Our best moment with one's of my best ๐ family there on the right side ๐is my brother Michael and the left side ๐ my sister in law Daniela
We have our best moments today for mountain Kilimanjaro day trip. For us is way much more than a day trip or an adventure but learn and experience live positive and how good things can create a best chance for your future...
.....how many of youknows how......
๐ฎDM ME NOW.......
We share this to the world because we want you to see there is a best natural thing we can proud of..
@hollydoesstretching @wasafifm @unearthexperience @mussalubala8 @kerala_booster @boost.tz @followback.army @follow4follow_active_2022 @follow_.for_.follow.2k21 @common @@like_and_comment_share
As an ecologist we can call this a low of the minimum
Follow up with
... return material back from the soil
.....dry season
.... appetite
.... effective digestive
But all in all we can finish by saying
@bigcatsnamibia @princedullysykes @follow4followgain200k @follow_for_followback_90 @@follow_for_followback_army @followgram.55k @zamotto @pata_followers @@booty__malaya__mzoefu @@zamotto @like_4_likes_us @@seguidores.sfs @@seguidores_sdv.likee_ @@double_view_hotel_tz @@commentator_254 @@like_and_comment_share
A killing machine trying to avoid compilation
Always a food is chor to catch
...if you can't eat you will die
@@phgp2023 @ranger_africa_safaris @@rangersafari_tours_ @@leopard_trail_safaris @@gatho_adventures @@theadventurevilla @@africasafaris_tanzania @@boost.tz @@influencers_boosts @@influencer8265389 @@viewsfromsix8 @@abbos.__boost
Comparative hunting
..we hunt together
..we eat together
And if we are no enough we will hunting again together
Apart from that we have the table manners
@@rangersafaritours @@official_mr_tanapa @@ranger_africa_safaris @@boostfollowers_tanzania @@phgp2023 @@boost.tz @@follow_for_followback786 @@like_4_likes_us @@celebritycommentz @@theadventurevilla @@pata_followers @@bost_onconsultinggroup
Hunting goes by size
Everyone choose the right
If you failed
You die
@swiftbooster @followforfollowbackusa @bigcatsnamibia @whispergroowth.ng @ridahtravels @sistersofafrica.holidays @ecotourandtravel @adventure @pennytanzaniatours @whitecapes_safaris @theadventurevilla @natgeoadventure @itzz_me_boycott @simba.camp @manleadacademy @pzazzyhairs @sigodevolta_.sdv @follow_for_followback_army @hypegroupps_dinamicas
No natural mechanism is perfect
..there many ways to avoiding predator (death)
...for run,fight, stinks.wrong death n.k
But sometimes it failed
......thats why we say no natural mechanism is perfect
@@swiftbooster #perfect @followforfollowbackusa
@boost.tz @influencers_boosts @@bigcatsnamibia @@skynerhuniz @oluyinkadavids @whispergroowth.ng @douglasdaniel333 @ridahtravels
Form follows function
Body form and behavior
@swiftbooster @mbalamwezi_adventure @adventure @@ecologykatuni @eco @natgeo @followforfollowbackusa @freefollowercenter_ @followback.army @naija__gainers @influencers_boosts @wiizzboosterr.ng @@boost.tz
Game of numbers
...many are strong
...many are safe
....we can do alot if we are many
And many are threat
@@swiftbooster @@gainwith__empresss @@wiizzboosterr.ng @@boost.tz @@followforfollowbackusa @@natgeo @@freefollowercenter_ @@followback.army @@realgaiins @@influencers_boosts @@bobby_thepsycho @@influencer.digital._ @@gain
Inborn instinct
...the young zebro know the danger before the danger happened and run
....no school.
...no lecture
.... nature rule
....small injury in nature can couse you a death
@@natgeo @@gain_with_wizdjo @@natgeo @@realgaiins @@wiizzboosterr.ng @@naija__gainers @@boost.tz @@freefollowercenter_ @@_sync_kenya_ @@followback.army @@gain_naija @@followforfollowbackusa @@jaycozelke @@wasafitv @@bestcruzi @@mbalamwezi_adventure @@zaratanzaniaadventures @@adventure @@gecko.adventure