普一成立於1978年,是台灣唯一一家擁有生產、研發、銷售及服務量能的牙科X設備製造商,同時也是具有輻射防護相關合格執照的輻射偵測公司,為全台灣唯一兼具製造及檢測量能的專業牙科X光機廠商。堅持品質 顧客滿意 專業踏實 誠信經營是普一成立以來所堅持的理念,普一以完善的生產流程及嚴格的品管系統提供最佳的產品品質、並且以專業、踏實及客戶至上的經營服務理念,為客戶創造最大的產品價值。
普一多年來以客戶需求為中心,不斷的創新研發及進化產品的功能及品質,並以自有品牌POYE提供最完整的產品線其中包含牙科根尖X光機、全口及側顱X光機到牙科CBCT X光機,以滿足客戶及市場的需求。 POYE品牌團隊在地化的經營,提供了最專業的工程及銷售團隊服務,深入了解市場的需求並且與客戶建立密集的溝通與合作,POYE因此深受牙醫師們的肯定及支持,逐步成為台灣牙科X光設備的領導品牌。
Po Ye X-Ray Mfg. Corp is the only manufacturer of dental x-ray machines in Taiwan, founded by Yi-Chuan Liao and Ellen Ko. Since its foundation in 1978, POYE strives to pursue the quality reassurance that brings the company to be the nation's leading manufacturer of its field today. With more than 30 years of professional experience, POYE is recommended by dental health professionals for our quality service and trade honesty in the domain of Dental x-ray equipments. Worldwide exports
There is great number of dental health clinics in Taiwan today, and over 50% of these clinics trust POYE manufactured products for their outstanding quality and customer support services. POYE products are also being exported to numerous countries worldwide, with more overseas markets being developed for further export opportunities. A large product selection
POYE offer a great variety of dental x-ray equipments, including chair type, mobile unit, wall mounting type, portable type, digital panoramic and cephalometric dental x-ray unit. High quality product at an affordable price As a manufacturer, POYE provides both technical expertise and professional maintenance services. As such, POYE offers its clients the same high quality products at more affordable prices. Our guarantee to excellence, professionalism and trust
With customer satisfaction as our first priority, we commit to provide the best quality products to our clients. Contact POYE to locate your needs of professional and reliable dental x-ray equipments and after-sale support, POYE is assured to be the best option. Certificates ISO, CE and GMP