition, the mon...

Strabo is dedicated to the mother goddess on Mount Dindymon behind Cyzicus. According to the Orthodox tradition, the monastery was founded on the site of an old temple. In the past, the monastery, which was the religious center of the Greeks in the region, was visited by thousands of people who sought help from the icon of Panagia Faneromeni (Mary of Phaneromeni), believed to be the work of the Apostle Luke and to work miracles. Now, this famous icon is exhibited in the cathedral of the Fener Greek Patriarchate in Istanbul. Abandoned in 1922, the monastery disappeared into the trees. It won't show itself until you get close. The magnificent 99-room building built in 1895 has remained with high walls and the remains of a largely destroyed church. The harmonious beauty of the Monastery and its surroundings, adorned with colorful flowers that are not seen especially in autumn and spring, cause the visitors to arouse peace and otherworldly feelings, perhaps due to the fact that people have been worshiping there for hundreds of years.

Kirazlı Monastery is located close to the northeast coast of the Kapıdağ Peninsula, at an altitude between the villages of Yukarıyapıcı and Ballıpınar (Kocaburgaz), six kilometers west of the village of Ballıpınar.

Gaziantep Bakırcılar Çarşısı, which is generally called Bakırcılar Çarşısı, but consists of a complex of bazaars where m...

Gaziantep Bakırcılar Çarşısı, which is generally called Bakırcılar Çarşısı, but consists of a complex of bazaars where many handicraft craftsmen produce, offers us sections from another period with its wooden covered shops and stone paved streets.

Although the exact date of construction of the shops in Bakırcılar Çarşısı is not known, it is thought to have been built in the 19th century. The bazaar, which consists of single-storey shops, is located in the inns area. The shops opening to the street with arched entrances are made of smooth cut hard limestone (keymıh).

The bazaar, which is part of the Cultural Road Project, was deemed worthy of the "Achievement Award" of the Historical Cities Union. The art of coppersmithing, which gave its name to the bazaar, continues its existence intensively today. 🇹🇷

Seven Lakes, at an altitude of 3048 meters, is located 125 kilometers from the city center of Rize, at the Çayırözü loca...

Seven Lakes, at an altitude of 3048 meters, is located 125 kilometers from the city center of Rize, at the Çayırözü location of the Rize-Erzurum border in the Verçenik Mountain region, which is in the southwestern part of the Kaçkar Mountain range. It consists of 7 crater lakes close to each other on the summits of the mountains. 🇹🇷

Among the compositions of the Adamkayalar reliefs on the slope, which are in eleven different frames, the most frequentl...

Among the compositions of the Adamkayalar reliefs on the slope, which are in eleven different frames, the most frequently repeated figures are those of the feast of the four dead scenes. In these scenes, the dead are shown either alone or with their wives and sons. On the Adamkayalar reliefs, the sons of the dead and also two male reliefs are depicted as soldiers. Near the middle part of the slope where the feasts of the dead are located, there is an altar stone just above the lower platform level, a man figure on the left, a woman figure on the right, and a composition consisting of five steps carved into the rock to sit to the right of this figure.
Another relief shows a man holding a goat by its horns with his left hand and holding a bunch of grapes in his other hand. In the farewell scene in Adamkayalar, the standing man, representing the deceased, shakes hands with his wife, who is shown in a sitting position. Among the compositions formed by these reliefs, there are two more reliefs formed by the figure of a man in a coat, whose function is not yet known, and another man carrying an object in his hand. Adamkayalar reliefs were dated to the 2nd century BC as a result of the examination of the inscriptions found under the scenes (it was understood that the names of the deceased priests were written in these inscriptions). Located on the top of the hill on the right before descending to the reliefs, there is a tower structure, angular or irregularly shaped, single or cross-arched spaces inside. Generally, polygonal masonry system is seen. The presence of many sarcophagi draws attention. 🇹🇷

Thousands of years ago, there were snakes living underground in Tarsus. These snakes, called Meran, were intelligent, co...

Thousands of years ago, there were snakes living underground in Tarsus. These snakes, called Meran, were intelligent, compassionate and lived in peace. The queen of the Meran was called Şahmeran. Şahmeran was a young and beautiful woman. According to the legend, the first person to see the Shahmaran was Cemşab. Cemşab was the son of a poor family who sold wood for his livelihood. One day, Cemşab and his friends discovered a cave full of honey. His friends, who had taken Cemşab down to extract the honey, left him there so that more honey would fall to their share and fled. Cemşab saw a hole in the cave and realized that light was leaking from it. When he enlarged the hole with the knife in his pocket, he saw a garden more beautiful than he had ever seen in his life. He saw unique flowers, a pool and many snakes in this garden. He lived here for many years and gained the trust of Şahmeran.
Years later, he said he missed his family so much and begged to leave. Thereupon, Şahmeran asked him to promise that he would release him, but that he would not tell anyone about his whereabouts. Cemşab, who made a promise to Şahmeran and reunited with his family, kept his promise for many years and did not tell anyone where Şahmeran was. One day, the king of the country fell ill. The vizier of the country said that the cure for the disease was to eat the meat of Şahmeran and news was spread everywhere. Cemşab was forced to reveal the location of the well. When Cemşab was compelled to show the location of the well, Şahmeran was found and taken out. To Şahmeran Cemşab; He said, "Boil me in an earthen pot and make the Vizier drink my water and feed my meat to the Sultan." Thus, the vizier died and the sultan recovered and made Cemşab his vizier.

According to the legend, the snakes have not known that Şahmeran was killed since that day. It is rumored that Tarsus will one day be invaded by snakes who learn that Şahmeran has been killed. 🇹🇷

Ephesus Museum is one of the most important museums in Turkey with its cultural activities and visitor capacity, as well...

Ephesus Museum is one of the most important museums in Turkey with its cultural activities and visitor capacity, as well as important artifacts from the Mycenaean, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods in Ephesus and its surroundings.
Since the Ephesus Museum is a museum that mainly exhibits the works of an ancient city, it was preferred to exhibit the works according to the places they were found instead of a chronological and typological display. Accordingly, the halls are Yamaç Evler and
House Findings Hall, Coins and Treasure Section, Tomb Artifacts Hall, Ephesus Artemis Hall, Emperor Cults Hall. In addition to these halls, various architectural and sculptural works are exhibited in harmony with the garden decoration in the inner and middle gardens of the museum. Two large Artemis statues, Eros head, Eros statuette with Dolphin, Socrates head are some of the world-renowned works of the Ephesus Museum. 🇹🇷



Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 23:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 23:00
Thursday 12:00 - 23:00
Friday 12:00 - 23:00
Saturday 12:00 - 23:00
Sunday 12:00 - 23:00




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