網站及市場上我們都稱『 J.F.Y. TOUR喜唯旅行社 』
而『 J.F.Y. 』取自公司服務宗旨 "Just For You" 之字首縮寫,致力於專業、全力服務顧客,甚至做到客製化的旅行規劃服務。
我們在2017年10月成立了專營海洋生態探索的潛水旅遊部門,以JFY做延伸取名為『Just For You To Dive』,年輕世代慣用偕音來操作網路,故我們以4來替代For,而以2來替代To,其中文名也從喜唯做延伸稱之為『喜潛水假期』,並以喜的偕音Sea為名而成了《SeaDiving Holidays喜潛水假期》,Slogan為 Just 4U2 Dive,致力於提供專業、安全、舒適的親水行程服務,並持續提供客製化的旅遊規劃服務。
我們提供國內外的潛水假期,包括東北角、綠島及小琉球在內的國內潛水勝地;及印尼、菲律賓、帛琉等東南亞國家的知名潛點,與澳洲大堡礁、陽光海岸等;如果您有不在列表的潛點需求,也歡迎與我們連絡,我們已有超過 17年的潛水旅遊辦團經驗,並與全球超過 42間渡假村與船公司合作,提供專業與安全的旅遊規劃服務。無論您是個人、獨立教練、潛水俱樂部、或是旅遊同業都歡迎與我們連絡。
Civic Tour Travel Agency is established in September 2006. We are called the J.F.Y. tour in industry. The name of JFY is come from our service purposes as “Just For You”, we are dedicated to professional, full service to customers, and even customized travel planning services.
Since the diving population is increasing, we started to co-op with industrial leading diving club as USPC in late 2017. Then, the “SeaDiving Holidays” is inherited the creation of the concept to launch new services as Just For You To Dive, aka Just 4U2 Dive!
So far, we provide diving packages and training course in three locations. We even build an alliance to link those three training centres in Northeast Coast, Green Island and Liuqiu.
The Northeast Coast is located in Longdong Bay marine park, which also a diving training field in north Taiwan, where about 70min to drive from Taipei city. The Green Island is one of the famous diving locations in eastern Taiwan, where about 70min by boat from Taitung. The Liuqiu is the only coal island in Taiwan, where located in southern Taiwan sea. This tiny island has the tone of sea turtles, where is a great place to have underwater tango with them.
Quality is the only insist the most prerequisite for JFY Tour, we hope those trips to become the most beautiful memories of your life.