You Gotta See It

You Gotta See It Отправляйте свои анкеты в личные сообщения

Меня зовут Алексей . Я и моя жена с Мариуполя . Украина . Наш дом уничтожен. ⁣⁣Живем у родственников . Украинскую сеть о...

Меня зовут Алексей . Я и моя жена с Мариуполя . Украина . Наш дом уничтожен. ⁣⁣Живем у родственников . Украинскую сеть отключили . Воды , газа нет . Свет с перебоями работает
Мы будем работать в штате Иллинойс. Работодатель оплачивает жильё . Но он не может выступить спонсором .⁣⁣⠀
Я по профессии сварщик . Жена повар . ⁣⁣⠀
Так же в этом штате живут и работают наши знакомые ребята . И много наших земляков . ⁣⁣⠀
Помогите пожалуйста 🙏 нужен спонсор для u4u ⁣⁣⠀
Пишите на почту [email protected] или Вайбер /ватсап +79527002180
Фейсбук :

Hello everyone! My name is Julia, I am 21 years old, a student. I'm from Ukraine and because of the war in my country, r...

Hello everyone! My name is Julia, I am 21 years old, a student. I'm from Ukraine and because of the war in my country, recently in Poland. I'm open, honest, without bad habits person, hope to find a sponsor in the UK, and to become a good friernds. My mom and sister are in The High Leys, Crick now, and I would like to have opportunity to be closer to them or near Liverpool, but I will also consider other options. my English is at an initial level, but I'm quickly learning new skills.
I'm thankful to the United Kingdom, and other countries supporting Ukraine in this difficult time.(heart)

Hi! My name is Yuliia, I'm 21yrs old Ukrainian student. Currently me and my mum live with a great host-family in Dublin ...

Hi! My name is Yuliia, I'm 21yrs old Ukrainian student. Currently me and my mum live with a great host-family in Dublin but soon I'll need to move to other place (as this accommodation was temporary). Recently I've faced some troubles in finding next place to live, but if there is a will there is a way, so I try my luck in this group 🙌😊
I need temporary accommodation (probably for 1-2 months). Maybe you know someone who has empty apartments or travelling somewhere this summer - I will be happy to rent it. Location doesn't matter, but all basic facilities (like supermarket, shops etc) need to be close.
About me: I'm well-organized, responsible, tidy person. I'm fond of programming, painting and photography. I'm fluent in English. I came to Ireland with my mum (you may see us in the photo).
Thanks ❤️

My name is Svitlana. I'm 29 years old and I'm originally from Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.I'm looking for a sponsor by the progr...

My name is Svitlana. I'm 29 years old and I'm originally from Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
I'm looking for a sponsor by the program Homes for Ukraine, and hope to find a safe place with opportunity to start working.
Right now the Russian invanders are located within 30km near my city. Also my city has got a lot of missile strikes in May. And I understood that it is time to move out. And I am choosing UK.
About myself:
I have music education and have got bachelor and master degree with honours as musician (violin). Now I work as music teacher in the kindergarten. And I have a lot of experience working with them. They are my source of energy and happinest.
I am interest in literature, classical music, hiking, nature and mountains. Like pets, especially cats. And I dont have bad habits.
I appreciate calmness and peacefulness in my life.
I am calm, friendly and easy-doing.
What I am looking for:
At first I must admit that I dont look relationship with men.!! And I will give preference to the family with childrens, a single female or a couple.
I just need a safeness. And its must big city where I will get an opportunity to work. Any city in UK!!
Also I would like to get a single room with private bathroom. I am not picky. I need a simple bed, table, wifi, window in my room and warm shower. It must be cleanliness and light in my room.
And I hope we will be friends in future.
Thank you in advance for any help and advice!

Hello! My name is Victoria. Me(28), my mother (48) and my son(1,5) are looking for a family in the United States who can...

Hello! My name is Victoria. Me(28), my mother (48) and my son(1,5) are looking for a family in the United States who can host us and help with the documents. We have already had a sponsor, but we can’t stay at his place. We are very kind and honest people. Thank you beforehand.

Hello, we are from Ukraine.  We live in Zaporozhye - frontline zone.  HELP FIND A SPONSOR IN THE USA!!!!  My name is Vic...

Hello, we are from Ukraine. We live in Zaporozhye - frontline zone. HELP FIND A SPONSOR IN THE USA!!!! My name is Victoria, I am 45 years old, my daughter Sofia is 9 years old. Help save us from war!!! I want to live and work in America.

Hello everybody! My name is Igor. I'm 35 years old. I left Ukraine in the end of January for a business trip. But then t...

Hello everybody! My name is Igor. I'm 35 years old. I left Ukraine in the end of January for a business trip. But then the war has started and I was forced to not come back to my hometown. Looking for a sponsor for United 4 Ukraine program. I will have a place to stay and work so I only need a sponsor to get to United States. If you can help me in some way - please let me know. Thank you

Congratulations, dear English friends! Today, June 5, 2022, missiles were struck again in Kyiv. I heard explosions again...

Congratulations, dear English friends! Today, June 5, 2022, missiles were struck again in Kyiv. I heard explosions again, as on February 24. My heart began to ache, fear for the children again, like on the first day of the war… No protection yet… We are a family from Ukraine, we live in Kyiv. We worked and studied before the war, like most Ukrainians. After February 24 this year, we must live in a new world. My family (I, son -17 years old, daughter - 7 years old) is looking for sponsors for temporary residence in Britain. My son speaks English better than me, but I'm learning the language. Son wants to study cybersecurity. We are not going to just use help, we want to work, study. However, we ask that you find sponsors in Dereham/Norfolk, or in the neighborhood, it could be Swaffham, Norwich. Recently, sensitive, kind people took my mother and sister with children to Dereham. We want to be closer to our relatives, this is very important now! We are not vegetarians, we do not have allergies or chronic diseases. Maybe we will find sponsors if the whole family comes. My husband already has a pension, but he works. He is 65 years old. We have housing in Kyiv, we had a job. We love working in the garden. But now the children need peace, education, so I want to work to pay taxes, help the Ukrainian army and be grateful for the help of Britain.

Good afternoon! My name is Natalia, I am 42 years old, and my son Kirill is 12 years old. We lived in the Kyiv region ne...

Good afternoon! My name is Natalia, I am 42 years old, and my son Kirill is 12 years old. We lived in the Kyiv region near the city of Bucha, but with the outbreak of war, we left our apartment in Ukraine and fled to Poland. Here we were received very well, but we can no longer stay here for various reasons and it is not safe to return home now. Now we are actively looking for housing in England. I hardly know English, but I learn quickly, and my son understands a little. Please help us find a sponsor.

Hi! This is Elena and Andrey, from Kharkiv, Ukraine. We have been dating for two years now. A few things about us: Elena...

Hi! This is Elena and Andrey, from Kharkiv, Ukraine. We have been dating for two years now.
A few things about us: Elena is 23 years old, she recently finished her studies and now works as a graphic designer. She is fond of various forms of art, as well as interior design. When it comes to me(Andrey), I am 23 years old as well, I am still studying in university online and also work as a software developer. Football is a big passion of mine! 🙂
We both like various kinds of music, animals, and studying foreign languages - in fact, our English is pretty good! Apart from that - tidiness is an important part of our lives, we have rather high expectations of ourselves when it comes to it.
We hope to find a sponsor who will not be burdened by our presence, and we are looking forward to meeting new people and getting to know another culture!

Привіт!Дуже дякуємо усім жителям Великобританії за допомогу укарїнському народу.Я з сином шукаємо спонсора в Лондоні. Ме...

Дуже дякуємо усім жителям Великобританії за допомогу укарїнському народу.
Я з сином шукаємо спонсора в Лондоні. Мене звуть Анастасія, мені 23. Сертифікований масажист. Син Артур - 3 роки, до війни навчався у садочку.
Англійською володію погано, але скоро навчаюсь.
Саме більше моє бажання - це дати своїй дитині мирне та спокійне майбутнє🥺
Мої контакти:
WhatsApp: 0985071511
Пошта: [email protected]

Hi , looking for housing assistance in USA / Canada for my sister only , she is 21 years , good speaking in English , ou...

Hi , looking for housing assistance in USA / Canada for my sister only , she is 21 years , good speaking in English , our parents were - mom (Ukrainian ) and dad Bangladeshi. she was at second year of university at Kharkiv. As she moved from Ukraine in march due to war she worked in Poland as cleaning hotel rooms , but the Beds were bigger then her so she wasn’t able to work there more then a month.

Hello! My name is Artyom, I live in Ukraine.I am 36 years old and have cerebral palsy. There are 7 family members in my ...

Hello! My name is Artyom, I live in Ukraine.
I am 36 years old and have cerebral palsy. There are 7 family members in my family, because of the war we all lost our jobs and now we need financial help. We live in a village and now we need to stock up on firewood. We need to raise 20,000 UAH to buy firewood.
I appeal to the whole society, to all people who are not indifferent, with a request to support our family in any way they can! Who can send us food packages, clothes, etc. We will be very grateful to everyone)))
For those who want to support us financially, I provide account numbers.
PrivatBank (UA): 4149 4991 2932 2507 Zaliznyak Lyudmila Petrovna
PayPal: [email protected]
Payer: P38528218
BTC bank: 3GxPiP491iW6V8Jmnq3XLRbC4Abaxussr2
All my family and I personally will be infinitely grateful to everyone for their support in this difficult time for us)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate! Write to my Viber: +380680575235
With respect to all, Artem!

Hello. I'm looking for a sponsor for my uncle in the UK, preferably in Manchester area, as I've already found a sponsor ...

Hello. I'm looking for a sponsor for my uncle in the UK, preferably in Manchester area, as I've already found a sponsor for myself and my son there . Unfortunately, there is no enough space to accommodate us together.We would like to live not far from each other.
My uncle is 69 years old. He is single. He is active, sociable and goes in for sport.He also fond of fishing and likes animals. Before war he worked as a truck driver. We will highly appreciate all help and support. Please, contact me, if you need more details.Thank you.

Hello, my name is Yana I’m 27. Me, my mom and our two small dogs are from Ukraine, Odessa. We were forced to live our ho...

Hello, my name is Yana I’m 27.
Me, my mom and our two small dogs are from Ukraine, Odessa. We were forced to live our home because of war.
Now we are looking for a sponsor in England, preferably in London.
We’ll be very grateful for your help and respect the rules of your house.
We are ready to answer your questions on Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook.
Looking forward to get your reply ❤️

Hi everyone! Thanks to every person in the UK who stands with Ukraine during this unprecedented time, we appreciate your...

Hi everyone! Thanks to every person in the UK who stands with Ukraine during this unprecedented time, we appreciate your help and support🙏
We are a small family of two. My name is Larisa, I am 44 years old and my son Vitalii, he is 15. We are looking for a sponsor in the UK under the program «Home for Ukraine». We do hope to get a chance to start a new peaceful life in your beautiful country.
A couple of words about us. I am a hairdresser with more than 17 years of practice. I can do all kinds of haircuts, different hairstyles, but my passion is hair dying. I have a huge portfolio with lots of my works.
Vitalii has finished his 9th year at school and he is really fond of computers, coding and IT.
We are looking for a friendly people of family in the UK, preferably in big city or close to, so I can easily find a job and many clients to start working as fast as possible.
I have a beginner level of English, but I am working on it thorougly.
I will appreciate if you can help me and my son. Thanks!

Dear people of Great Britain, I want to thank you for your help and solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Let me introdu...

Dear people of Great Britain, I want to thank you for your help and solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Krystyna. I’m 32 years old. I was born in Luhansk, eastern Ukraine. In 2014 my region was occupied. We with my husband and little daughter had to move to Dnipro, then we moved to Kiyv. My daughter’s name is Yeva. She is 9 years old. Yeva is a very clever and kind girl. She studies in 3 grade and very likes to draw. We are fans of the Harry Potter books and love the British Royal Family.
In February we had to leave our house again. We escaped the war.
I want to ask you for help with housing for me and my daughter.
I have a higher economic education. But
I work as a nail technician and love my job.
It would be great to find accommodation in big cities, like Manchester, London, Leeds, York, Cardiff, Birmingham, Oxford, Swansea and so on. We lived in a big city, it seems to me that it will be easier for us to adapt to a new life if we find housing in a big city. My level of English is basic, but I am sure that I will quickly improve it.
I am sure I can find a job in your country and be useful to your people.

Hi, my name is Nikita.  I'm 18 soon and I'm from Ukraine.  Every day I hear how rockets and planes are flying, it has be...

Hi, my name is Nikita. I'm 18 soon and I'm from Ukraine. Every day I hear how rockets and planes are flying, it has been very difficult for me lately. Now I am looking for an opportunity to get a visa to the UK, I hope to find a sponsor. healthy lifestyle. City where I would like to find a sponsor Corby, Weldon, Oundle, Kettering, Market Harborough. I will go to the UK myself. My friends live there and I wanted to be closer to them. It is very important for me to find a job in order to somehow live. I guarantee order and cleanliness.
Contact me whatsapp +380967115864.

Hello! We are a family from Ukraine. Dmitry is a father of 38 years old, Yana is a mother of 36 years old, Polina is a d...

Hello! We are a family from Ukraine. Dmitry is a father of 38 years old, Yana is a mother of 36 years old, Polina is a daughter of 11 years old, Ivan and Egor are twin sons of 3 years old. We are without animals and bad habits, hardworking and friendly. We love bike rides, outdoor games with children and family watching cartoons. With the outbreak of the war, we were forced to leave our home for the safety of the children. We really hoped and believed that the war would end quickly and that we would be able to return to Ukraine, the children are very bored, the boys are constantly asking to go home, it is difficult for them to explain that we cannot return now because our hometown of Nikolaev is shelled daily by the enemy army, the area of ​​​​the city in where we lived evacuate and there is not very safe.
Now we are in Poland. We crossed the border 03/07/2022 We are very grateful to this country and every Pole for providing us with a temporary home, a peaceful sky above our heads and the peace of mind of our children. My husband found a job, I also got a job as a nanny in a Polish family, but I had to leave this job because my children began to get very sick and I took care of them.
Now the situation is developing as follows, that the period of stay in our temporary housing is ending, we cannot return to Ukraine, and now we have a difficult choice of what to do next. At the family council, it was decided to look for housing and apply for a visa to the UK, because we see prospects for us and our children in this country, therefore we are looking for a sponsor in the UK under the program "Home for Ukraine"
We plan to adapt, send our children to school and kindergarten, learn the language, find a job and live in this country.
We would really like to find a place to live in London because this is our eleven year old daughter's dream, but we are also considering other cities with developed infrastructure, a kindergarten, a school, a hospital, a pharmacy and shops.
I know that there are a lot of kind and sympathetic people in the world and we will definitely find our own home and find like-minded people with whom we can establish warm friendly relations.
I would be very grateful for any help in finding a home for our family!

Hi our future host/sponsor! We are a family from the city of Irpin Ukraine.  I am 35 and I had a business in Ukraine for...

Hi our future host/sponsor!
We are a family from the city of Irpin Ukraine.
I am 35 and I had a business in Ukraine for the import and distribution of children's goods, my daughter studied in the 5th grade of a private school, she is 11 years old, she loves to draw, she used to do rhythmic gymnastics, now she started taekwondo, she has an orange belt. Also with us is our lovely friend dog Mickey of the Akita Inu breed, very charming and calm when there is no competition nearby) if you have a fenced lawn he will be happy. He is an incredibly positive dog that touches and gives positive.
We are looking for sponsors in London, I want my daughter to continue to receive a quality education that she had in Irpin, and I plan to get comfortable, look around, find business consultants and start your business anew. I am engaged in self-development and practice yoga. If you want I can practice with you.
We have bad English, only everyday basic, we will study it)
We are looking for a family who have a free place for us, we also really want to share what we know, we will be pleased if you have a daughter or son of the same age, we are calm and friendly, active in our activities, we want to become joyful and cheerful again, but we need support in orienting ourselves in a new county for us.
If you have any questions, we can tell you more about us, write, I will be glad to contacts

We are looking for a sponsor, who is ready to provide an accommodation for us two. We would be happy with any opportunit...

We are looking for a sponsor, who is ready to provide an accommodation for us two.
We would be happy with any opportunities, though South of England is still preferable.
from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank The United Kingdom and all of its citizens for you support. It means so much during these hard times.
My name is Tetiana, my son’s name is Ivan, he is 16. We are from Kyiv, Ukraine.
I work as a school psychologist, and my main interest is also psychology. I can describe myself as a cheerful, social person. I’m always happy to gain new experience.
Ivan has just graduated from school in Ukraine, can speak English fluently. He is interested in math and all kinds of arts. He plays basketball and learns to play the guitar.

Ми дві кузіни з Харкова 38 та 39 років шукаємо родину, яка може дати прихисток нас в Великобританії за програмою "Homes ...

Ми дві кузіни з Харкова 38 та 39 років шукаємо родину, яка може дати прихисток нас в Великобританії за програмою "Homes for Ukraine "
Ми маємо двох синів шкільного віку 6 та 9 років. Хлопці дуже жваві та допитливі 😉👍
Мене звати Тетяна, я працюю фотографом, маю творчі здібності, гарно малюю.
Моя сестра Вікторія працює економістом в банківській сфері.
На жаль події, в нашій країні змусили нас покинути свої домівки, та шукати прихисток.
Будемо дуже вдячні родині, яка зможе нас прийняти і допомогти відчути захист та тепло людських відносин.
Мы дуже вдячні людям Великобританіі за їх добре серце, та розуміння нашої проблеми.

Hello!  I am looking for a sponsor in the USA under the u4u program for my sister (35 years old) and her two sons (13 ye...

Hello! I am looking for a sponsor in the USA under the u4u program for my sister (35 years old) and her two sons (13 years old and 1.8 years old). My sister has two higher educations (law and philology). Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink. My sister lived in California and would like to find a sponsor from California. I'll give you the details in a private message. Thank you for your support 🤗

Greetings, I’m Tim, a 17-year-old student (in 2 weeks turn 18), who’s seeking for sponsor’s help in the UK.First of all,...

I’m Tim, a 17-year-old student (in 2 weeks turn 18), who’s seeking for sponsor’s help in the UK.
First of all, I want to sincerely thank you and all caring people, for your incredible help to Ukrainians. Each of us appreciates and values your support.
I’m from Bila Tserkva, a city that lies on Kyiv Region, and that was also repeatedly bombed by missiles. I had big plans for my future – after the high school I found a passion in Web Development and Web Design. I spent my days studying and improving to become a skilled and valuable developer.
Although, life as always has its own plans for all of us. On the February 24th I was awakened by sirens and explosions outside the window. Everything was on the verge, your future, your plans, your dreams. Thankfully to partners, in particular UK, Ukraine received strength to fight back, so did I. You have to always follow a dream, keep learning and improving, find a way to survive, even in these terrible conditions.
I need your help to give me just a chance, an opportunity to live peacefully. I don’t have any bad habits and pursue a healthy life style. No Alcohol, no smoking, and other harmful things. Nonetheless, I won’t be against of any of your habits. I respect the home owner rules, and will be glad just for giving a place to sleep, without flying rockets outside.
I spend most of my days studying programming, but still have a great interest in one more topic – linguistics. At the beginning of my final class in the high school (11th grade), I vigorously decided to learn English – and made a great success in only 3 months. The result of my self-learning you can see by reading this text. Next stop was German, the language that I finished learning a week before the war. I reached significant results in it and got a great experience in expanding my knowledge of languages of Germanic family. I believe my next stop will be Polish – of course in case I will be safe and sound, which is rather questionable in these latter days.
I want to thank you for reading all this until the end, for spending your valuable time on me. I believe we will cooperate more in the near future, and I’m counting on your help.
Peace to you and your loved ones!

Good afternoon. I want to say a huge thank you to all  British for helping Ukraine.My name is Veronika. I am 39. I have ...

Good afternoon.
I want to say a huge thank you to all British for helping Ukraine.
My name is Veronika. I am 39. I have two sons, Mikhail, 14 and Vyacheslav 12 years old. I am a teacher by profession.We are sociable, hardworking,easygoing people without bad habits. Now we are looking for a sponsor in Britain.
We are from the wonderful town Slavyansk, Donetsk region.
Unfortunately, my children and I are forced to leave our beloved home for the second time because of Russia.In 2014, we were leaving because fighting was going on in our town.
But we never thought that in 8 years we would have to save our lives again.,because in our town there are active battles.
We really like Britain and the British. And we also know English. And I hope that I will have the opportunity to find a job there, and for my children to continue their education.

Hello!❤ My name is Victoria 39 years old. I speak English. My daughter Polina is 16 years old.  We are looking for a spo...

Hello!❤ My name is Victoria 39 years old. I speak English. My daughter Polina is 16 years old. We are looking for a sponsor. I am a Psychologist, my daughter learns to play a flute professionally. Would be nice she can coninue her music study in Cardiff music college professional flute. Now she finished online 1 curs in Ukraine. We still have bombing in our area, because we live near Russian boarders, its is not safety.
We are vegetarians, open, friendly, love to travel and learn new cultures. Our hobbies: music, nature, love animals very much. I would like to find sponsors with similar interests. Family or lonly women. We need 2 separate rooms, I work online, my daughter is a teenager. Preferably in UK near Cardiff, maybe Leeds, York, Manchester and cities nearby. We have friends there from Ukraine. We have 2 kg a small cute dog Busya and she is with us a faithful guard, our security, friend.🐶 It would be great to find not just a sponsor, but friends. Open-minded, with similar interests. Thanks for the help for Ukraine and Ukrainians, we really appreciate you and your support.🇺🇦❤ contact with me please in my pm.
We are waiting our new friends to contact with us by the videocall and to see each other. ❤

Hello everyone! My name is Christian, I'm 27 years old, I'm from Ukraine, Chernivtsi. I'm looking for a sponsor for the ...

Hello everyone! My name is Christian, I'm 27 years old, I'm from Ukraine, Chernivtsi. I'm looking for a sponsor for the u4u program. Please, maybe someone will respond! We need a person to apply! I will be independent and will not ask for financial assistance. I take full financial responsibility!
Thank you very much!

My name is Aleksey . Me and my wife are from Mariupol. Ukraine . We were evacuated because of the war. Our house has bee...

My name is Aleksey . Me and my wife are from Mariupol. Ukraine . We were evacuated because of the war. Our house has been destroyed. ⁣⁣⠀
We will be operating in Illinois. The employer pays for housing. But he cannot be a sponsor.⁣⁣⠀
I am a welder by trade. Cook's wife. ⁣⁣⠀
Also, our friends guys live and work in this state. And many of our countrymen. ⁣⁣⠀
Please help 🙏 need a sponsor for u4u ⁣⁣⠀
Write to [email protected] or Viber / whatsapp +79527002180

Добрый вечер 🌆 Мы семья из Украины Родом с города Запорожья, последнее время проживаем в г Ужгород Наша семья состоит с ...

Добрый вечер 🌆
Мы семья из Украины
Родом с города Запорожья, последнее время проживаем в г Ужгород
Наша семья состоит с трёх человек( жена Милена 26 лет, дочка Аделина 6 мес и я( Виктор 32 года)).
Очень хотим выехать
У нас маленький ребёнок, находиться в Украине сейчас опасно. Ищем спонсора который заполнит анкету. Обещаем Финансовую независимость.
Добрый вечер 🌆
Мы семья из Украины
Родом с города Запорожья, последнее время проживаем в г Ужгород
Наша семья состоит с трёх человек( жена Милена 26 лет, дочка Аделина 6 мес и я( Виктор 32 года)).
Очень хотим выехать
У нас маленький ребёнок, находиться в Украине сейчас опасно. Ищем спонсора который заполнит анкету. Обещаем Финансовую независимость.

Hello! My name is Diana, I am 22 years old and I am looking for a sponsor under the "Home for Ukraine" scheme. I already...

Hello! My name is Diana, I am 22 years old and I am looking for a sponsor under the "Home for Ukraine" scheme. I already have a visa, because a month ago I found a sponsor and she helped me complete all the documents, but at the last moment she changed her mind. Now I'm at a loss and they told me that I can write to this group and there will be people who can help me)
And a little story about me for your understanding of who I am) I was born and raised in a city called Kyiv, this is a wonderful city, my home. Unfortunately, enemies broke into our house in Ukraine and began to destroy it, without any pity, it's scary and beyond words. But I can say for sure that the life of the Ukrainian people is divided into “before” and “after”. We all understand that we need to continue to live on, although not at home, but to help those who stayed at home. That is why we are all asking for your help. Thank you for your understanding and attention!
A few facts:
1) I was in the UK for 6 months doing seasonal work on a farm in Howeton (8 miles from Norwich)
2) I have been in the restaurant business for 6 years, I had my own coffee shop.)
3) I love reading novels, I love music, watching movies, playing volleyball is my favorite sport, but for company I also like to play football, tennis, basketball or even just run and of course I love to dance, this is my hobby )
4) I can cook, clean and do daily chores around the house, I also love animals, I even want a dog for myself)
5) I am a purposeful person, in my life every day is always planned, I want a good life, like each of us and I am ready to go to the goal even in the most difficult time for us.

Hello dear people!  😊My name is Yana, I’m going to be 20 in July. I’m professional dancer, choreographer( street dance s...

Hello dear people! 😊
My name is Yana, I’m going to be 20 in July. I’m professional dancer, choreographer( street dance styles) and makeup artist. I’m staying in Poland currently, after Russians occupied Zaporizhya nuclear site.
I’m looking for a sponsor in England who can host me. Preferably close to Manchester or London or any big city so I can still chase my dance career and go for dance auditions:)
I’m calm person who interested into: music, nature, art, astrology, long walks, cooking, learning languages and cultures.
I don’t have bad habits. Also I really love animals so I’d be happy to take care of them if you have one 😉
I speak English well and that’s the reason why I’d like to move to Uk.
Thanks for helping Ukrainians 🇺🇦❤️ We are beyond grateful 🙏🏽

Доброго дня ! Ми шукаємо допомогу в пошуку житла в Англії для моїх родичів Оксани та її доньки Наталі з України. Оксані ...

Доброго дня ! Ми шукаємо допомогу в пошуку житла в Англії для моїх родичів Оксани та її доньки Наталі з України. Оксані 47 років, має економічну освіту працює бухгалтером, Наталі 25 років, має освіту по спеціальності логопедія, (позашкільна освіта) працює баристом. Мають водійські права категорії В.
Доброзичливі, дружелюбні, товариські, відкриті. Але так як зараз в Україні війна вони не можуть залишатися в країні і саме потребують захисту і допомоги із житлом в Англії а саме поблизу Лондона. Дуже прошу допомогти з пошуком житла , буду Вам щиро вдячна 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏 🇺🇦🕊️

Hey everyone 🖐My name is Anna, 23 years old and I am looking for a sponsor for myself. Regarding to my character, I am v...

Hey everyone 🖐
My name is Anna, 23 years old and I am looking for a sponsor for myself.
Regarding to my character, I am very responsible, honest, kind and goal-oriented. Actually, I do not need any financial support in USA, all the payments are on me. Moreover, I have a friend in Florida, who is going to find me a job and place to stay. I need only help in obtaining entry permit. I will be very grateful for your help 🙏

Hello, everyone! My name is Vlada. I am 18 years old. I have a cousin. Her name is Anya (18 y.o)Due to the war in our co...

Hello, everyone!
My name is Vlada. I am 18 years old. I have a cousin. Her name is Anya (18 y.o)
Due to the war in our country, we have to leave our homes and look for the shelter in other countries.
During some time we were with our parents in the village Grebinky. On February 27, the Russian army attacked Vasylkivska Naftogaz. It was very close to us, thats my we had to spend a lot of nights in the cellar. It was really very scary. Because of this , we decided to go to Poland. Currently , there is a large number of refugees in Poland, so there are problems with accomodation and work. We are ready to study and work together.
We were born and grew up in Kyiv.
We are school leavers in 2021 (we are classmates).
People who know us well, say that we are reliable, active, creative and friendly.
According to our interests, we are fond of music and theatre(art).
We are easy going girls who can easily get on well with everyone. We are not afraid of different a life challenges. We like to improve everything what we do.
In turn, we promise to follow family rules and tidy up after ourselves.
We hope that war will end soon and we will be able to come back home.
Believe in our soldiers.
Glory to Ukraine🇺🇦





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