EMBA 英文會話社

EMBA 英文會話社 English Conversation Club Brain Stimulation!

[ eMBA - 行銷 ] 為何 Suzuki 在印度市場如此成功? 而 GM 卻黯然失色?因為差異化? 是... 但把差異化轉為在地化更貼切!在印度經商僅有三個原則「價格! 價格! 還是價格!」Suzuki 專攻低耗油小車,著實佔據價格敏...

[ eMBA - 行銷 ] 為何 Suzuki 在印度市場如此成功? 而 GM 卻黯然失色?

因為差異化? 是... 但把差異化轉為在地化更貼切!在印度經商僅有三個原則「價格! 價格! 還是價格!」Suzuki 專攻低耗油小車,著實佔據價格敏感市場消費者青睞,GM 卻以全球化品牌策略期待擁有每個市場及每個客戶,在印度政府尚未投入重商政策拉抬 GDP 早期投資印度市場,高消費族群尚未成熟,財貨性價比優於品牌效應... 忽略在地化,越想擁抱全部,卻也越難深化!

Why Suzuki is so successful in India? Why GM left India? Doing business in India just 3 principles: Price! Price! and Price! Suzuki specialzes in highly fuel efficient vehicle which is extremely important in India market. GM overall used to be all thing to everyone in enverwhere, and it's seen not a proper strategy now. Invest in early stage India which lacks for GDP stimulation strategy, Brand Effect is not a compelling strategy by comparing with high CP Ratio positioning. In short, they lost all when trying to embrace all in disregarding localization! (From YouTube)


Over the last 20 years the Indian automotive market has grown from about 500,000 new vehicles to 3.5 million in 2018. But some automakers have struggled to m...

[ eMBA - 資訊 ] 量子力學即將左右我們的荷包?微觀量子計算足以改寫巨觀大數據分析困境... 這是文言文?聽不懂!換句話說,量子力學衍生量子計算 Quantum Computing 讓大數據的「大」字即將消失。舉凡生醫科技;股市分析...

[ eMBA - 資訊 ] 量子力學即將左右我們的荷包?

微觀量子計算足以改寫巨觀大數據分析困境... 這是文言文?聽不懂!

換句話說,量子力學衍生量子計算 Quantum Computing 讓大數據的「大」字即將消失。舉凡生醫科技;股市分析到金融加密,各行各業賴以加速技術研發;市場推敲甚至強化資安的大數據將因量子計算讓數據分析唾手可得。意謂著降低生醫研發成本且優化股市投資,卻也帶來資安威脅!

言簡意賅... 量子計算看似遙遠,機會威脅近在眉睫。企業營運被迫轉型;就業市場加速改造;教育系統再次晉級,最終擴大 M 型化產品與服務,總經與個經變化左右每一人的荷包勢不可擋!

Quantum Computing is not a noun; it's indeed a verb which is going to intereven even transfrom entire ecosystem of high tech product and service such as biomedical research; financial market analysis even security encryption technology.

Any form of businesses will strengthen Big Data analytics by quantum computing implementation. In other words, economical operation and corresponding market evolution will be grew rapidly than anticipation, also it will influence the unemployment rate and salarying model transparently. Quantum Computing is not that far, isn't it? (From IBM Think Academy)


Quantum computing has the potential to solve some of the world’s most complex problems. So how are quantum computers different from the traditional computers...

[ eMBA - 產品 ] 福爾摩沙急需轉型,我們 Ready 了嗎?當所有企業追求低毛利的同時,差異化正逐漸消逝,意即共性生產滿足成本優勢卻遺失預期利潤與品牌權益It's definitely a dilemma, most of Asi...

[ eMBA - 產品 ] 福爾摩沙急需轉型,我們 Ready 了嗎?


It's definitely a dilemma, most of Asian producers pay attention on Cost Reduction but forget to embrace Brand Equity which is contributed by Unique Value Proposition and Feature Differentiation then seeing less consequent revenue accordingly. Actually all the enterprises know what to do but lack systematic strategy for taking place; don't even say GDP and National Competitiveness improvement. Look forward to seeing the complete transformation soon. (From 天下雜誌)



[ eMBA - 策略 ] 從寡佔市場跨境獨佔市場的手段 - 終極差異化在充斥人工智能解決方案的世代,Google 已著手推展端到端複合雲解決方案,其包含前台 IoT 設備邊際運算 Edge Computing 專屬 TPU (Tensor...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 從寡佔市場跨境獨佔市場的手段 - 終極差異化

在充斥人工智能解決方案的世代,Google 已著手推展端到端複合雲解決方案,其包含前台 IoT 設備邊際運算 Edge Computing 專屬 TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) 與 Run Time 等軟硬體架構,將其機器學習 Machine Learning 運算資源整合至後台大數據平台發揮人工智能靈活彈性運用。另言之,企業規模足以從寡佔市場跨境獨佔市場,無疑是拉遠競爭對手追逐硬派策略。

This video illustrates that Google is trying to embrace entire AI market by marketing the proprietary key elements "Cloud IoT Core; Cloud IoT Edge and Edge TPU" for improving Machine Learning efficiency from Edge back to Cloud and vice versa. In short, it sets itself apart from its competitors by dedicated End-to-End total solution. (From YouTube)

Extend the intelligence of Google Cloud to the edge. IOT203 Event schedule → http://g.co/next18 Watch more IoT sessions here → http://bit.ly/2mmHa7J Next ‘18...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 沒有牙齒的合約,企業如何自保?商場合作源自互利,唯時空變遷衍生利己條件變異,自然演化與合作動機背道而馳,糾紛與爭執相繼而來。台商不擅簽署有罰則合約,往往取得 LOI 或 MOU 即付諸執行,如果合約沒有牙齒,咬了...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 沒有牙齒的合約,企業如何自保?

商場合作源自互利,唯時空變遷衍生利己條件變異,自然演化與合作動機背道而馳,糾紛與爭執相繼而來。台商不擅簽署有罰則合約,往往取得 LOI 或 MOU 即付諸執行,如果合約沒有牙齒,咬了不會流血,從何談判與爭執?上法院耗時耗力非一般企業最佳選擇,不妨考量調解與仲裁,取得共識;化解紛歧是否較具經濟原則?

Most of Taiwanese firms are not familiar in signing business contract with legal penalty thus it's lame to affirm and protect the legal right when business partner fail to obey the cooperative rule which is build in very early stage from both parties. Go to court is not the only way since it exhausts time and money; instead business firm could take mediation and arbitration into account for finding the compropised solution as golden rule which shall contribute the econimic concome, isn't it? (From YouTube)

Lawyer David P. Hersh answers. For more information on business law, see Dave's blog: http://business-law.burgsimpson.com

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 破壞式創新 = 不創新就等著被破壞創業維艱,守成為何「不易」?因群聚效應不斷累積次佳;較佳;甚至最佳生活體驗,並進一步造就總體經濟。我們活在持續創新甚至改造人類生活演化歷史洪流,每分每秒都有推陳出新的產品與服務充...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 破壞式創新 = 不創新就等著被破壞


Disruptive Innovation is the particular type of innovation that occurs when an innovator brings to a market an innovation that is simple; convenient; accessible and affordable, changing the game with revolutionized Product and Service "Value Proposition". (From YouTube)

An interview with Scott Anthony, President, Innosight. Disruptive innovation occurs when an innovator brings something to market that is simple, convenient, ...

[ eMBA - 行銷 ] 網紅廣告經濟學,口碑行銷潛規則KOL (Key Opinion Leader 意見領袖) 網紅廣告如同企鵝效應般天天有新的討拍手法,從早期部落客到當今直播主舉凡名牌包;海鮮與掃地機器人… 線上行銷不勝枚舉。品牌廠...

[ eMBA - 行銷 ] 網紅廣告經濟學,口碑行銷潛規則

KOL (Key Opinion Leader 意見領袖) 網紅廣告如同企鵝效應般天天有新的討拍手法,從早期部落客到當今直播主舉凡名牌包;海鮮與掃地機器人… 線上行銷不勝枚舉。品牌廠商除既有廣告通路投放,偏移甚至偏重網路廣告已是當務之急,除了現金尚有許多選擇可操作網紅廣告,平衡 ROI 有其潛規則,身為行銷人知多少?

Marketer meets the most dynamic and difficult challenge in KOL Advertising, total KOL followers and conversion rate is key to weight the ROI, this article addresses clear picture and relevant websites for marketing manager who is going to invest in KOL Advertising, it's valuable and good for reference. (From Viral Access)


Now is a golden age for KOLs to make money on social media. Not until today did brands realize the better performance of digital marketing over

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 啟發性思考 vs. 大數據分析薩利機長在決定將飛機依塔台建議迫降在最近的機場或哈德遜河前沒有大數據分析報告甚至沒有前例可尋,在面臨塔台 SOP 指令與眾多環境因素影響下,最終決定百人機組與乘客生存的原因是... ...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 啟發性思考 vs. 大數據分析

薩利機長在決定將飛機依塔台建議迫降在最近的機場或哈德遜河前沒有大數據分析報告甚至沒有前例可尋,在面臨塔台 SOP 指令與眾多環境因素影響下,最終決定百人機組與乘客生存的原因是... Heuristic Thinking!

I bet most of us ever met decision making challenge especially there is a dilemma, this speech shared us the best decision under risk is not the best decision under uncertainly. In short, make it simple with heuristic thinking could be helpful... less is more. (From YouTube)


Gerd Gigerenzer is Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy in Berlin. He is former Pr...

[ eMBA - 資訊 ] 內衣門市 RFID 應用範例,勾勒出幾點消費基因演化論?RFID 已不僅僅用在 ETC 行車收費系統,銷售通路應用上除了經典的 O2O 線上電子商務與線下門市整合;優化 Inventory Management ...

[ eMBA - 資訊 ] 內衣門市 RFID 應用範例,勾勒出幾點消費基因演化論?

RFID 已不僅僅用在 ETC 行車收費系統,銷售通路應用上除了經典的 O2O 線上電子商務與線下門市整合;優化 Inventory Management 庫存管理,這篇範例打開我們的腦神經往次世代經營模式演進

No matter you are seller or buyer, transaction model is always the framwork to benchmark the business growth since it impacts the financial; sell through; shelving even purchasing behavior managements, this article may envision our next generation business ideas, FYI.


French lingerie retailer uses RAIN RFID to accelerate checkout and delight customers with a pneumatic-propulsion purchase fulfillment system.

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 金山蹦火仔憂失傳!如何轉型?炙熱的火光搭配著數以萬計瞬間揚跳的青鱗魚... 好個美景從國家地理雜誌曝光開始吸引官方與遊客注目。然而面臨一年僅有數月的捕魚季及汙染問題衍生的蕭條經濟,老船長憔悴伴隨皺紋的臉龐透露全球...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 金山蹦火仔憂失傳!如何轉型?

炙熱的火光搭配著數以萬計瞬間揚跳的青鱗魚... 好個美景從國家地理雜誌曝光開始吸引官方與遊客注目。然而面臨一年僅有數月的捕魚季及汙染問題衍生的蕭條經濟,老船長憔悴伴隨皺紋的臉龐透露全球唯一傳統技法即將失傳的不安與恐慌,該如何轉型似乎變成一個不容忽視的課題!

As mentioned in paragraph above, business model transtion and revenue stimulation could become an imperative when fishery is lack of successor to take over the cultural fishing methodology. Revenue is the key to drive business entity goes forward but we still can't see the collaboration among 野柳海洋世界; Scuba Diving; Hotel; Sea Food Cuisine and such cultural fishing performance which means tourist won't synchronize each characteristic in one itinerary hence it won't benefit locals accordingly. We expect to see a well design travelling stimulation plan from Tourism Bureau.


[ eMBA - 財務 ] 颳風下雨你出門嗎?固定成本 vs. 變動成本訂了宜蘭不可取消的特價飯店, 預計周末開車前往, 旅遊前一天新聞播報宜蘭將遇颱風與淹水... 飯店住宿費是什麼成本?開車油資是什麼成本?你打算怎麼渡過周末?原因是什麼?...

[ eMBA - 財務 ] 颳風下雨你出門嗎?固定成本 vs. 變動成本

訂了宜蘭不可取消的特價飯店, 預計周末開車前往, 旅遊前一天新聞播報宜蘭將遇颱風與淹水... 飯店住宿費是什麼成本?開車油資是什麼成本?你打算怎麼渡過周末?原因是什麼?

Most of Business Administrators see Fixed Cost as Sunk Cost since its constant spending property; also they try to assess and improve the business strategy based on Variation Gain between Revenue and Variable Cost. Like as this Travelling Plan, what are you going to do and what's the gain you use to weight your new plan? (From YouTube)

Cost Cost #成本決策

I created this video to teach my fourth grade classroom about fixed expenses and variable expenses for my unit on Personal Financial Literacy. -- Created usi...

[ eMBA - 財務 ] 丹麥人民幸福因子源自福利制度大於高額稅賦的公允價值!People knows Denmark was weighted as highest taxation country for years but it b...

[ eMBA - 財務 ] 丹麥人民幸福因子源自福利制度大於高額稅賦的公允價值!

People knows Denmark was weighted as highest taxation country for years but it brought happiest civilization as well, it does shock most residents in other countries even developed regions since most governmental spending didn't break even people's tax return filing which generates consequent high percentage of tax evading and bank deposit. In short, people happiness was build upon trustworthy social welfare likes as making high CP Ratio product or service is seen as golden business policy to addict buyers consistently. (From YouTube)


[ eMBA - 發展 ] 百年高架鐵路帶來今日附加效益,AI 發展如何評估未來效應?More than a century ago, elevated railway is cheaper than subway construction...

[ eMBA - 發展 ] 百年高架鐵路帶來今日附加效益,AI 發展如何評估未來效應?

More than a century ago, elevated railway is cheaper than subway construction. Century later, it gives an unique experience to showcase entire developed city with variety of skyscrapers which not only keeps the culural asset but also racks up entire tourism ecosystem revenue. But AI is different since it's designed to break through our thinking thru enormous data cluster computing power in unlimited speed which may bring the unexpected result for stepping us forward to next psychological century. We people know what to do but lack of plan... isn't it? (From YouTube)


CAF docent Mike McMains explains what led to Chicago being America's only major city with an elevated train system in its downtown core.

[ eMBA - 活動 ] 粉久沒有 "勞 ㄌㄠ\" 英文了,牙癢癢的吧...We are going to raise a FREE chatting event at New Taipei City SanXia District, w...

[ eMBA - 活動 ] 粉久沒有 "勞 ㄌㄠ\" 英文了,牙癢癢的吧...

We are going to raise a FREE chatting event at New Taipei City SanXia District, welcome to join and see below for more information.

Topic: New York City Big Apple
Time: 2017/10/28 (Sat.) 3PM
Place: 新北市三峽區學成路 601 號 (麗寶世紀館一樓咖啡交誼廳)

PS: Please bring your mobile or tablet (ex: iPad) to join then we will broadcast the PPT or Photo to your screen, you don't have to install any applicaiton or Mobile APP in advance.

[ eMBA - 人事 ] 科學?心理學?定位你的管理領導風格As a leader, you inherit corporate philosophy from upper management which helps you to st...

[ eMBA - 人事 ] 科學?心理學?定位你的管理領導風格

As a leader, you inherit corporate philosophy from upper management which helps you to stand in the aerial view to judge and find a way to make company growth from daily collaboration and interaction among subordinates. Most of us are familiar with KPI but we are lack of wisdom to stimulate its performance by surperior management and leadership; if we look over the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs again then we could figure out the brilliant leadership is reflected by career development of each subordinate indeed which proof an experienced leader shall put emphasis on paving a rising career plan for team menbers based on psychological point of view prior to seeking the better KPI. You are seen as a Leader or Manager which is depending on how you position yourself and react. (From YouTube)


楊景雲 James 0977-533-369 [email protected] 珍愛靈魂、經營夢想、堅定信念、謙卑服務!

[ eMBA - 人事 ] 產品售價由市場決定,那麼... 你的薪資誰決定?Yes, your wage is still reflected from the market; and relying on macroeconomics e...

[ eMBA - 人事 ] 產品售價由市場決定,那麼... 你的薪資誰決定?

Yes, your wage is still reflected from the market; and relying on macroeconomics especially, you may take an in-depth underatanding of Supply & Demand Curve of Salary then find the clue. For example, when customer demand moves to other country, domestic enterprises may diminish OPEX first then downsize CAPEX in advance which decreases labouring resource and corresponding overall wages. Don't worry, we won't be satisfied by 22K all the time thus talent like you will start to find a better market which can fulfill your salary expectation even improve your expertise. So... you make your selection then it values who you are!

[ eMBA - 活動 ] 大家都出去玩,我們當然也要...還有兩天半假期,快出門去 enjoy 端午佳節,還有... 記得立蛋哦ㄛ!

[ eMBA - 活動 ] 大家都出去玩,我們當然也要...

還有兩天半假期,快出門去 enjoy 端午佳節,還有... 記得立蛋哦ㄛ!

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 不戰而屈人之兵,How?Michael Porter ever presented the common misunderstanding of stratergy that most companies did...

[ eMBA - 策略 ] 不戰而屈人之兵,How?

Michael Porter ever presented the common misunderstanding of stratergy that most companies did wrong even didn't act. Refer to "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" in Sun Tzu's quote in Art of War then we learnt that outstanding company strategy is offering something unique that your competitors can't overcome, that's why Product (or Service) is seen as 1st factor we care if we look at Marketing Mix. It's time to review and ask ourself, does our strategy come together with differentiated product or service today?





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