SERE Adventure Safari

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Stonetown Activities
Olduvai Gorge Exploring

Tanzania unforgettable

Tanzania unforgettable

The Tarangire National Park is known as a wonderful birding destination and also features large numbers of game, particu...

The Tarangire National Park is known as a wonderful birding destination and also features large numbers of game, particularly during the dry season, when the Tarangire River is the only source of water in the area.

The landscape is of particular interest too, due to the high number of scenic baobab trees.

Explore Tarangire National Park

The Great MigrationAfrica’s race for life.The journey for the key players in the Great Migration, the roughly two millio...

The Great Migration

Africa’s race for life.

The journey for the key players in the Great Migration, the roughly two million wildebeest, starts in the south of the Serengeti, with the birth of half a million calves between January and March. A favourite season for many of the seasoned Serengeti guides: the air during these months is full of new life and action. Read all about Africa's biggest wildlife event on this page.

in short in detail when to visit? enquiry

Why do wildebeest migrate?

The 800 kilometer trek of the immense wildebeest herd is the largest mammal migration on earth. The timing of the migration coincides with greening of nutritious grasses on the short-grass plains during the wet season. These areas are safer because predators can be easily spotted making it an ideal place for calving. However, the plains dry and the wildebeest are forced to move in search of greener pastures in the western corridor. The northern extension of the ecosystem has the highest rainfall, but the grasses are least nutritious. This is the dry season retreat for the wildebeest, at least until the south becomes green again. The result is a clockwise movement from the south, west, north, and back to the south.

The Great Migration in short

A better representation of the circle of life probably cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The journey starts in Southern Serengeti when wildebeest calves are being born. Predators like lions and hyenas are constantly hunting for babies, and thousands and thousands of calves are born within a couple weeks of each other – a feast for the eyes of true wildlife enthusiasts.

When the drought comes in May, the herd moves north, towards the Masai Mara in Kenya, chomping down the high green grass, quickly followed by the gazelles and zebras. The migration is not without risk: crossing rivers means facing about 3,000 crocodiles, patiently waiting for a kill. Not to mention the famous Serengeti lion population: by far the largest in Afri

3  night 4 days safari

3 night 4 days safari

Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania, it is located in Manyara Region. The name of the...

Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania, it is located in Manyara Region. The name of the park originates from the Tarangire River that crosses the park. The Tarangire River is the primary source of fresh water for wild animals in the Tarangire Ecosystem during the annual dry season. The Tarangire Ecosystem is defined by the long-distance migration of wildebeest and zebras. During the dry season thousands of animals concentrate in Tarangire National Park from the surrounding wet-season dispersal and calving areas.
It covers an area of approximately 2,850 square kilometers (1,100 square miles.) The landscape is composed of granitic ridges, river valley, and swamps. Vegetation is a mix of Acacia woodland, Commiphora-Combretum woodland, seasonally flooded grassland, and Baobab trees. The park is famous for its high density of elephants and baobab trees. Visitors to the park in the June to November dry season can expect to see large herds of thousands of zebra, wildebeest and cape buffalo. Other common resident animals include waterbuck, giraffe, dik dik, impala, eland, Grant's gazelle, vervet monkey, banded mongoose, and olive baboon. Predators in Tarangire include African lion, leopard, cheetah, caracal, honey badger, and African wild dog.Home to more than 550 bird species, the park is a haven for bird enthusiasts.
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Materuni waterfall

Materuni waterfall

Our clients taking lunch at mandara hurt

Our clients taking lunch at mandara hurt

NDUTU REGION TANZANIA.The Ndutu Region forms part of the northern section of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and stretches ...


The Ndutu Region forms part of the northern section of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and stretches to the unfenced southern reaches of the Serengeti National Park, a meeting point between these two incredible wilderness areas. This section of the park is made up of rolling grasslands peppered with alkaline lakes that attract flocks of flamingos, as well as acacia woodlands.
There’s year-round resident wildlife (such as giraffe, elephant, hyena and various antelope species) in the Ndutu Region, and you can spot animals around the waterholes during the dry season from June to November. Look out for the six cat species – lion, cheetah, leopard, serval, African wild cat and caracal – that are present throughout the year.
The best months to visit the Ndutu Region are from December, when the Great Migration herds start to arrive from the north, until April when the millions of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle have trekked northwards again. In the early months of the year – with a peak in February – the wildebeest herds are calving on the verdant grassy plains: thousands upon thousands of baby animals are born every day, attracting the attention of cheetah, lion and hyena.
A big draw of the Ndutu Region is to see the full circle of the Great Migration, from the return of the herds to graze in December, and then the calving which takes place in January and February, and then the departure of the herds again in April as they start making their journey northwards. Calving season is particularly dramatic: a million wildebeest give birth to 8000 babies every day, and as these newborns take their first steps, they’re targeted by lion, leopard, cheetah and hyena.
The prime game viewing spot in the Ndutu Region is around Lake Ndutu, where enormous herds congregate between December and April to graze and calve. The forests and granite kopjes around Lake Ndutu are also home to lots of game outside of the migration months.
Sightings of six species of cats – leopard, lion, cheetah, caracal, African wildcat and serval – are a big highlight of visiting the Ndutu Region. You can spot the cats throughout the year, but the best viewing is during the calving months of January and February, when these predators pick on the fledgling baby animals.
A trip to Ndutu is not just about wildlife and landscapes – there’s incredible cultural heritage to explore too. Lying within the Ndutu Region, Olduvai Gorge (also known as Oldupai – the correct Maasai spelling of the word) is one of the world’s most significant paleoanthropological sites, thanks to the discovery of the earliest evidence of the existence of our human ancestors. Visit the dramatic ravine and spend some time in the museum to learn about the fascinating excavations and discoveries that have taken place here. A visit to Olduvai Gorge should be combined with a stop at the nearby Shifting Sands: mysterious and beautiful dunes formed of volcanic ash that move with the winds.
For adventurous travellers, you can do multi-day walking safaris starting in the Ndutu Region and heading into the highlands of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and for the very intrepid, you can combine the walking safari with an ascent up the active volcano of Ol Doinyo Lengai.
Day trips to the Ngorongoro Crater are a highlight of staying in the Ndutu Region. The remains of a massive volcano, the Ngorongoro is one of the most superb wilderness areas on the continent, and boasts some of the greatest populations of animals – particularly predators – found in Africa
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First introductionCoffee was firstly introduced in Kilimanjaro by Catholic missionaries in the year 1898.Botanical Varie...

First introduction

Coffee was firstly introduced in Kilimanjaro by Catholic missionaries in the year 1898.

Botanical Variety grown

Bourbon and Kent

Economic importance

Directly coffee is grown by about 450,000 families. This constitutes 90% of the total coffee producers. The remaining 10% comes from the estates. Indirectly coffee make a living for 6% (2.4 million) of the country population which is currently estimates to be 40 million.

Growing regions

Tanzanian Arabica coffees are grown on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru in the Northern areas, under the shade of banana trees, truly an exotic location for this east African coffee, also in Southern Highlands of Songwe, Mbeya and Ruvuma regions where coffee is both intercropped with bananas and some areas are pure stand. Arabica coffee makes up to 70% of total country production.
Robusta coffee is grown in the western areas along Lake Victoria in Kagera region. This constitutes 30% of the total coffee production in Tanzania.

Area under coffee

It is estimated that total area under coffee is 265,000 hectares for both Arabica and robusta.


Robusta – 800 to 900 masl
Arabica - 1,000 to 2,500 masl


Average production is for the past five years (2004/05 – 2008/09) is 51,777 tons of clean coffee.

Harvesting period (main crop)

North: July – December
Southern: July –December
Western: May – October

Primary processing

98% of arabicas are wet processed.

Dry processing

Tanzania opted for British nomenclature of grading which is done according to shape, size and density. These grades includes; AA, A, B, PB, C, E, F, AF, TT, UG and TEX

Coffee sales

There are three coffee markets-

Internal market – where farmers sale at farm gate price to private coffee buyers, farmer groups and cooperative. Coffee is sold in form of cherry or parchment.

Auction – Coffee auctions are conducted every week on Thursdays during the season (usually 9 months). Licenced exporters come to the auction and buy coffee from suppliers who can be individual farmer, groups, and cooperative or from private buyers.

Direct export. Growers of premium top grade coffees are allowed to bypass the auction and sale their coffee directly. Direct export enables growers to establish long term relationship with roasters and international traders

Cup profile

Northern coffees tend to be pleasant in aroma, rich in acidity and body, sweet taste with balanced flavours due to mineral nutrients from volcanic soils.

Southern coffees are characteristically medium body and fine acidity with good fruity and floral aromatic taste.

Local consumption

Internal usage is increasing from 2% of total production in 2003 to 7% this year.


Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) – Industry regulator on all matters pertaining to production and marketing

Tanzania Coffee Development Trust Fund, (TCDF) - managing stakeholders, resources for coffee development activities

Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TACRI) – Coffee Research institute
Tanzania Coffee Association (TCA) – Private Association of Coffee Traders
Tanganyika Coffee Growers Association (TCGA) – Association of Coffee Estate growers
For booking and more information
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Entandrophragma excelsum, is Africa's tallest indigenous tree native to tropical East Africaand occurs in eastern D.R.of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawiand Zambia. This species is scattered in areas of upland semi-deciduous forest, in mid-altitude and montane rainforest, at (925 –) 1280 – 2150 altitude. It is locally also found in riverine forest.

Largest extant specimen of Entandophragma Excelsum (Swahili Mkukusu) at the slopes of Kilimanjaro (Mbokomu Moshi rural) measured at 81.5 m, being the tallest known tree in Africa. It's about 14 km from the highway

Near to this tree you will be able to visit Mbokomu waterfalls which is one of the best waterfalls in Kilimanjaro Tanzania. Different species of birds and trees, Also coffee farms banana farms and local bar you don't have to stay far from this amazing cool and attractive place in Moshi make unforgettable tour in your trip to Moshi.
The place allow you to camp and enjoy fire nights with amazing birds sounds.

A tour to Materuni Village and Waterfalls is a great way to spend a day away from the bustle of town life. The walk to M...

A tour to Materuni Village and Waterfalls is a great way to spend a day away from the bustle of town life. The walk to Materuni Waterfall offers a glimpse into the nature of Tanzania allowing you either to prepare your body for the forthcoming climb to Kilimanjaro or ease your muscles after the climb.

The tour starts with a walk to Materuni Waterfall. It is an opportunity to see how local fruit like avocados, mangos, lemons, and bananas grow, as well as learn some of the local history, traditions, village economy, agricultural and cultural life. When you get to the waterfall, you can refresh yourself in the natural pool, so swimsuits will come in handy!

The tour will continue with a visit to the local village lying in the coffee plantations. The villagers will demonstrate the process of coffee farming and guide you through the preparation of coffee from a bean to a cup. Sing and dance along with the Chaga people as they are grinding, roasting and boiling the beans. When the coffee is ready, villagers will serve lunch - a national Chagga meal.
Region: Kilimanjaro
For booking and more information
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The Mkomazi National Park is a magnificent, 3,245 square kilometre national park in northern Tanzania. Remote and initia...

The Mkomazi National Park is a magnificent, 3,245 square kilometre national park in northern Tanzania. Remote and initially inaccessible, it was established in 1951, but never attracted the financial support provided for the better known wildlife strongholds such as the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Parks. Only since 1989, when the Tanzanian Government re-examined the reserve’s status and designated it a National Priority Project, has its true significance and importance been recognized.
From 2021 the Rhino sanctuary can be visited by tourist.
Nowadays it is good accessible. From MamboViewPoint it is only one and a half hour drive to the Kamakota entrance.

The Mkomazi National Park is a spectacular wilderness. Within sight to the northwest is Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest summit. To the south, the Pare and Usambara Mountains form a dramatic backdrop and, to the north, Kenya’s vast Tsavo National Park shares a border with Mkomazi, making common ground for migratory herds of elephant, oryx and zebra during the wet season. Together with Tsavo, it forms one of the largest and most important protected ecosystems on earth.

Mkomazi is the southern tip of the Sahel zone. It is a classic dry-country reserve of grey-green nyika bush, ancient baobab trees and isolated rocky hills. Elsewhere, the seas of bush give way to open savannah woodlands of umbrella acacias and mbugas – shallow valleys of grassland.

The animals, too, are typical of the arid nyika. Giraffe, oryx, gerenuk, hartebeest, lesser kudu, eland, impala and Grant’s gazelle share the reserve with elephant, buffalo, and numerous predators, including lion, leopard and cheetah. In all, 78 species of mammals have been recorded.

The birds of Mkomazi are even more numerous, with over 400 recorded species. Doves, hornbills, weavers and guinea-fowl are all present in large numbers – as well as such striking species as the martial eagle and violet wood-hoopoe

Lake Manyara national ParkA herd of elephants step out of the forest and onto a "highway" - at least by their standards....

Lake Manyara national Park

A herd of elephants step out of the forest and onto a "highway" - at least by their standards.

The ancient forests of Lake Manyara National Park are a maze of animal trails and roads, worn by generations of elephants which use them to navigate during their daily foraging.

Matriarchs lead their herds along pathways which represent the route of least resistance and lowest exertion for the elephants as they seek out water or familiar browsing spots. It is remarkable to watch the herd spread out through the forest when feeding, only to spill back onto the path when it's time to move on.

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LAKE MANYARA NATIONAL PARK – TANZANIA.Lake Manyara National Park is one of the smaller national park in Tanzania but sti...


Lake Manyara National Park is one of the smaller national park in Tanzania but still offers beautiful landscapes and is home to an interesting collection of wildlife. The alkaline lake covers about 230 km² of of all the 30 km² of the Park!. The vegetation involving swamps forests to flood plains and ending up to acacia wood plains.

Upon entering the Lake Manyara National Park visitors are greeted by ground water forest which boasts with ancient mahogany trees, giant fig trees as well as kapok trees. It is a common site to see the crystal clear water leaking directly out of the ground. This area is always lush green and is also home to the olive baboons who proudly call Manyara their home.

Explore the beauty of Tanzania

Explore the beauty of Tanzania

TANZANIA UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE Tarangire national park It's never too late to decide, Tarangire is just the place you...

Tarangire national park
It's never too late to decide, Tarangire is just the place you should be this weekend, and if you are too far then put it in your bucket 🪣 list.

And Yes we have the big Four, once you are here you can see the majestic Leopard 🐆, large groups of Elephants, Buffaloes, and Lions 🦁🦁.


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View of mount Kilimanjaro welcome and explore beauty of  Kilimanjaro Tanzania

View of mount Kilimanjaro welcome and explore beauty of Kilimanjaro Tanzania

This is an extract and history on Serengeti .Some knowledge to be shared with your clients In brief It's an interesting ...

This is an extract and history on Serengeti .
Some knowledge to be shared with your clients
In brief
It's an interesting read and knowledge to be shared

Early human ancestors lived in what would become the Serengeti for 4 million years (Australopithecus afarensi).
The Maasai people had been grazing their livestock in the open plains of eastern Mara Region, which they named "endless plains," for around 200 years when the first European explorer, Austrian Oscar Baumann, visited the area in 1892.
The name "Serengeti" is an approximation of the word used by the Maasai to describe the area, siringet, which means "the place where the land runs on forever"
The first American to enter the Serengeti, Stewart Edward White, recorded his explorations in the northern Serengeti in 1913. He returned to the Serengeti in the 1920s and camped in the area around Seronera for three months.
During this time, he and his companions shot 50 lions.
Because the hunting of lions made them scarce, the British colonial administration made a partial game reserve of 800 acres (3.2 km2) in the area in 1921 and a full one in 1929.
These actions were the basis for Serengeti National Park,which was established in 1951.
The Serengeti gained more fame after the initial work of Bernhard Grzimek and his son Michael in the 1950s.
Together, they produced the book and film Serengeti Shall Not Die, widely recognized as one of the most important early pieces of nature conservation documentary.
To preserve wildlife, the British evicted the resident Maasai from the park in 1959 and moved them to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. There is still considerable controversy surrounding this move, with claims made of coercion and deceit on the part of the colonial authorities.
The park is Tanzania's oldest national park and remains the flagship of the country's tourism industry, providing a major draw to the Northern Safari Circuit encompassing Lake Manyara National Park, Tarangire National Park, Arusha National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
It has over 2,500 lions and more than 1.5 million wildebeest.
For booking and more information
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BAOBAB TREEIts name comes from the Arabic word bu hibab, which means “fruit with many seeds.”There are nine types of bao...

Its name comes from the Arabic word bu hibab, which means “fruit with many seeds.”
There are nine types of baobab trees in the world. Six are in Madagascar, one in Australia and two on mainland Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The ones found in Tanzania have the scientific name adansonia digitata and are the largest of all varieties.

Baobabs are often referred to as upside-down trees, because of the root-like appearance of their tangled branches. Baobab trees grow in hot and dry woodland environments in areas that receive low rainfall.

They begin flowering at around 20 years of age. During the southern hemisphere summer, the tree produces very large and heavy white flowers. Their crinkled petals and large clusters of stamen give baobab flowers an exotic appearance. They open during the late afternoon and stay open for one night only, emitting a strong and stinky odor. Flowers attract fruit bats and various insects. The seeds are located in pods, and the resulting fruit is gray and hairy.

The baobab has the only fruit in the world that dries naturally on the branch. It will not drop, but rather stay on the branch and bake in the sun for up to 6 months – transforming its green velvety coating into a hard coconut-like shell. The pulp of the fruit dries out completely. This self-drying fruit simply needs to be harvested, de-seeded, and sieved to create a fine powder used in cooking or as a health supplement.

The baobab is often referred to as the “Tree of Life” as it provides life-sustaining shelter, clothing, food, and water for both humans and animals of the African savanna regions
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NDUTU TANZANIA UNFFOGATABLE EXPERIENCE. NEVER STOP EXPLORE TANZANIAA trip to Ndutu is not just about wildlife and landsc...

A trip to Ndutu is not just about wildlife and landscapes – there’s incredible cultural heritage to explore too. Lying within the Ndutu Region, Olduvai Gorge (also known as Oldupai – the correct Maasai spelling of the word) is one of the world’s most significant paleoanthropological sites, thanks to the discovery of the earliest evidence of the existence of our human ancestors. Visit the dramatic ravine and spend some time in the museum to learn about the fascinating excavations and discoveries that have taken place here. A visit to Olduvai Gorge should be combined with a stop at the nearby Shifting Sands: mysterious and beautiful dunes formed of volcanic ash that move with the winds.

For adventurous travellers, you can do multi-day walking safaris starting in the Ndutu Region and heading into the highlands of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and for the very intrepid, you can combine the walking safari with an ascent up the active volcano of Ol Doinyo Lengai.

Day trips to the Ngorongoro Crater are a highlight of staying in the Ndutu Region. The remains of a massive volcano, the Ngorongoro is one of the most superb wilderness areas on the continent, and boasts some of the greatest populations of animals – particularly predators – found in Africa.
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Giraffes tower above the bush in many African parks and conservation areas. These extraordinary herbivores boast many un...

Giraffes tower above the bush in many African parks and conservation areas. These extraordinary herbivores boast many unique qualities, most famously that of being the world’s tallest land mammal.

Scientific name:Giraffa camelopardalisHabitat:Woodland savannaIUCN status:VulnerableAdult weight:800–1,200kg

Some taxonomists recognise nine species of giraffe while others believe they are subspecies, and others again contend that these varieties – which differ in details of their blotchy patterning – are simply different geographical races of a single species.

All giraffes share the same key features, namely, their prodigious height, with long legs and the world’s longest neck; a tasselled tail; and two bony, horn-like ossicones on top of the head.

Giraffes’ markings provide effective camouflage in savanna woodland, where they can browse higher than other herbivores. Their extreme anatomy necessitates some extreme adaptations, including the largest heart of any land mammal, required to pump the blood to those distant extremities. Giraffes move in loose, single-sex herds, forming larger aggregations during the dry season.










Unforgettable Tanzanian

Unforgettable Tanzanian

Day trip to mount Kilimanjaro via marangu gate It's a gentle 8km climbing from (1860m/6100ft to 2700m/8875ft) one way to...

Day trip to mount Kilimanjaro via marangu gate

It's a gentle 8km climbing from (1860m/6100ft to 2700m/8875ft) one way to mandara hurts and the mound crater along the way go through the lowland Forest at the base of the mountain kilimanjaro where see the variety of birds and lush forests. A good chance of seeing colobus monkeys near mundara huts and see variety species of trees.Mandara hut will give you good view of the mountain
2 pax =150$ per person
4 pax and above =100$ per person
This includes transport
Guide, lunchbox, water
For booking contact
Email :[email protected]
Tour start from moshi

Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes in the world. It has three main volcanic peaks, Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shi...

Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes in the world. It has three main volcanic peaks, Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. With its snow-capped peak and glaciers, it is the highest mountain in Africa. The mountain has five main vegetation zones from the lowest to the highest point: Lower slopes, montane forest, heath and moorland, alpine desert and summit.

It is one of the World Heritage Sites in Tanzania.

safari # daytrip to mount Kilimanjaro #

Chief mangi meli of old moshi Kilimanjaro     Safari   trip

Chief mangi meli of old moshi Kilimanjaro Safari trip

Mambori waterfalls at old moshi

Mambori waterfalls at old moshi

Serengeti national Park is the best place and amazing welcome and explore Tanzania with us   day perfect to the next # w...

Serengeti national Park is the best place and amazing welcome and explore Tanzania with us day perfect to the next # welcome

Thanks for choosing us for your four days safari to Serengeti national Park welcome again . Come us customer and make ne...

Thanks for choosing us for your four days safari to Serengeti national Park welcome again . Come us customer and make new friends. SERE ADVENTURE SAFARI day perfect to the next # sere adventure safari travel with smile

Mkomazi National Park- Tanzania East Africa .....Mkomazi National Park is a magnificent, 3,500 square kilometre national...

Mkomazi National Park- Tanzania East Africa .....

Mkomazi National Park is a magnificent, 3,500 square kilometre national park in northern Tanzania.
It was established in 1951
The Mkomazi National Park is a spectacular wilderness. Within sight to the northwest is Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest summit. To the south, the Pare and Usambara Mountains form a dramatic backdrop and, to the north, Kenya's vast Tsavo National Park shares a border with Mkomazi, making common ground for migratory herds of elephant, oryx and zebra during the wet season. Together with Tsavo, it forms one of the largest and most important protected ecosystems on earth.

Mkomazi is the southern tip of the Sahel zone. It is a classic dry-country reserve of grey-green nyika bush, ancient baobab trees and isolated rocky hills. Elsewhere, the seas of bush give way to open savannah woodlands of umbrella acacias and mbugas - shallow valleys of grassland.

The animals, too, are typical of the arid nyika. Giraffe, oryx, gerenuk, hartebeest, lesser kudu, eland, impala and Grant's gazelle share the reserve with elephant, buffalo, and numerous predators, including lion, leopard and cheetah. In all, 78 species of mammals have been recorded.
The birds of Mkomazi are even more numerous, with over 400 recorded species. Doves, hornbills, weavers and guinea-fowl are all present in large numbers - as well as such striking species as the martial eagle and violet wood-hoopoe.
day perfect to the next #


Hi we Tour Operator from Tanzania Kilimanjaro we provide all safari in Tanzania with insurance
We are looking for B2B partner to work with us in .SERE ADVENTURE SAFARI travel with smile we insure your health in safari welcome. please contact us at
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Way to the roof of Africa

Way to the roof of Africa

  TREATS ITSELF TO A RELAXING MUD BATH #The dried mud is used to keep the flies awaythe mud also acts both as a protecti...


The dried mud is used to keep the flies away
the mud also acts both as a protection against sunburn and to provide relief from biting insects.


Old Moshi

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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