Destination Taiwan

Destination Taiwan Our team of Expatriates and Taiwanese will always deliver something specially tailored for you. Below are suggested tour experience concepts of Taiwan.

Destination Taiwan is your bespoke inbound touring & event travel management company, helping you organise amazing Taiwan experiences for your company or your clients. Our experience is that the modern traveller and travel professional does not want to be offering what everyone else is, they are seeking something special and unique for their clients. Destination Taiwan specifically offer programs

that suit you and your clients. We also understand very well that Taiwan for many is still a new destination.

We would love to create a regular program for you to offer to your clients or that once off spectacular TaiwanExperience...please contact us at 'Destination Taiwan', give us some clues to what your thinking and we will be straight back in contact with obligation free preparation of suggested programs to suit your ideas.

Later upon layer of light clouds covering the hills to the South. You could almost reach out and touch them...         ....

Later upon layer of light clouds covering the hills to the South. You could almost reach out and touch them...


Celebrations, Commemorations & Ceremonies!..wandering the streets of Taiwan's cities, towns and villages you will often ...

Celebrations, Commemorations & Ceremonies!
..wandering the streets of Taiwan's cities, towns and villages you will often find yourself amongst an event of some sort. This wonderful Nation has a wide array of various festive and remembrance activities. One thing you can be sure of is most come with great colour, noise and many people. Different regions of Taiwan commemorate different occasions for their respective religion or an annual event for their people. Regardless of the occasion you will often turn the corner and find yourself amongst a cacophony of excitement, just when you don't expect it. As a foreigner in Taiwan you never feel as if you are unwelcome to watch and take in the event.

What a Transition from Mining to Tourism!Shuinandong, Jinguashi, and Jiufen are former mining towns in Ruifang District,...

What a Transition from Mining to Tourism!

Shuinandong, Jinguashi, and Jiufen are former mining towns in Ruifang District, New Taipei City and are gorgeous!

The three towns present living records of the history and culture of Taiwan's mining industry, each one distinguished by the different mining methods they adopted: the simple charm of Shuinandong; the tranquility of Jinguashi; and the traces of the miners' nightlife in Jiufen. Though the gold mines are now closed, these towns continue to exert an allure that attracts visitors to visit and dream.


It's the Anping Tree House!A definite must see when you are in Tainan in South West Taiwan. It's not a 1000 year old tem...

It's the Anping Tree House!

A definite must see when you are in Tainan in South West Taiwan. It's not a 1000 year old temple in Cambodia but is a more recent amazing reminder of how nature works and prevails. This Banyan tree has taken ownership of this house and kept its distinct forms. If you wanted to plant this tree and do this yourself, I am not sure you could and if you did you will have to wait some time. It is fantastic to see the behavior of nature growing freely and symmetrically. If you are a photo enthusiast you can take some really terrific pictures here...selfie not necessary!

The People of Taiwan have been here for some time. There is some serious history here going back tens of thousands of ye...

The People of Taiwan have been here for some time. There is some serious history here going back tens of thousands of years!

Museum of Prehistory is one great place to learn more.
In the 1980s and 1990s, a team of archaeologists from National Taiwan University excavated over 1500 stone coffins and more than 20,000 stone and pottery artifacts belonging to the Peinan culture. This museum is dedicated to this discovery and is located a few kilometers from the actual archaeological site. It also houses an extremely in depth exhibit on the current aboriginal groups in Taiwan. Outside the Museum building there are beautifully sculpted grounds and garden area.

Taiwan's Museums are Must Do's!

And the Games Begin!!!..yet againWhilst we agree Taiwan is Taiwan...being a 'Tactful Taiwan' is also important! I am sur...

And the Games Begin!!!..yet again

Whilst we agree Taiwan is Taiwan...being a 'Tactful Taiwan' is also important!
I am sure the sign behind says 'PEACE to STRAITS'

TAIPEI (Taiwan News)--Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Minister Katharine Chang (張小月) said on Thursday during a press conference, “The Republic of China [Taiwan] is a sovereign nation” and “We won’t accept the one-China principle, Taiwan is not a part of China.”

Chang made the statement in rare tough rhetoric on the eve of the first anniversary of President Tsai Ing-wen’s inauguration on May 20 against the backdrop of Fiji’s closure of its de facto embassy in Taiwan, the Fiji Trade and Tourism Representative Office, days ago.

Chang said that China has since 1949 been continuously engaging in activities such as wresting allies away from Taiwan and interfering with Taiwan’s international participation to deny the existence of the ROC.

She said, “The existence of the ROC is a fact,” but China has been pretending that it “neither heard nor saw” that fact, antagonizing Taiwanese people.

Chang said that if China wants to improve the cross-Strait relationship and win the goodwill of Taiwanese people, it should face the fact that the ROC exists and let Taiwan’s voices be heard.

PS. Is now the time to think the USA has Taiwan's back???


Another Beautiful Day in Taiwan!...Lets Ride!

Taiwan has the Best Night Markets!...Awesome!Taiwan is famous for ‘Night Markets’, the Shilin Market is the most promine...

Taiwan has the Best Night Markets!...Awesome!

Taiwan is famous for ‘Night Markets’, the Shilin Market is the most prominent of the night markets in Taipei. Stretching along alleyways, the food at Shilin is distinctive with its local delicacies and flavors. From tempura, bubble tea and stinky tofu, to fried chicken steak, this boisterous spot showcases local Taiwanese culture in a bustling environment. Made with sticky potato starch that binds the fried eggs and oysters together, and slicked with savory chili sauce and lime juice, the quintessential oyster omelet is the must-try street dish at Shilin. Apart from enjoying traditional cuisine, guests can pay a visit to local merchandise stores nearby for souvenirs.

Shilin Night Markets is so big it's not easier to find the best place for the ideal shot!


Formosa (Taiwan) it seems was always its own island! The 184 Days of The Republic of FurmosaThe decision by the Qing Chi...

Formosa (Taiwan) it seems was always its own island!

The 184 Days of The Republic of Furmosa

The decision by the Qing Chinese government to cede Taiwan to Japan with the Treaty of Shimonoseki caused a massive uproar in Taiwan. It is really important to note that Formosa (Taiwan) was not actually really being governed when the Qing Dynasty ceded it to Japan. It was more of an Island of various indigenous people getting on with their lives, Chinese pirates living at various ports and a group of Han Chinese claiming to represent Emperor Qing. On May 25, 1895, a group of pro-Qing officials and local gentry declared independence from China, proclaiming a new Republic of Formosa with the goal of keeping Taiwan under Qing rule, choosing then Qing governor Tang Ching-sung as their reluctant president. Japanese forces landed in Keelung on 29 May, taking the city on June 3. President Tang and his Vice-President Chiu Feng-jia fled the island for mainland China the following day.

In late June, remaining supporters of the new Republic gathered in Tainan and selected Liu Yung-fu as the second president. The local Taiwanese Han militia units were mobilized to counter the Japanese occupation. After a series of bloody battles between Japanese and Republic forces which resulted in horrendous Taiwanese casualties, the Japanese had successfully seized Tainan by late October. Shortly afterwards, President Liu fled Taiwan for mainland China, bringing the 184-day history of the Republic to a close.

(Image belongs to Taiwan Museum of History)

A 4D Seafood Menu!!!It's Great to See a Seafood Menu that is Truly Fresh! Bisha Fishing Port is one of many favs!For lov...

A 4D Seafood Menu!!!

It's Great to See a Seafood Menu that is Truly Fresh! Bisha Fishing Port is one of many favs!

For lovers of fresh seafood, it cannot get any fresher & is very popular with locals in the know. It comprises two rectangular buildings, which namely are the "fish market" and "food court." Dozens of stores selling live or fresh seafood are available in the market, This supplying all kinds of deep-sea, inshore, coastal and cultured marine harvests. Visitors can ask the restaurants in the food court to cook the seafood they have bought from the market & other dishes served by the restaurants.

Getting Hot In Taiwan!Now is the best time to get out to some of Taiwan's wild Hot Springs!The nearby areas around Taipe...

Getting Hot In Taiwan!

Now is the best time to get out to some of Taiwan's wild Hot Springs!

The nearby areas around Taipei of Wulai, Beitou and Yangmingshan have a range of volcanic water springs venting 24/7 with a high concentration and great variety of minerals that are mostly foreign to the human body and are said to benefit our general health.

Specific properties of hot springs vary depending on chemical composition, mineral concentration and water temperature. Taiwan has a great variety of springs, both cold and hot. Get out and enjoy one of Taiwan's natural springs you will love it!

Indigenous Taiwanese!During Taiwan’s long history, prehistoric people, indigenous tribes, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, and ...

Indigenous Taiwanese!

During Taiwan’s long history, prehistoric people, indigenous tribes, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, and then Han Chinese have successively populated Taiwan, creating a varied culture and developing different local customs and traditions along the way. When visiting Taiwan, you will be able to come in touch with all aspects of this beautiful country's multifaceted cultures.

Taiwanese Aboriginals are Austronesian Peoples!...not from Mainland ChinaTaiwan First Nation's or indigenous people who ...

Taiwanese Aboriginals are Austronesian Peoples!...not from Mainland China

Taiwan First Nation's or indigenous people who first came to the Island formed the northernmost branch of the Austronesia culture group. The indigenous people who remain today are divided into 16 tribes; the Amis, Atayal, Paiwan, Bunun, Puyuma, Rukai, Tsou, Saisiyat, Yami (or Tao), Thao, Kavalan, Truku, Sakizaya, and the Sediq, the
Kanakanavu and the Hla'alua.

Taiwanese aborigines are Austronesian peoples, with linguistic and genetic ties to other Austronesian ethnic groups, such as peoples of the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Oceania.

Genghis Khan Lives in Taiwan!!! Elvis may have left the building but not not only is   living in Taiwan, he is my Big Bi...

Genghis Khan Lives in Taiwan!!!

Elvis may have left the building but not not only is living in Taiwan, he is my Big Biker Brother!

Go The GK!

Spring flowers are now fading as you feel summer on its way. April and May in Taiwan is awesome with the fauna in this N...

Spring flowers are now fading as you feel summer on its way. April and May in Taiwan is awesome with the fauna in this Nation at its best!

If you missed this year then do yourself a massive favour and make sure you visit this great Island Nation!

Sunday Night in Taipei = Family Dinner Out Night!I have a theory that during summer every week hundreds of families gath...

Sunday Night in Taipei = Family Dinner Out Night!
I have a theory that during summer every week hundreds of families gather to enjoy a 12 course meal for free and in between meals will get in some exercise and conversation while seeking the best next dish or shortest que for the next food sampling & cooking demo station. All in the air conditioned warehouse of Costco Taipei.

One thing for sure is that the often very long lines of families waiting for the next course are well respected, with nobody pushing in, everyone waiting patiently & chatting away while the live sample cooking begins. Quite the alternative to Taipei's terrific night markets!


Without a doubt my fav place & store in Taiwan is '108 Custom' has an amazing range of leathers, fashion, accessories and awesome after market parts for your bike. Always welcoming and just a great to get a genuine Taiwanese welcome, to make your day! Great people & great place!

When in Taipei and if you enjoy all things HD riding...108 Custom is for you!

The super sights of the sun lifting from over the Pacific Ocean to light up the amazing East Coast of Taiwan. When ridin...

The super sights of the sun lifting from over the Pacific Ocean to light up the amazing East Coast of Taiwan. When riding Highway 9, it is always best to up & on the road before sunrise to beat the others who are there to enjoy the grandeur of the giant mountain range that drops into the ...and I always have to stop and just soak in the amazing views.

It is Awesome!

The night market foodie scene in Taiwan is terrific! Sometimes the presentation and smells are somewhat unique to the un...

The night market foodie scene in Taiwan is terrific! Sometimes the presentation and smells are somewhat unique to the unacquainted and of course not all foods look like they may have been prepared in a Michelin Star 's . However having had the privilege of eating in quite a few starred restaurants around the world, and enjoyed many of them. Absolutely nothing beats a balmy night in'n'about 's bustling street markets for the 'Ultimate Roving Dinner Party!'. A party with hundreds of guests you have never met before but are super friendly, polite and all having fun.

Tim Turtle and I been ridden our HD's to some awesome places around Central & Western Taiwan. Still the best ride we hav...

Tim Turtle and I been ridden our HD's to some awesome places around Central & Western Taiwan. Still the best ride we have done a couple of times is up to the highest vehicle accessible peak in North East ...Mt Hehuan, being a mere 3,275m above the level of the blue sea levels of the Taiwan Straits!

Mount Hehuan is a 3,416-metre-high mountain in Central Taiwan. The peak lies on the boundaries of and counties and is within the Taroko Gorge National Park. is a popular destination for the local people of central Taiwan.


Not many people@internationally put 'Surfing' & 'Taiwan' in the same sentence. The East Coast from Taipei down to Kentin...

Not many people@internationally put 'Surfing' & 'Taiwan' in the same sentence. The East Coast from Taipei down to Kenting has some great surf spots and equally good places to stay'n'surf! Afei's in Kenting is a favourite of mine to ride down to, stay for the night and then rent a I don't need to install surf board racks on my HD Beast!

This is the absolutely the best seat to view the gorgeous Nation of Taiwan all over!..cruising the coast, crossing the m...

This is the absolutely the best seat to view the gorgeous Nation of Taiwan all over!..cruising the coast, crossing the mountains and pulling up at scenic spots. No better way than to see this great Island than from a roaring Harley Davidson!
..and it's full air conditioned!


Love Riding my HD Around Taiwan!..stopping for a coffee to take in the awesome views!!!

Love Riding my HD Around Taiwan!..stopping for a coffee to take in the awesome views!!!

While the endless green of rice paddies across Taiwan are gorgeous, it is the wondrous mountain-side tea farms that neve...

While the endless green of rice paddies across Taiwan are gorgeous, it is the wondrous mountain-side tea farms that never fail to deliver an awesome feeling of serenity! Riding my HD through the mountains I often stop to watch the farmers take meticulous care with their crops. Many of the hillside tea farms are generations old!

Taiwan has gorgeous waterways, mountains and scenery...and is really such a wonderland!           .taiwan

Taiwan has gorgeous waterways, mountains and scenery...and is really such a wonderland!


The only road signage on Brown's Road through the lush rice fields of Taitung county is pretty simple as the the wonderf...

The only road signage on Brown's Road through the lush rice fields of Taitung county is pretty simple as the the wonderful lifestyle here. What a great place to road through!


Another morning and another sky full of A330's & B777's moving people in & out of Taiwan! For a little Pacific Island th...

Another morning and another sky full of A330's & B777's moving people in & out of Taiwan! For a little Pacific Island the Republic of China (ROC) is a busy and popular place


The genuine way to explore Taiwan...along it's coast or above on it's is on my HD                        ...

The genuine way to explore Taiwan...along it's coast or above on it's is on my HD

Vale John Clarke...Australians and New Zealanders in Taiwan will be forever lost without you as we tried to find out wha...

Vale John Clarke...Australians and New Zealanders in Taiwan will be forever lost without you as we tried to find out what was that latest master price aired at 19:50PM (AUS time) every Thursday night. You, with Brian, were our link with the latest in ridiculously absurd yet current affairs.

Has there been snow in Taipei this morning? it was it was just necessary spa time for my precious HD!

Has there been snow in Taipei this morning? it was it was just necessary spa time for my precious HD!


Xinyi Road


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