We are happy to annouce that we will be reactivating the Taipei Tango Festival in 2025!
Founded in 2003, the Taipei Tango Festival was the first tango festival in Asia, and for many years the annual meeting place for Argentinean maestros/as and tangueros/as in East Asia. So much has evolved in the tango scene these days, but some things are good to just keep them the good old way! That means workshops in daytime, milongas with exhibitions and live orchestra in night time, and no championships, just for the joy of tango!
We are thrilled to have Vanesa Villalba y Facundo Piñero coming back for this 18th edition of the festival, and excited to have Josefina Bermúdez y Fabián Peralta and Paula Tejeda y Lucas Carrizo to complete the cast! More announcements will follow accordingly.
Mark the dates!
XVIII Taipei Tango Festival
Sep.18th ~ 21st, 2025
很榮幸與此同時公佈明年的卡司:Vanesa y Facundo相隔多年後終於要回來啦!還有首度參加台北探戈節的知名大師Josefina y Fabián,以及近年備受注目的新秀Paula y Lucas!其他資訊將陸續公告。日期先記下來,我們台北見!
第18屆 台北國際探戈節