Dear guests..
First of all you all welcome to turkey!
As we know that every single person has their own option when they are out on their holiday to any resort of turkey!
So we respect your decisions!
We know you always want to get best deal and quality for excursions.
But ı been following the things that goes around for a couple of years and ı see there is not any respect for us guys who work properly and allowed to sell excursions.. So thats unfair As we all got our licences, own companys and work documents for our this buisness and we pay for rents, insurance, taxes ect ects..!
Most of you are booking your trips by staff that work in restaurants, aparts, clubs, local transfer companys, barman, beach boys, footed hassle mans, markets,toilet mens or people you just met at you holiday places...!
We all trying to always warn you guys, these people in these places are not alowed to sell you any excursions!! That is forbidden by the goverment, major, tursab, and tourism informations in turkey!
Why you shouldn't book your trips from them people?
*They dont have any company!
*They dont have any licence!
*They dont have any work documents!
*They just have a nick (fake) names!
*They dont pay for any taxes!
*They are not alowed to sale you any trips!
*They can get disappear when you need them or when u have any problem!
They can get you so easy by cheap deals or free trips at the beginning, but most of you guys dont know that trips you booked will cost you extra payments at end of your trip! Also you wont have any chance to change or cancel your trips to get refund!
Now we are asking you guys....
Would you rather care for your family's safety or would you just get take the risk and accept anything could/ will happend after you book your trips?
We dont say dont book any trips with your hotel reps even!!
They might be expencive but there are loads of local travel shops almost on every streets of the holiday resorts
we all want you to have a great and safety holiday in
the resorts! So our only target is to keep you for year after year and send you as a family happy from turkey
So we wanted to remind you all again!! if you need to go on any excursions please book your trips by any local shops or hotels reps to be safe, Not from the toilet man or markets
Thanks for your attentions .....
We wish you all a safe, happy, healty and memorable holidays...