There are three types of liver transplant surgery procedures – Orthotopic transplantation, Heterotopic transplantation surgery and Reduced-size liver transplantation.
Orthotopic transplantation – is the replacement of the complete diseased liver with a healthy organ. When this type of a transplant is performed, a segment of the inferior vena cava attached to the liver is taken from the donor as well. The same parts are removed from the recipient and replaced by connecting the inferior vena cava, the hepatic artery, the portal vein and the bile ducts.
Heterotopic transplantation – surgery involves the addition of a healthy donor liver at another site, while the diseased liver is left intact. This liver transplant surgery procedure is performed when the doctor is of the opinion that the diseased liver might recover. The healthy liver is attached very near to the original liver. If the liver recovers, the other organ shrivels away. If not, then the original one shrivels and the donor liver performs the body functions.
Reduced-size liver transplantation – is most often performed on children and involves the transplanting a part of the healthy donor liver into a patient. This procedure is performed when 15-20% of the original liver is intact. This way, one donor liver can be used for two successful transplants.