Taiwan Model United Nations Conference

Taiwan Model United Nations Conference TWMUN is a MUN conference host annually in Taiwan with workshops every quarter, devoted to guarantee

“Today we speak for the conference and tomorrow for the World”

TWMUN is a conference host yearly, devoted to guarantee the best MUN experience achievable. Academically we not only aim to simulate the United Nations and grant our delegates the opportunity to expand their global views and leadership talents but also cultivate a new generation of young innovators ready to become the present of the f

uture. Undergraduate and graduate students gather for three days to discuss, debate, and to solve a variety of current global and local issues. TWMUN brings annually special committees to expand the learning horizons of our delegates. With the support of our academic advisors and sponsors we also aim to give a maximum exposure to our outstanding delegates and staff. Our objective is to take the conference experience beyond the conference rooms.

《最後申請退費公告》⚠️已寄送提醒信給尚未填寫退費表單之代表在此提醒🔔12/21 23:59前為填寫退費申請表單之「最後」期限,煩請各位記得準時填寫完畢!ℹ️Deadline: 12/21 23:59


在此提醒🔔12/21 23:59前為填寫退費申請表單之「最後」期限,煩請各位記得準時填寫完畢!

ℹ️Deadline: 12/21 23:59

《TWMNU2022 即將停止運作》感謝各位代表這一年來的支持與回饋很遺憾不能與各位於2022見面團隊已於2022/12/23全數退費完畢將進入收尾階段並停止運作不再開放表單及回覆訊息我們會吸取經驗與建議以帶給各位更完整的體驗期待與您下次再...

《TWMNU2022 即將停止運作》

-TWMUN2022 團隊





請代表們於12/2 23:59前填寫完成✉️!


Please submit the form before 12/2 23:59:59.

⚠️ For those who have not received the form , please contact our official accounts as soon as possible.







【重要公告】⚠️ 背景資料、國家名單及議事規則均已隨信件寄出⚠️ 請代表點擊信中的臉書社團連結,加入臉書社團⚠️ 請所有代表注意立場文件的繳交期限⚠️ 沒有收到信件的代表,請盡速私訊官方帳號【Important Annoucement】⚠️...


⚠️ 背景資料、國家名單及議事規則均已隨信件寄出
⚠️ 請代表點擊信中的臉書社團連結,加入臉書社團
⚠️ 請所有代表注意立場文件的繳交期限
⚠️ 沒有收到信件的代表,請盡速私訊官方帳號

【Important Annoucement】

⚠️ Background Guide, Country Roster, Rules of Procedure have been sent. Please check your email for further information.
⚠️ Please join your designated facebook club by the URL attached in the email.
⚠️ Please be aware of the due time of the position paper.
⚠️ For those who have not received the documents, please contact our official accounts as soon as possible.

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(一)

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 -Monday, 12/05/2022

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【⚠️所有繳費截止⚠️】所有報名繳費將於本日(10/5)23:59截止,敬請所有代表留意繳費狀況!【⚠️The payment will be closed⚠️】The payment is due as of today(10/5 23:...



【⚠️The payment will be closed⚠️】

The payment is due as of today(10/5 23:59)!!

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(一)

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday, 12/05/2022
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名即將截止】時間走著走著 晚鳥也將收起翅膀落地了!【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird Registration is Closing】Followed by Regular Registration, ...

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名即將截止】

時間走著走著 晚鳥也將收起翅膀落地了!

【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird Registration is Closing】

Followed by Regular Registration, Late Bird Registration is coming to an end as well.
Why don’t you take the last opportunity to join us?

Click the link to create memories with us in TWMUN 2022!

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(一)
🔖晚鳥報名:2022/9/5 (一) ~2022/9/30 (五) 23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 -Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Late Bird Registration: Monday, 09/05/2022 - Friday, 09/30/2022 23:59
🔖Late Bird Registration Fee: NT$4000
⚠️For those who have registered, please complete your payments before 10/05/2022 23:59.
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名截止|倒數三天】悄悄的 時間一步一步朝會議日邁進晚鳥報名也快到尾聲囉!剩下三天的時間快把握最後能加入2022 TWMUN的機會!動動手指報名 來創造屬於你我的回憶吧!【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird...

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名截止|倒數三天】

悄悄的 時間一步一步朝會議日邁進
快把握最後能加入2022 TWMUN的機會!

動動手指報名 來創造屬於你我的回憶吧!

【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird Registration Will be Closed in 3 Days】

As time quietly goes by, the Late Bird Registration is about to close! There are only three days left of the registration. Seize the last chance to join such an event!

Click the link to create memories with us in TWMUN 2022!

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(一)
🔖晚鳥報名:2022/9/5 (一) ~2022/9/30 (五) 23:59
[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday , 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Late Bird Registration: Monday, 09/05/2022 - Friday, 09/30/2022 23:59
🔖Late Bird Registration Fee: NT$4000
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名截止|倒數五天】悄悄的 時間一步一步朝會議日邁進晚鳥報名也快到尾聲囉!倒數五天的時間快把握最後能加入2022 TWMUN的機會!動動手指報名 來創造屬於你我的回憶吧!【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird...

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名截止|倒數五天】

悄悄的 時間一步一步朝會議日邁進
快把握最後能加入2022 TWMUN的機會!

動動手指報名 來創造屬於你我的回憶吧!

【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird Registration Will be Closed in 5 Days】

As time quietly goes by, the Late Bird Registration is about to close! There are only five days left of the registration. Seize the last chance to join such an event!

Click the link to create memories with us in TWMUN 2022!

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(一)
🔖晚鳥報名:2022/9/5 (一) ~2022/9/30 (五) 23:59
[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday , 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Late Bird Registration: Monday, 09/05/2022 - Friday, 09/30/2022 23:59
🔖Late Bird Registration Fee: NT$4000
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名開始】錯過前面所有報名的你快看過來👋🏻最後能夠參加2022 TWMUN的機會已經開跑🏃🏻這次的機會你絕對不能再錯過錯過晚鳥報名就只能再繼續等待一年了⌛️別再猶豫快來開闊你的視野吧!【TWMUN 2022 La...

【2022 TWMUN 晚鳥報名開始】

最後能夠參加2022 TWMUN的機會已經開跑🏃🏻


【TWMUN 2022 Late Bird Registration Now Open】
Be alert!

Here comes the last chance for you to join TWMUN 2022.
You will have to wait for one more year if you still don’t join us by filling in the Late Bird Registration form.
If so, it would be quite discouraging since MUN can grant you a lot more than expected.

So now, stop scrolling but click the link to join us in TWMUN 2022!

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(一)
🔖晚鳥報名:2022/9/12 (一) ~2022/9/30 (五) 23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday , 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Late Bird Registration: Monday, 09/12/2022 - Friday, 09/30/2022 23:59
🔖Late Bird Registration Fee: NT$4000
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【TWMUN2022/ 講者介紹 呂慶龍 大使】聯合國與國際外交:挑戰與機會— 以感恩的心,從俄烏戰事翻轉世代及台灣永續發展談起At this year’s TWMUN, we are honored to be able to invit...

【TWMUN2022/ 講者介紹 呂慶龍 大使】
聯合國與國際外交:挑戰與機會— 以感恩的心,從俄烏戰事翻轉世代及台灣永續發展談起

At this year’s TWMUN, we are honored to be able to invite Michel Ching-long Lu, a prestigious former Ambassador of Taiwan to France, as our keynote speaker.

Looking back on his 42 years of diplomatic experience, Ambassador Lu has his own unique philosophy, “You cannot avoid running into dead ends in life. However, keep on trying, and eventually, you will find the Gate of Opportunity.”

He is best known for once introducing Taiwan with a traditional puppet show, which impressed the French people with this Taiwanese culture, earning a reputation as the ambassador who best knows how to promote Taiwanese culture. Thus, he became the only one to be appointed by the President to continue his duty as an ambassador after his service time. When his service in Paris was about to come to an end, the City Council even named an alley after his name to commemorate his contribution to the relationship between Taiwan and France.

Before his retirement, Ambassador Lu participated in an average of 150 speeches per year. Even after his service, he continues to be active in passing down his visions and experience to students of the new generation, encouraging people with his unique philosophy.

Through this opportunity, Ambassador Lu will deliver a 50-minute-speech, sharing his view on the United Nations and international diplomacy, starting from the recent Ukrainian and Russian relationship and Taiwan’s sustainable development to discover possible challenges and opportunities in the near future.

We sincerely hope that all delegates can grasp this chance to reflect on your values, understand how to play to your strengths on international issues, and eventually discover your own Gate of Opportunity.

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN





【2022 TWMUN Regular Registration has been Closed】

Regular Registration is closed now.

Followed by Early Bird Registration, Regular Registration is coming to an end as well.
Perhaps you are still hesitating due to some matters or losing track of the deadline for registration. Nevertheless, since the precious experience TWMUN will provide you with is definitely second to none, why don’t you take the opportunity to join us?

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022TWMUN一般報名截止|倒數一天】2022 TWMUN 一般報名倒數1️⃣天截止!!無形的風,是自然界的信使;狂風呼嘯的今天,急促地傳達什麼消息。——報名截止迫在眉睫,還不打開報名連結?讓我們集青年英傑,論天下之事。年底,相聚於風...

2022 TWMUN 一般報名倒數1️⃣天截止!!




【2022TWMUN Regular Registration Will be Closed in 1 Day】

Regular Registration is closing in 1 day!

Wind is the messenger of Nature.
The savage gale is sending the message.
What is the message referring to?
Which is… DON’T hesitate to open the registration link!

Let’s meet up in the Windy City at the end of this year!


ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022TWMUN一般報名截止|倒數五天】2022 TWMUN 一般報名倒數5️⃣天截止!!暑假進入尾聲,開學的腳步漸漸逼近。焦慮兩個月的暑假過去,自己卻沒有進步嗎?還是煩惱開學後,一成不變的生活即將到來?又或者,不曉得如何在新的學年突破...


2022 TWMUN 一般報名倒數5️⃣天截止!!



【2022TWMUN Regular Registration Will be Closed in 5 Days】

Regular Registration is closing in 5 days!

Worried that nothing has changed during Summer vacation?
Feeling bored with the coming semester ?

Then stop hesitating and come enjoy the sessions and communications in TWMUN!


ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【TWMUN2022/ 日程重大變更通知】🆘🏃🏻⚠️暑假已經悄悄來到尾聲🌞大家有沒有達到自己當初的暑假規劃了呢!經過上一週在限時詢問大家對於會期時間的想法後考量到許多因素並討論過後我們決定將會期稍作更改📆會議時程將由原本的12/2(五)~ ...

【TWMUN2022/ 日程重大變更通知】

會議時程將由原本的12/2(五)~ 12/4(日)
順延一天更改為12/3(六)~ 12/5(一)

【2022 TWMUN Schedule Revised】
After collecting participants' thoughts on the revision of the schedule on instagram, we decided to slightly postpone the original schedule. Before making this decision, we contemplated a lot and had a bunch of discussions. We are sorry to inform you that the date for the meeting now should be 3rd, December to 5th, December instead.
Sincerely hope you guys have fun with us and pardon us for the inconvenience.

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 主席| ECOSOC】▌The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)◽️Josh Liu ◽️Cleo Liu◽️Dana Chen------------------------...

【2022 TWMUN 主席| ECOSOC】

▌The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
◽️Josh Liu
◽️Cleo Liu
◽️Dana Chen

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 主席| SOCHUM】▌Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)◽️Jean Tsai ◽️Kevin Lin◽️Waverley Ke--------...

【2022 TWMUN 主席| SOCHUM】

▌Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)
◽️Jean Tsai
◽️Kevin Lin
◽️Waverley Ke

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/03(六)- 2022/12/05(ㄧ)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Saturday, 12/03/2022 - Monday , 12/05/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 主席| DISEC】▌The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)◽️Vivian Chao◽️Randy Wang◽️Nehemiah L...

【2022 TWMUN 主席| DISEC】

▌The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
◽️Vivian Chao
◽️Randy Wang
◽️Nehemiah Lin

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/02(五)- 2022/12/04(日)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Friday, 12/02/2022 - Sunday, 12/04/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【GIS Taiwan 2023|線上說明會 Online Information Session】 *English version below你是否曾經聽說過全球集思論壇或 GIS Taiwan ,並且想要更進一步了解?你是否期望拓展自...

【GIS Taiwan 2023|線上說明會 Online Information Session】
*English version below
你是否曾經聽說過全球集思論壇或 GIS Taiwan ,並且想要更進一步了解?



🎁除此之外,參加說明會還有可能獲得ADEXE手錶、Mee Audio 防水耳機、迪夢奇手帳等精美獎品!
1. 按讚全球集思論壇粉專和此篇貼文
2. Tag三位朋友並留言:「Make an impact together with GIS!」
3. 公開分享此篇貼文
4. 準時出席8/20 下午2:00的說明會,最後會公布得獎的幸運兒喔!
│線上說明會報名連結 │ https://forms.gle/8RUkgLDQryAU8poV7
1. 若得獎者沒有出席說明會,我們將會於說明會當天重新抽出新的得獎者!
2. 抽獎環節將於說明會最後進行,請參加者務必待完全程。
3. 報名費用九折優惠在任何情況均不得轉讓

Have you ever heard of Global Initiative Symposium Taiwan or GIS Taiwan, and want to know more about it?
Do you wish to broaden your horizons, while cultivating a mindset with creativity?
Do you want to participate in Taiwan’s top academic symposium with elites at home and abroad, while discussing the latest global trends?
If the answer is yes, come and join the GIS information session!
GIS gathers cross-field scholars, entrepreneurs, and student delegates from around the world to discuss world issues and devise practical solutions. We aim to inspire change in the world by promoting interdisciplinary dialogues and diverse voices.
On 8/20 at 2:00 pm, GIS will be holding an online information session. In which, you will learn more about GIS, hear from past delegates, and receive a 10% discount on the registration fee. In addition to that, by attending the online information session, you will have a chance to win an ADEXE watch, Mee Audio earphones and Dimanche journals and other prizes!!
Follow the steps below for a chance to win a the above mentioned prizes!
1. Like the GIS Taiwan fan page and this post
2. Tag three friends and comment, “Make impact along with GIS!”
3. Share this post as public
4. Attend the online information session on 8/20 at 14:00 and stay till the end to know the winner!
│Sign Up Now│
| Info Session Link | https://forms.gle/8RUkgLDQryAU8poV7
1. If the winner isn’t present at the information session, we will choose a new lucky winner!
2. We will announce the winner at the end of the information session, so make sure to stay from start to finish to win the prizes!
3. 10% off discount on admission fee cannot be transferred under all conditions.

【2022 TWMUN 晚宴主題|Social Event Night 1】🌟Theme:Wild West👑Dresscode:波西米亞風服飾/素色襯衫/牛仔服飾/皮質服飾🤠烈日當空 揚塵四起橫刀上馬 披荊又斬棘馳騁疆場 揮動我大旗斜一桿...

【2022 TWMUN 晚宴主題|Social Event Night 1】

🌟Theme:Wild West

烈日當空 揚塵四起
橫刀上馬 披荊又斬棘
馳騁疆場 揮動我大旗

斜一桿槍 為糧倉 為家鄉 為存亡
戎馬一戰 保家衛國
向蒼天撒下烈酒 一路征戰不懼盡頭

翻身下馬 燃起篝火
摘下帽子 脫去長靴

對酒放歌 盡情舞著
一杯敬故鄉 一杯敬遠方
為活著 痛快的把酒言歡吧!



ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/02(五)- 2022/12/04(日)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Friday, 12/02/2022 - Sunday, 12/04/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 晚宴主題|Social Event Night 2】🌟Theme:Phantom of the Opera👑Dresscode:黑白小禮服/黑白西裝/黑白面具🎭水晶吊燈下 魅影幢幢非黑即白的身影 觥籌交錯戴上面具的你...

【2022 TWMUN 晚宴主題|Social Event Night 2】

🌟Theme:Phantom of the Opera

水晶吊燈下 魅影幢幢
非黑即白的身影 觥籌交錯
戴上面具的你我 有何不同

飲酒行令 談天說地
萍水相逢 卻留下刻骨回憶

揭下面具 如夢初醒
回到多彩的世界 繼續攜手前行...



ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/02(五)- 2022/12/04(日)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Friday, 12/02/2022 - Sunday, 12/04/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!

TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 委員會主題| SOCHUM】▌Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)Hong Kong, officially the Hong Kong Speci...

【2022 TWMUN 委員會主題| SOCHUM】

▌Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)
Hong Kong, officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR) had been enjoying a certain degree of civil liberties since the signature of the Sino-British Joint Declaration under the principle of “One country, two systems.” Yet, drastic changes occurred after major incidents of the Umbrella Movement, the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement, and the passing of the Hong Kong national security law. Controversies regarding the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s violations of human rights can be seen in several approaches, such as the deprived freedom of assembly and association, police brutality, and the closure of the Apple Daily, which indicates a diminishing of press freedom.
For the PRC, such an act is considered one of the means to stabilize its society and maintain security to prevent interference from foreign forces. In response to criticism that the PRC is undermining the principle of One Country, two systems, thus eroding the freedom of the people in Hong Kong, PRC stated that such a matter is not a human-rights-related issue and shouldn't be politicized. Hence, delegates will investigate the current issue and state of HKSAR and think about how an intervention from a central government to its special administrative region may affect its people’s civil liberty. Delegates are expected to address this issue from different perspectives and propose a resolution that aims to preserve or enhance the human rights of the people in HKSAR.

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/02(五)- 2022/12/04(日)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Friday, 12/02/2022 - Sunday, 12/04/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600

💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN

【2022 TWMUN 委員會主題| ECOSOC】▌The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)Ever since the discovery of DNA as genetic material, ...

【2022 TWMUN 委員會主題| ECOSOC】

▌The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Ever since the discovery of DNA as genetic material, people have been studying the structures and pathways in which it may intervene with an organism. Up until today, there have been multiple major breakthroughs in this area, with companies from the private sector monetizing this technology by modifying organisms to have a constant high output of produce despite varying pests and climate patterns. However, the application of this technology also opened possible risks of disguised extortion hidden under a package-deal combination of extremely poisonous pesticides and abnormal crops that could withstand such poison. Countless around the globe have suffered due to the residual substance in the environment, rendering the land completely barren and only suitable for specific genetically modified crops(GM crops). This is just one example of the misuse of a technology that supposedly should improve the economy of less agriculturally developed regions. This year at TWMUN, we hope to incite the discussion on the possible rehabilitation of people who have suffered from the negative effect of using these GM crops, as well as provide a comprehensive guideline that can prevent these types of misuse, and truly put the technology of genetic engineering to more beneficial use.

ℹ️ 會議資訊

🗓會議時間:2022/12/02(五)- 2022/12/04(日)
🔖一般報名:2022/06/20(一)- 2022/09/04(日)23:59

[Conference Information]
🗓Date: Friday, 12/02/2022 - Sunday, 12/04/2022
🔖Regular Registration: Monday, 06/20/2022 - Sunday, 09/04/2022 23:59
🔖Regular Registration Fee: NT$3800
🔖Group Registration Fee (5 people or more): NT$3600
💡What is TWMUN?
TWMUN 是由國立陽明交通大學及國立清華大學兩校一起創辦的(目前由中華知識經濟協會主辦),是全台最大的模擬聯合國會議,每年都吸引不少來自各地的學生們來進行切磋和交流,今年的TWMUN更是會提供更好的資源與各式各樣的活動,請敬請期待!
TWMUN is a Model United Nations conference founded by NYCU and NTHU in 2014. (The conference is now held by KEAT). Featuring high-standard academic quality, creativity, and unforgettable social events, TWMUN has already become one of the most iconic and significant university-level Model UN conferences in Taiwan.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date!

🌐TWMUN官方Facebook @ TaiwanMUN


No. 1001, Daxue Road , East Dist. , Hsinchu City, Taiwan (R. O. C. )



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