India Taipei Association - 印度 台北協會

India Taipei Association - 印度 台北協會 印度-台北協會(ITA)於1995年在台北設立,旨在推廣印台雙方的互動,促進經貿,觀光,科技資訊及人與人間的交流。印度-台北協會並提供所有領事和護照服務。

印度 台北協會(ITA)於1995年在台北設立,旨在推廣印台雙方的互動,促進經貿,觀光,科技資訊及人與人間的交流。印度-台北協會並提供所有領事和護照服務。

India Taipei Association (ITA) was established in Taipei in 1995 to promote interactions between India and Taiwan, and to facilitate business, tourism, culture, science & technology and people-to-people exchanges. India Taipei Association has also been authorised to provide all consular and passport services.

EX-亞洲劇團的舞台劇《कर्ण迦爾納》2025即將代表臺灣登上印度最具影響力的 Bharat Rang Mahotsav(BRM)印度國際戲劇節,再現經典史詩《摩訶婆羅達》的磅礡魅力!由Chongtham Jayanta Meetei執導...

EX-亞洲劇團的舞台劇《कर्ण迦爾納》2025即將代表臺灣登上印度最具影響力的 Bharat Rang Mahotsav(BRM)印度國際戲劇節,再現經典史詩《摩訶婆羅達》的磅礡魅力!
由Chongtham Jayanta Meetei執導,演員及製作團隊來自台灣與印度,組成國際陣容。結合傳統與當代戲劇元素,探索「英雄」的主題。

The theatre play "कर्ण Karna" of EX-Theatre Asia is inspired by the Indian epic Mahabharata, directed by Chongtham Jayanta Meetei, with an international cast and crew from Taiwan and India.
The play explores the theme of heroes through cross-cultural collaboration between Taiwanese and Indian artists, combining traditional and contemporary theatrical elements.
Two Performances in India:
TUE, February 11, 2025 at 19:00, in New Delhi, India (Kamani Auditorium)
THU, February 13, 2025 at 19:00, in Jaipur, India (Rajasthan International Centre)
CF link:

印度台北協會2024年12月電子報月刋「SAMPARK」請點下方檔案!The December 2024 of ITA newsletter - SAMPARK - has been released! Click on the file ...


The December 2024 of ITA newsletter - SAMPARK - has been released! Click on the file below to check it out.

印度台北協會於「TiBE 台北國際書展」舉辦「從書卷到銀幕:從樂舞論談印度敘事藝術 」講座,由EX-亞洲劇團藝術總監江譚佳彥,以及衛武營國家藝術文化中心戲劇顧問耿一偉,兩位專家深入探討印度表演藝術遠古經典著作《樂舞論》。帶讀者一窺《樂舞論》...

印度台北協會於「TiBE 台北國際書展」舉辦「從書卷到銀幕:從樂舞論談印度敘事藝術 」講座,由EX-亞洲劇團藝術總監江譚佳彥,以及衛武營國家藝術文化中心戲劇顧問耿一偉,兩位專家深入探討印度表演藝術遠古經典著作《樂舞論》。帶讀者一窺《樂舞論》如何奠定印度文學、戲劇、詩歌與表演藝術的核心,並對印度現代戲劇與電影仍有深遠影響。

India Taipei Association held “From Page to Screen: Natyashastra and the Indian Way of Storytelling” at TiBe, Art Director of EX-Theatre Asia Chongtham Jayanta Meetei & Consultant of National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts – Weiwuying Yi-Wei Keng brought readers to enter the world of Natyashastrathe, ancient treaty in India about performance. They shared how Natyashastrathe has significantly influenced Indian literature, drama, poetry, and performance arts, as well as how it has shaped the modern theatre and movies in India.

印度台北協會於「TiBE 台北國際書展」舉辦「兒童聽故事:到印度的太空世界探險 」活動,由粘忘凡 (蕃薯姊姊)帶領小朋友探索印度的太空之旅。從「月船」探測到「火星船」,小朋友深入了解印度英勇的「追星之路」,一窺印度如何成為宇宙的閃耀之星。I...

印度台北協會於「TiBE 台北國際書展」舉辦「兒童聽故事:到印度的太空世界探險 」活動,由粘忘凡 (蕃薯姊姊)帶領小朋友探索印度的太空之旅。從「月船」探測到「火星船」,小朋友深入了解印度英勇的「追星之路」,一窺印度如何成為宇宙的閃耀之星。

India Taipei Association held “Children Storytelling: India’s Cosmic Tales: A Journey Through Space” at TiBe, picture book author Sky Nien took children on a magical journey through the cosmos, guided by India’s incredible space achievements! From the lunar wonders of Chandrayaan to the Martian mysteries explored by Mangalyaan, young kids discovered how India has reached for the stars and beyond.

印度台北協會於「TiBE 台北國際書展」舉辦「兒童動手做:木偶書籤與印度民間故事」活動,由印度藝術家 Vandana Mengane 帶領小朋友探索印度兒童故事《多拉與馬魯》。Mengane 現場教導孩子製作印度傳統木頭偶戲娃娃Kathpu...

印度台北協會於「TiBE 台北國際書展」舉辦「兒童動手做:木偶書籤與印度民間故事」活動,由印度藝術家 Vandana Mengane 帶領小朋友探索印度兒童故事《多拉與馬魯》。Mengane 現場教導孩子製作印度傳統木頭偶戲娃娃Kathputli的書籤。Kathputli源於印度西部拉賈斯坦邦,以鮮豔服飾、精緻工藝和生動故事聞名,已流傳數個世紀,是印度文化中不可錯過的元素。

India Taipei Association held “Children DiY: Kathputli Puppetry Bookmark with Indian Folktale Story Session” at TiBe, Indian artist Vandana Mengane made children explore the enchanting folktales of Dhola and Maru, and taught them to enjoy the DiY bookmarks inspired Kathputli puppet. Kathputli is a traditional form of string puppetry originating from Rajasthan in western India. Known for its vibrant costumes, intricate craftsmanship, and dynamic storytelling, Kathputli puppetry has been an integral part of Indian folk culture for centuries.

印度台北協會於「 TiBE 台北國際書展 」設置專屬展區,展示印度太空文學及各項太空成就。葉達夫會長出席開幕儀式,並與現場書迷熱情互動。攤位上也提供有獎問答和兒童繪畫活動,吸引許多家長孩子共同參與。India Taipei Associat...

印度台北協會於「 TiBE 台北國際書展 」設置專屬展區,展示印度太空文學及各項太空成就。葉達夫會長出席開幕儀式,並與現場書迷熱情互動。攤位上也提供有獎問答和兒童繪畫活動,吸引許多家長孩子共同參與。

India Taipei Association showcased Indian books related to space and literature celebrating India’s space achievements at the India Pavilion at the Taipei International Book Exhibition (TiBE). Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav attended the opening ceremony and engaged with other bibliophiles. The pavilion also featured quiz activities and a children‘s painting area, which saw enthusiastic participation from children and their parents.

TiBE 台北國際書展印度特別講座~從書卷到銀幕:從樂舞論談印度敘事藝術 由EX-亞洲劇團藝術總監江譚佳彥,以及衛武營國家藝術文化中心戲劇顧問耿一偉,兩位專家深入探討印度表演藝術遠古經典著作《樂舞論》。《樂舞論》奠定印度文學、戲劇、詩歌與表...

TiBE 台北國際書展印度特別講座


時間:2月8日 (週六) 11:45-12:45
地點:TiBE 台北國際書展~國際沙龍

TiBE India Special Forum - From Page to Screen: Natyashastra and the Indian Way of Storytelling

Natyashastra is an ancient treaty in India about performance. It has significantly influenced Indian literature, drama, poetry, and performance arts. Till date Natyashastra’s theories continue to shape Indian storytelling, influencing modern theatre and movies.

Speakers: Art Director of EX-Theatre Asia Chongtham Jayanta Meetei & Consultant of National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts – Weiwuying Yi-Wei Keng

Time: Feb 8th (Sat) 11:45-12:45

Venue: Taipei International Book Exhibition - International Salon

EX-亞洲劇團跨文化舞臺劇《迦爾納》明天2 月 7 日 於苗栗登場!本場演出為2025 Bharat Rang Mahotsav印度國際戲劇節行前公演,改編自印度著名史詩《摩訶婆羅多》,融合台灣戲曲元素,精彩呈現悲劇英雄迦爾納的故事。精彩可...

EX-亞洲劇團跨文化舞臺劇《迦爾納》明天2 月 7 日 於苗栗登場!

本場演出為2025 Bharat Rang Mahotsav印度國際戲劇節行前公演,




演出時間:2025 年 2 月 7 日(星期五)晚上 19:00

演出地點:苗栗縣政府文化觀光局 中正堂演藝廳


The theatre work “Karna” by EX-Theatre Asia is coming to Miaoli TOMORROW!

This is the pre-trip special session of “Karna” in Miaoli which will then be featured at 2025 Bharat Rang Mahotsav (BRM), the Indian International Theatre Festival in India.

This play is an India-Taiwan cross-boarder production based on the Indian epic Mahabharata.

Date: 2025 Feb. 7 (Fri.) at 19:00
(Duration is approximately 150 minutes with no intermission)
Venue: Miaoli County Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Zhongzheng Hall Performing Arts

Theater(Address: No. 50, Zizhi Road, Miaoli City)

Performance Language: Hindi, Chinese

Subtitles: Chinese, English

Tickets link

台北燈節印度花燈介紹:    • 月船三號月船三號探測器是印度太空探索月球的輝煌篇章,於2023年成功登陸月球南極,讓印度成為全球首個達成此壯舉的國家,為人類探月科技開啟全新紀元。「地球同步衛星運載火箭」是印度國產的火箭,用來運載並發射月船...


• 月船三號

• 印度國會大廈

• 致敬印度號列車

• 印度門

• 莫特拉板球場

• 團結雕像

📅 亮燈時間:2025年2月2至16日17:00 - 22:00
📍 地點:北門友好燈區,福星國小前
📌 地圖連結 👉

Indian Lantern at 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival:

India’s third lunar exploration mission, successfully landed its robotic explorer near the Moon's south pole on August 23, 2023, marking a historic milestone as India became the first country to achieve this feat. The indigenous GSLV Mk III rocket, India’s most powerful launch vehicle, carried the lander and rover into space, showcasing India's growing prowess in space exploration.

The new Indian Parliament building:
The new Indian Parliament building seamlessly blends modern architecture with traditional designs from across India. This eco-friendly structure, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, stands as a testament to India's democracy, sustainability, and progress.

Vande Bharat Express trains:
Vande Bharat Express trains, designed and built indigenously, are super fast trains revolutionizing rail travel by offering convenient and affordable connectivity between cities within a distance of 800 km.

India Gate:
India Gate is an iconic landmark in New Delhi, honours the memory of over 70,000 soldiers who served in World War I. Nearby, the National War Memorial stands as a tribute to the valour of the Indian armed forces.

The Motera Cricket Stadium:
The Motera Cricket Stadium, also known as Narendra Modi Stadium, is located in Gujarat, a western state of India. It is the largest cricket venue in the world, with a seating capacity of over 132,000 fans.

The Statue of Unity:
The Statue of Unity, the tallest statue in the world at 182 meters, is situated in Gujarat, a western state of India. It honours Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a prominent independence leader and statesman.

📅 Lighting Schedule: February 2–16, 2025, 17:00–22:00
📍 Location: Beimen International Friendship Area, in front of Fu Xing Elementary School
📌 Map Link 👉

爲紀念印度台北協會(ITA)成立30週年並促進印台人民之間的交流,ITA特別參與2025台北燈節展示大型印度花燈。ITA葉達夫會長帶領臺北蔣萬安市長一同欣賞印度花燈,並介紹花燈上各項印度知名地標。📅 亮燈時間:2025年2月2至16日17:...


📅 亮燈時間:2025年2月2至16日17:00 - 22:00
📍 地點:北門友好燈區,福星國小前
📌 地圖連結 👉

India Taipei Association (ITA) participated in the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival, celebrating the 30th anniversary of its establishment and promoting people-to-people relations. Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav showcased the Indian lanterns to the Mayor of Taipei, Mr. Wan-An Chiang, and introduced some of India’s famous landmarks featured on the lantern.

📅 Lighting Schedule: February 2–16, 2025, 17:00–22:00
📍 Location: Beimen International Friendship Area, in front of Fu Xing Elementary School
📌 Map Link 👉

印度太空探索再創新里程!近日印度太空組織完成第100次任務,見證印度太空之旅的驚人成就。我們將把印度太空之旅帶到今年「TiBE 台北國際書展」,印度專屬攤位(A1211)上將展示各項太空成就,從創紀錄的衛星發射到無數深具啟發的宇宙故事,各年...


我們將把印度太空之旅帶到今年「TiBE 台北國際書展」,印度專屬攤位(A1211)上將展示各項太空成就,從創紀錄的衛星發射到無數深具啟發的宇宙故事,各年齡層都歡迎參加。


📅 02/05 13:00-14:00
📍 台北書展兒童沙龍


India’s space achievements have reached a historic milestone with *ISRO’s 100th launch from Sriharikota*—a proud testament to India’s journey in exploring the cosmos.

We’re bringing this excitement to this year’s Taipei International Book Exhibition (TiBE) where incredible legacy of India’s space journey comes to life with the theme *”India’s Space Achievements”* at the Indian Pavilion at Booth A1211. From groundbreaking satellite launches to inspiring cosmic tales, there’s something for everyone!

Don’t miss *Sky Nien’s storytelling session*, “India’s Cosmic Tales: A Journey Through Space,” at the TiBE Children’s Salon.
📅 02/05 13:00-14:00
📍 Children’s Salon, TiBE

Join us and discover the wonders of India’s space journey!

印度台北協會葉達夫會長接受民視新聞春節專訪,他分享印度南部新年豐收節的習俗,及印度瑜珈傳統。Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav was interviewed by Formosa TV on the...


Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav was interviewed by Formosa TV on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, where he talked about customs of Pongal Festival from southern India as well as yoga traditions.




India Taipei Association wishes everyone a Happy Lunar New Year 🧧 Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav extends his best wishes for the Year of the Snake in a special message.

為慶祝印度台北協會成立 30 週年,葉達夫會長特別撰寫專文講述印度台灣長存的深厚友誼。Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav wrote an article on the 30 years of est...

為慶祝印度台北協會成立 30 週年,葉達夫會長特別撰寫專文講述印度台灣長存的深厚友誼。

Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav wrote an article on the 30 years of establishment of India Taipei Association and the enduring friendship between India and Taiwan.

自由時報 Liberty Times

台北時報 Taipei Times

Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan

印度台北協會在會內舉辦印度 76 週年國慶活動,並揭開印度三色國旗表慶祝。葉達夫會長宣讀印度總統國慶文告摘錄。活動中還有印度社群帶來精采演出,為活動增添活力。India Taipei Association celebrated the 7...

印度台北協會在會內舉辦印度 76 週年國慶活動,並揭開印度三色國旗表慶祝。葉達夫會長宣讀印度總統國慶文告摘錄。活動中還有印度社群帶來精采演出,為活動增添活力。

India Taipei Association celebrated the 76th Republic Day with unfurling of the tricolor at its premises. In his remarks to the gathering, Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav also read some excerpts from the President of India’s address to the nation. The event featured captivating performances by community members, adding a vibrant touch to the celebrations.

印度台北協會葉達夫會長接受鏡電視春節專訪,他分享印度家鄉新年傳統和特色美食。Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav was interviewed by Mirror TV on the occasion...


Director General Mr. Manharsinh Yadav was interviewed by Mirror TV on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, where he talked about cuisine and customs of new year from his place of origin.


印度台北協會舉辦 76 週年國慶酒會,並歡慶在台成立30週年。台灣各界朋友齊聚祝賀,期許印度與台灣的深厚友誼長長久久,商貿繁榮、科技合作,及人與人的交流蓬勃發展。India Taipei Association organized a re...

印度台北協會舉辦 76 週年國慶酒會,並歡慶在台成立30週年。台灣各界朋友齊聚祝賀,期許印度與台灣的深厚友誼長長久久,商貿繁榮、科技合作,及人與人的交流蓬勃發展。

India Taipei Association organized a reception celebrating the 76th Republic Day of India and the 30th anniversary of establishment of India Taipei Association. People from all walks of life gathered to celebrate the enduring friendship between India and Taiwan as well as the prosperous economic and technological partnership and people-to-people relations between the two sides.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:30


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