Taiwan Tour Guide Center-MyProGuide

Taiwan Tour Guide Center-MyProGuide MyProGuide is a tour guide center for booking and selling guidance service. We support licensed guid






有想參加關於故宮、奇美博物館、羅浮宮的行程嗎?歡迎私訊我們了解更多 📩

或是了解更多一日遊/半日遊/客製行程詳情可以私訊我們,或是寄信至 [email protected]

International Museum Day 🏛️ on May 18 was established by the International Council of Museums 🎓(ICOM) in 1977 to raise global awareness of museums and cultural heritage. This year's theme, "Museums for Education and Research," 👨‍🎓 highlights museums as not just repositories of knowledge but also centers for education and research.📚

On this day, most museums 🏛️ in Taiwan offer free admission, guided tours, performances, markets,🛒 and workshops, 🔧attracting public participation and providing rich experiences in history 🏰, art🎨, and science🧪. Museums foster curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking 🥼and serve as hubs for the exploration and dissemination of new knowledge📡.

This year's theme aligns with the United Nations' 🇺🇳 Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing quality education 🧑🏻‍🏫and innovation. Let's explore the wisdom museums offer on International Museum Day and create a future where knowledge sharing, innovation, and tradition coexist🤝.

MyProGuide also offers many museum-related day tours. Have you participated in any of them?

Want to know more about National Palace Museum, Chimei Museum, Louvre museum day tour? DM us for more!!! 📩

For more details or customize private tours, you can message us via LINE ID or email us [email protected].

#國際博物館日 #博物館 #故宮 #羅浮宮 #藝術 #歷史文化 #科學教育 #大英博物館 #研究




Thank you to all the moms for their daily dedication and sacrifice! 🦸‍♀

Happy Mother's Day 🍰 to all the moms around the world! 🤱

Love should be timely.❤️

Take the opportunity during the holiday to express love💝 to your moms and feel free to take them on a trip together🤗.

#母親節 #母親節快樂 #母親節禮物 #家族旅行


Happy Labor Day on May 1st! Thank you to each guide for your hard work and dedication in leading tours every day. 😊


#五一勞動節 #國際勞動節 #職場 #勞動節快樂

【MyProGuide x Thailand】跟著專業導遊遊玩泰國💦🐘不管是半日遊還是一日遊,在MyProGuide 都能找到最適合你的遊玩方式🏝️MyProGuide x Thailand🦒在信義遠東百貨A13 四樓參加泰國文化節,歡迎到...

【MyProGuide x Thailand】

不管是半日遊還是一日遊,在MyProGuide 都能找到最適合你的遊玩方式🏝️
MyProGuide x Thailand🦒在信義遠東百貨A13 四樓參加泰國文化節,歡迎到場一起尋找「泰」適合你的旅程🇹🇭


【MyProGuide x Thailand】

Explore Thailand with professional guides! 💦🐘

Whether it‘s a half-day or full-day tour, MyProGuide has the perfect way for you to experience it. 🏝️

Join MyProGuide x Thailand 🦒at the Thailand Cultural Festival on the 4th floor of Far Eastern Department Store Xinyi A13 Store, and discover the perfect ”Thai“ journey for you. 🇹🇭

Discount vouchers are available on-site for you to claim! 😊

#泰國文化節 #曼谷 #清邁 #大城 #芭達雅 #專業導遊 #客製化旅遊 #旅行 #一日遊 #泰國 #泰國旅遊 #自由行

導遊實戰班二期已經順利結束,感謝Jady老師與所有參與的學員們。期待每位導遊可以早點帶領世界各地的遊客暢遊台灣🥰 #專業導遊




Hello everyone! I'm the Love Deity, also known as the Cupid of Taiwan! 💗If you're facing any love troubles, seeking your...

Hello everyone!
I'm the Love Deity, also known as the Cupid of Taiwan! 💗

If you're facing any love troubles, seeking your soulmate, or even planning a successful proposal, I'm waiting for you at the Xia-Hai City God Temple in Taipei old town Dadaocheng!

Speaking of Dadaocheng, besides the temple, there are plenty of charming shops and delicious food stalls, including my favorite sweets!
But if you can't make it out for any reason, worry not!

You can now join the Dadaocheng Online Tour presented by for free by simply entering  

🙌 Scan the QR code in the image to join the English-guided tour of Dadaocheng!





Taiwan had a big earthquake on April 3rd, causing major changes to its beautiful landscapes. We hope everyone is safe and pray for Taiwan's safety.

One famous place in Taiwan, Taroko National Park, got damaged from the earthquake. So, it's closed until the Taroko National Park management fix it.

Let us wish the full restoration and recovery of these beautiful landscapes, hoping for the opportunity to once again admire their magnificent beauty.

Image📷/ Taroko National Park Administration Office

#太魯閣國家公園 #自然景觀 #峽谷地形 #花蓮 #太魯閣峽谷 #燕子口 #九曲洞 #長春祠 #小錐麓步道 #砂卡噹步道 #地震


清明節(Tomb Sweeping Day)是華人其中一個最重要的傳統節日,也是少數與西曆大致吻合的節日之一。


Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) is one of the most important traditional holidays for Chinese people, and it is also one of the few holidays that roughly corresponds to the solar calendar.

On this day, people not only pay respects to their ancestors and reminisce about the past, but also engage in activities such as hiking, getting close to nature, welcoming new life and the arrival of spring, demonstrating reverence and gratitude towards life and nature.

#清明節 #節氣 #掃墓 #踏青 #思念 #節日 #廉價 #傳統文化 #寒食節 #潤餅 #草仔粿 #細雨紛紛 #祭祖

【活動公告】MyProGuide將於4/20舉行第二期的導遊實戰班,由MyProGuide資深導遊—Jady黃之瑜老師授課,協助新手導遊快速成長茁壯,歡迎希望能在導遊職業生涯中更進一步的導遊們,來參與我們的課程。➤ 課程內容- 學員將實地學...



➤ 課程內容
- 學員將實地學習旅客來台旅遊的必訪地點,包括野柳、九份、十分,並觀摩資深導遊的帶團技巧。
- 透過實際演練,學員將有機會接觸外國遊客,並培養專業級導覽能力。
- 考核通過後,學員將有機會成為MyProGuide的專任導遊!

➤ 行前預備培訓
- 課程時間:2024/4/19 (五)19:00~21:00

➤ 實戰一日遊走訪課程
- 課程時間:2024/4/20 (六) 8:30~18:00
- 走訪景點:野柳、九份、十分
- 上下車集合地點:台北火車站西一門
- 當日集合時間:8:15 am

➤ 講師介紹

黃之瑜 老師 MyProGuide資深導遊

➤ 申請條件
- 帶團經驗:0 ~ 3年以下
- 已領有中華民國導遊證(外語優先)
- 考核通過後,實際帶團天數每月可達15-20天以上者

➤ 實戰班流程
- 即日起 至 2024/4/15 ~ 報名、初步面試
- 2024/4/19 ~ 行前準備培訓
- 2024/4/20 ~ 一日遊實際走訪
- 2024/4/21 開始 ~ 一對一見習、一對一實習考核

➤ 報名費用:2800元/人 (含午餐、保險)


#專業導遊 #新手導遊培訓 #旅遊 #一日遊行程

【Strawberries Collecting / Miaoli & Hsinchu】I believe everyone has felt that it’s been COLD in Taiwan, which also means ...

【Strawberries Collecting / Miaoli & Hsinchu】

I believe everyone has felt that it’s been COLD in Taiwan, which also means it’s the season of STRAWBERRIES!

Some cities in Taiwan provide the opportunities for visitors to collect their own strawberries or cherry tomatoes!

Sometimes with the season changing, there are also oranges or other types of fruits planted.

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【Hsinchu / Shie-Pa National Park】The second highest mountain in Taiwan, Xue Mountain (Hsuehshan) is located at this beau...

【Hsinchu / Shie-Pa National Park】

The second highest mountain in Taiwan, Xue Mountain (Hsuehshan) is located at this beautiful national park.

Xue mountain originally got her name “Sekoan” from the indigenous group “Atayal,” which means fissures of the cliff.

Want to know more about Taiwan 🇹🇼 or more about us ?
You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【Tea Tasting - Dadaocheng/Jiufen】Taiwan, famous for its Oriental Beauty Tea in the 1960s, is still now home to various t...

【Tea Tasting - Dadaocheng/Jiufen】

Taiwan, famous for its Oriental Beauty Tea in the 1960s, is still now home to various tea with unique tastes.

Many places in Taiwan offer the chances to experience tea tasting and the travelers are allowed to learn more about tea.

For example in Taipei City, there’s the area of Dadaocheng, while at Jiufen, there are many different tea houses as well.

If you’re interested in joining our tea tour with night view at Jiufen, check out the link 🔗


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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【Golden Paper/Silver Paper - Taiwanese Folk Belief】Do you see all the golden paper in temples while visiting Taiwan? Do ...

【Golden Paper/Silver Paper - Taiwanese Folk Belief】

Do you see all the golden paper in temples while visiting Taiwan? Do you know what it’s for?

A) To decorate the gods’ / our ancestors’ houses in the other world.
B) The money of the other world.
C) The tissue paper of the other world.

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【Tamsui Riverbank, Taipei】Tamsui River, the third longest river in Taiwan, has been the witness of historical changes in...

【Tamsui Riverbank, Taipei】

Tamsui River, the third longest river in Taiwan, has been the witness of historical changes in north Taiwan.

In 1629, the Spanish people first entered Taiwan via Tamsui river. They named the river “Casidor,” and it was then the river turned into one of the most valuable river of Taiwan.

Want to know more about Taiwan 🇹🇼 or more about us ?
You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【Taipei Street View】The golden sunshine showers on the landscape of Taipei. Come to explore the city with us! Click the ...

【Taipei Street View】

The golden sunshine showers on the landscape of Taipei.
Come to explore the city with us!
Click the link to check out what we have 👉 https://lnk.bio/MyProGuide

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【ChiaMing Lake - Taitung】With the name of “The Tear of Angel,” ChiaMing Lake for sure has one of the best view in Taiwan...

【ChiaMing Lake - Taitung】

With the name of “The Tear of Angel,” ChiaMing Lake for sure has one of the best view in Taiwan.

Lots of people plan the hike to ChiaMing Lake for at least 3 days, while some even have the entire hike for 4 days depending on their needs. Hence, please do make sure to plan well and bring the right equipment with you if you are targeting the splendid lake.

Amazing photograph thanks to .00

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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🎊 Welcome ! 2024! 🎊MyProGuide wishes you the best. May your new year be joyful and amazing!🥰MyProGuide預祝大家新年快樂! #2024   ...

🎊 Welcome ! 2024! 🎊

MyProGuide wishes you the best.
May your new year be joyful and amazing!🥰



【The First Sunrise in Taiwan of the year 2024】Are you still looking for the place to see the first sunrise in Taiwan? It...

【The First Sunrise in Taiwan of the year 2024】

Are you still looking for the place to see the first sunrise in Taiwan? It’s your sign to visit Lanyu!

The stunning Orchid Island, or so called Lanyu, is located at the east side of Taiwan. There are two ways to get to Orchid Island, either by boats or by the small airplane.

Lanyu looks like the most mysterious place in Taiwan when the fog covers up the tall mountains.

YDong Qing village, which in
Tao language (the indigenous tribe in Lanyu) is called Ivazogan, literally means “the place where the sun rises first.” Ivazogan Is famous for its sunrise reputation, so seize the chance to visit while you still can!

📸 The beautiful photoshoot come from

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【Jingan Suspension Bridge】Located right next to Shifen Old Street, Jingan Suspension Bridge used to be an important port...

【Jingan Suspension Bridge】

Located right next to Shifen Old Street, Jingan Suspension Bridge used to be an important portal connecting two villages at different mountains in order to transport the coal mine.

Nowadays it’s one of the best places to have beautiful photo shoot if you ever visit Shifen!

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【Pacific Ocean - New Taipei】Have important geopolitical location, Taiwan is like a portal to enter Pacific Ocean or, on ...

【Pacific Ocean - New Taipei】

Have important geopolitical location, Taiwan is like a portal to enter Pacific Ocean or, on the other hand, to enter Asia.

When the weather is great, you can stand by the seaside and enjoy watching the waves. Have you joined our tour to Yehliu to learn about the history of this beautiful place yet?

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【The Sea Woman】Surrounded by the ocean, Taiwan is also famous for its seafood. Many people used to count on the ocean to...

【The Sea Woman】

Surrounded by the ocean, Taiwan is also famous for its seafood. Many people used to count on the ocean to live.

You may be able to see people, women, especially wearing like this near the harbor side. In Chinese, we call these women 海女 (The Ocean Girls). They gather the ingredients, such as seaweed, shells gelidium and more, from the ocean and sell them in markets.

The reasons why there are more women doing this job differ, but some say women are biologically smaller, so they can fit in the narrow space under water.

📸Taken at📍Yehliu Geopark, New Taipei

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【Dadaocheng - Chinese Herbal Stores】You may be familiar with the buildings and the tea at Dadaocheng area, but have you ...

【Dadaocheng - Chinese Herbal Stores】

You may be familiar with the buildings and the tea at Dadaocheng area, but have you ever pay attention to a variety of the dried goods stores on the streets?

The history can be dated back to the Japanese colonial age, the merchants then brought their merchandises all over the world to Taipei, including different Chinese medicine. However, the Chinese medicine has to be selected by the experts, so gradually the Chinese medicine stores gathered together and built up their own special street.

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【Qingtiangang Grassland - Yangmingshan National Park】Moo! Tired of the urban life and only get limited time to run away ...

【Qingtiangang Grassland - Yangmingshan National Park】

Moo! Tired of the urban life and only get limited time to run away ?
Check out Qingtiangang Grassland at Yangmingshan National Park!

A perfect place for one-day trip in Taipei, it is only about 35 minutes away from Taipei Main Station. In Qingtiangang Grassland, you can see lots of cattle which may be normal in other countries but is absolutely rare scene in Taiwan! There are also a few trails around Qingtiangang Grassland that are worth visiting!

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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#台北 #台北景點 #陽明山 #擎天岡 #北投 #打卡景點

【The place blessed by Feng Shui - Lotus Pond 】In Kaohsiung, there’s an area that has one of the highest density of templ...

【The place blessed by Feng Shui - Lotus Pond 】

In Kaohsiung, there’s an area that has one of the highest density of temples in Taiwan. Located at Old Zuoying District, welcome to the Lotus Pond.

In the middle of the pond, it is said to be the place where the Taoism Gods land in Kaohsiung if they come to visit our world. Along with the great Feng Shui, this area has more than a hundred temples.

Around the pond, there are the famous Dragon and Tiger Towers, which you should be entering from the mouth of Dragon and leave from the mouth of tiger because it signifies good fortune and saves you from the bad luck!

Isn’t it interesting to know the story of Lotus Pond? Want to know more about Taiwan 🇹🇼 or more about us ?
You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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#旅遊景點 #台灣 #高雄景點 #景點


【Limited Special Promotion - COUPONS ONLY】Starting from 28th of October, we now offer you special coupons with three Tai...

【Limited Special Promotion - COUPONS ONLY】

Starting from 28th of October, we now offer you special coupons with three Taiwanese pastries stores in Taipei Main Station!

SUNTONE Chinese Pastry is famous for Runny yolk pastry, while King's Handmade Treasure is known for both chinese AND Japanese desserts. Last but not least,
Tai Yang Tang Lao Dian is famous for Sun cake, which is a Taiwanese butter pastry.

However, please be cautious that only with the coupons, you're able to have the special discounts!

【The witness of history - Kaohsiung Harbor】During the Japanese colonial age, Kaohsiung Harbor was a crucial connection t...

【The witness of history - Kaohsiung Harbor】

During the Japanese colonial age, Kaohsiung Harbor was a crucial connection to not only the northern cities in Taiwan but also the places overseas because of the train construction. Thanks to this reason, Kaohsiung Harbor was once an important economic centre, once leading it to become the third biggest harbor in the world.

Nowadays, the Kaohsiung City Government has been trying to turn this port into a green modern harbor. With the completion of Kaohsiung Pop Music Center and Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, the skyline of Kaohsiung Harbor now is a must-see scene. Along the harbor, there are also many other attraction spots worthy of visiting, such as Pier 2 Art District. Biking in that district is as well a good choice if you have enough time in Kaohsiung.

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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#高雄 #高雄景點 #高雄美食


【2023 LGBT+ Pride Parade in Taipei】As the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage, Taiwan has been holding Pri...

【2023 LGBT+ Pride Parade in Taipei】

As the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage, Taiwan has been holding Pride Parade each year since 2003. Every last Saturday in October is when the parade occurs.

The theme this year will be “Stand With Diversity,“ hoping that regardless of the identities, everyone can live freely and unlimitedly by the stereotypes in a diverse society. On October 28th, the event held by 臺灣同志遊行 Taiwan LGBT Pride will start at 12:00 p.m. at Taipei City Hall. If you're in Taipei that day, make sure to join the parade and have lots of fun with the lovely diverse people from all around the world!

Want to know more about Taiwan 🇹🇼 or more about us ?
You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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【3 Brownish Cozy Cafe in Taipei 】Taipei, a busy city full of surprises, is home to many relaxing indie cafe. Today we se...

【3 Brownish Cozy Cafe in Taipei 】

Taipei, a busy city full of surprises, is home to many relaxing indie cafe.
Today we select three cozy cafe where you can enjoy your afternoon there and read your book with no worries.

Coffee Ho 何家人咖啡
📍13:00-19:00 Sun. Off
Flow & Row Café
📍11:00-19:00 Mon. Off
Tiny Tail Coffee 小尾咖啡
📍12:00-18:00 Mon.-Fri. 11:00-18:00 Sat.-Sun.

📸 Shout out to@naomi._.huang .fulltummy for the beautiful pictures📸

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#台北 #台北甜點 #台北咖啡廳 #咖啡廳 #不限時咖啡廳 #甜點

【 2023 Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts】You may already know about Dadaocheng was a famous area for tea busi...

【 2023 Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts】

You may already know about Dadaocheng was a famous area for tea business back in Qing Dynasty, but do you know it was also like the "Hollywood" in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial age?

Founded by Chiang Wei-shui (蔣渭水) in 1921 at Dadaocheng, Taiwanese Cultural Association(臺灣文化協會) gathered a group of intellectuals together dedicating to popularize the knowledge. Since then, New Culture Movement (新文化運動)was spread widely in Taiwan. This movement thus had big impact of literature, theater, art, music and more.

Nowadays, cofounded by Chiang Wei Shue's Cultural Foundation, Bookstore 1920's and Thinkers' Theater, Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts is held every year in October to celebrate a variety of forms of arts, from acting to music, and many other forms of performing as well. On the weekend of October 17th especially, there will be a costume parade, leading you back to the golden era of Dadaocheng back in 1920!

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You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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#大稻埕國際藝術節 #台北 #大稻埕 #網美景點 #景點 #打卡景點 #藝術節 #音樂
圖片出自 大稻埕國際藝術節 TTT IFA .festival 粉絲專頁

【Beipu Sculptures - Issac Cordal】Back in 2019, the Spanish sculptor, Issac Cordal made 9 figures for Hsinchu Beipu as a ...

【Beipu Sculptures - Issac Cordal】

Back in 2019, the Spanish sculptor, Issac Cordal made 9 figures for Hsinchu Beipu as a part of the display for The Taiwan Romantic Route 3.

The figures were inspired by Hakka culture. For example, one of them is wearing a “mino,” which is a type of traditional raincoat for farmers.

The sculptures are all displayed at interesting corners that we might neglect in our daily life, so pay more attention to look for where they are!

Check carefully in the last few pictures and see if you can find them!

Want to know more about Taiwan 🇹🇼 or more about us ?
You can DM for details or find us on ➡️https://utm.to/57veee⬅️
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#新竹 #新竹美食 #客家 #文化 #老街 #北浦


7F./6, No. 72, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Road , Zhongzheng Dist. , Taipei City, Taiwan (R. O. C. )


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MyProGuide is a professional tour guide center for booking and selling guidance service. We support licensed guides to create personal branding page on our platform. For sure, we help travelers & travel agencies to find suitable and professional local guides.

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