Avian Safaris

Avian Safaris We emphasise quality guided Birding tours in Uganda, Kenya & Rwanda. The primary aim of our guides is to... http://www.aviansafaris.com/

AVIAN SAFARIS – Bird with Professional Guides

Why do many Birdwatchers and Twitchers choose Avian Safaris? Why have we become the fastest growing and very successful tour company in Uganda and East Africa at large? Here are the few of the many reasons that make us stand from the crowd. We set out to do something different; to offer birders, Uganda birdwatching expeditions that are far from the or

dinary, customized, unique, cool, energetic, bonding and indulgent vacations for individuals and families. It seems a lot of people like their birding tours to be that way. This has made Avian Safaris the fastest growing Birding Tours company in Uganda
People have trusted us to design exciting, fun-filled vacations for them and others, their families. We can “tailor-make” a tour that will linger in a lifetime’s worth of memories. On our tours you will visit birdwatching spots untouched by mass tourism, have endemic, endangered, and restricted species, and fun with new friends from around the world who share your sense of adventure. Take some time and look at the attractive range of Tours/Safaris and Excursions we offer on our websites. Please email us if you need any additional information. We hope we can be of service to you. Your Bird Guide

A bird guide is a very important part of any birding tour; our guides are chosen very carefully on merit. They are personable, knowledgeable men and women with interesting academic and professional backgrounds who have all the skills to conduct an extended tour in a professional manner and to make sure every individual has a great time. These local Uganda Birding Guides have grown up in the Ugandan bush hunting birds and small mammals. They have gone through Bird, Cultural, Wildlife, and general tour guiding courses and are members of the Uganda Bird Guides Club (UBGC), Uganda Cultural Guides Club (UCGC) and Uganda Safari Guides Association (USAGA) which is the umbrella association for all guides’ clubs in the country. Our Knowledgeable Uganda Birding guides fluently speak English, and there is hardly a question they will not answer. They will guide you on your excursion, tour, safari to all the birding spots included in your itinerary and will work to the best of theirs for every member of the group to see a specific bird at spot. The expertise of our birding guides guarantees leading you to sought-after species, they will mimicry call them for you and the species that respond quickly will emerge for your eyes hence an excellent experience. We emphasize quality of bird watching: The primary aim of our guides is to get you to those birds which are truly memorable, localized or hard to find. Personal Friendly Staff

We know that great birding experiences require hours of preparation, therefore while designing Itineraries, we focus on individual or group needs. We provide skilled handling of all the technical and logistical details: securing the exact understanding of your individual or group needs and interests. We pride ourselves in the approachability of our dedicated and dynamic staff and the friendliness of the service which they provide. Our team is always available to respond personally to your comments, if they are to place together a totally unique and satisfactory tour experience suiting your birding tour requirements. Please call or email our office at any time and ask any questions you would like to. You are going to find helpful and courteous service, and we always enjoy chatting with actual and potential birders, therefore, if you have any questions at all about our tours then please get in touch. We really want to hear from you. Having such a dedicated and efficient team behind you makes all the differences when it comes to having an enjoyable tour, both before, during and after the tour. Unbeatable Value for Money

At the end of the day, consistent high quality of services cannot be provided at a significant discount although we are dedicated to providing quality and satisfactory tours and excursions at prices which are simply fair. Contact us for a quotation; you will not be disappointed because no one does it better! You will find our sales consultants friendly, supremely knowledgeable and prepared to go that extra mile to ensure you have the finest tour at the most attractive price without compromising on the experience. When you contact us, you will have direct telephone numbers of your personal consultant throughout the booking process. Financial Security

Avian Safaris is a fully registered company and bonded tour operator, so you can be sure that all payments made to us in advance of your tour is fully protected. It might be quite difficult to let you know how important it is to book your tours with a reliable company. It may cost a bit more, but a financial failure that leaves you with a serious problem is far less likely. We are such a credible tour operator company in the country; this is evident from our strong ties with the prime stake holders in Uganda's tourism industry. Not only are we corporate members of Nature Uganda (NU)- a branch of the East Africa Natural History Society (EANHS) in Uganda which is the oldest oldest conservation organisation in East Africa, Uganda Safari Guides Association (USAGA)- The umbrella association of guides and guides clubs in Uganda,Uganda Bird Guides Club, Uganda Cultural Guides Club, but also in good books with Uganda Wildlife Authority, Uganda Tourism Board along with several others. Group Size

At Avian Safaris, we have the lowest group size limits of any major birdwatching tour company. Our Off-the-shelf tours of up to 8 only individuals will bread a quality tour since better communication will be ensured and there are higher chances of seeing birds clearly and closely even when birding in Uganda's Rain Forests. Quality Hotels

We operate with a variety of hotels which have been carefully selected on merit and frequently checked to ensure they meet our rigorous standards, many have been chosen for their commitment to sustainable tourism. As well as location, our selection also reflects our personal preference for places with character where the owners and managers like to engage with their guests. We have contracts with a big number of Uganda hotels, this means we can pass on substantial savings to our clients and also guarantees us control to ensure the content and quality of your stay is of high class. Comfortable Reliable 4x4 Vehicles

We have 4x4 vehicles, suitable for a variety of road conditions and game drives with ‘pop-up’ tops to maximize birding and Game viewing even in the savannah amidst the wild beasts. All vehicles are fitted with seat belts, reclining seats and for the comfort of all passengers, have a 'no smoking' policy. Our Vision

We aim at establishing ourselves as a niche player in the private sector of Uganda’s tourism. By organizing trips that give our guests the best birding experiences in the target areas, and continuously focus on the needs of the premium class tourists, we will provide the best value propositions in the market we serve. Mission

Internally we intend to create and nurture a healthy, exuberant, respectful, and enjoyable environment, in which our employees are fairly compensated and encouraged to respect the clients and the quality of the service we intend to provide. In addition, follow-up will be mandatory so as to ensure client satisfaction and make any improvements as recommended by the clients for a better future. We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the short and long term, and to fairly remunerate our employees. Values

We exist to provide a valuable service to our clients, a rewarding opportunity for our employees, and profitability to our shareholders. We believe that success in this endeavour depends on our employees. Satisfied employees lead to satisfied clients, which leads to satisfied shareholders. To achieve this, we enable our employees to act with an entrepreneurial spirit, and we value those willing to take responsibility for their actions. We treat employees as family, which fosters intimacy, informality, strong relationships, caring attitudes, and it makes work more fun. We treat employees with respect, which encourages them to treat each other and every client with respect. We want our clients to experience legendary service that makes a lasting impression. Providing exceptional value to clients requires hard work and concentration. Hard work is most effective when processes are simple. Simplicity reduces costs and speeds processes. We believe in doing things right the first time, therefore do not cut corners. We take pride in our efforts as well as the rewards. Throughout this endeavour, safety will be the over-riding force behind any decision. On our tours, our clients will travel in security and confidence, with professional and personable tour guides. Through their personal commentary, they should be able to have an in-depth look at the tour activities and the country with its people. Objectives

Continuously provide enjoyable quality excursions, tours and safaris on time and budget. Develop enthusiastically satisfied clients all of the time. Establish a market presence that assures short-term and long-term profitability, growth and success. We are fully committed to supporting growth and development of sustainable tourism. Contribute positively to the communities in the tourism areas and wildlife Conservations.

Exploring the mist-shrouded landscapes and glacial valleys of the Rwenzori Mountains is a true privilege, but it's no ea...

Exploring the mist-shrouded landscapes and glacial valleys of the Rwenzori Mountains is a true privilege, but it's no easy feat. That's why we ensure that each tourist is supported by a team of five experienced and dedicated staff members. While it may seem luxurious to have such support, it's essential for safely navigating the rugged terrain and maximizing the experience of birdwatching and nature hikes in this challenging environment.

The Rwenzori Mountains are renowned for their unique biodiversity, boasting a high concentration of Albertine Rift endemics among both birds and mammals. It's a rare opportunity to witness these species in their natural habitat, amidst the breathtaking backdrop of snow-capped peaks and evergreen forests. Despite the harsh conditions, the mountains offer a year-round snow experience along the Equator.


It is the perfect season for migrants, and nomads are in significant numbers in Tsavo East National Park. In the background, you should hear Harlequin Quails and, if very keen, flocks, which were Red-billed Queleas and Wattled Starlings, very likely in millions.

In this video is the Golden Pipit - Tmetothylacus tenellus, also in plenty and many well-plumed for breeding. This lovely male ensures a great look on the streets, if not a date.


Venturing into the Arabuko-Sokoke forest's Cynometra-Manilkara habitat is always an exhilarating experience, especially when seeking out the elusive Sokoke Scops Owl - Otus ireneae, listed globally Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Like their Otus relatives, I have gathered that these owls are strictly nocturnal, with peak activity occurring just after dusk and before dawn. They exhibit a fascinating behaviour of ranging further from their roost sites during nights with less lunar illumination; a strategy likely evolved to maximize their foraging success.

Our knowledgeable site guide led us to the day roosts amidst the dense understory vines encircling the Cynometra trees, providing a glimpse into the secretive world of these remarkable creatures.


Exploring the Untamed Beauty of Northern Kenya: A Birding Adventure 🌿🦅

Our recent expedition into this bottomless expanse yielded many unforgettable sights, including a rare sighting of more than seven individuals of the elusive Heuglin's Bustard.

But the magic didn't stop there. Amidst the rugged terrain, we were graced by a majestic Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus percnopterus, a valid symbol of grace and resilience. This video captures the beauty of the N.p.percnopterus subspecies, showcasing its elegant and remarkable adaptability.

Witnessing this subadult vulture take refuge under the cooling shade of an Acacia tree in the heat of the day was a sign of the resilience of these magnificent birds.
In the background, one can hear much of what happens around us during our sightings.


Observing Africa's Iconic Avian Wonder: The Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex 🦢✨

During another unforgettable birding expedition, we lost ourselves in the world of Uganda's Mabamba wetlands, home to the legendary Shoebill.
We had the privilege of witnessing a captivating moment: the Shoebill engaging in a unique behaviour of regurgitation, likely as a method to clear its throat. This extraordinary sighting gave us a rare insight into the fascinating lives of these majestic birds.


In the second week of December 2023, our birding expedition led us through Marsabit, Mount Kulal, and the environs of Lake Turkana in Northern Kenya. As avid birding enthusiasts, we immersed ourselves in the quintessential open-country birding experience, stunned by avian species that occur comfortably in drier environs. Among our sightings were some of the most captivating birds, including those whose southernmost range extends precisely to these locales.

In this latest video is the Crested Lark - Galerida cristata somaliensis, a widely distributed species boasting an impressive 34 subspecies, each uniquely adapted to its micro-range within the Afro-Eurasian region. Our encounter focused on the G.c.somaliensis, known to inhabit the Southern parts of Ethiopia, Northern Somalia, and Northern Kenya.

Additionally, we were keen to observe Thekla's Lark - Galerida theklae huriensis, adding to the numbers of our LBJ birding experience: this subspecies, one of thirteen, shares physical and vocal characteristics with its counterparts. Distinguishing between the two remains a challenge, with literature often needing more definitive field features for differentiation.

To fellow birding enthusiasts well-versed in the nuances of these two Larks, I extend an invitation for insights and tips on effectively identifying them. Your expertise and guidance are invaluable.


On a Picture-perfect morning at Buffalo Springs National Reserve, we started with an exhilarating birding and nature drive. About an hour down the drive, we had the pleasure of encountering five stunning individuals of the Red-bellied Parrot - Poicephalus rufiventris rufiventris, right in the heart of the reserve.

This video captures the sexual dimorphism of these medium-sized African parrots. As three parrots gracefully stretched and preened, this devoted pair tended to a nesting hole. This is an impressive sighting, especially considering that this nesting cavity may have been abandoned by a Red-fronted Barbet.
Barbets carve nesting holes in less hard-wooded trees than their cousins, the woodpeckers. These cavities provide sanctuary for the Barbets and create vital habitats for a diverse array of wildlife.


Lake Baringo is one of Kenya's critical birding areas, where nature reveals its secrets in a vibrant palette of colours and melodies. We delved into the world of classic African waterfowl and arid country birds, creating memories that will linger.

Among the remarkable species, Baringo graced us with, this charming Red-fronted Tinkerbird - Pogoniulus pusillus affinis, a petite member of the Barbet family. It is captivating as it approaches, sharing its enchanting call with the humble listeners we were. 🐦🌿🌍🦜

Every step is a new revelation, and every bird is a melody waiting to be heard on the Kenya Birding Tour. 📸✨


A Serene Encounter with the African Bush Elephant, Loxodonta africana 🐘✨

Step into a world where nature reigns supreme, and the magnificent African Bush Elephant takes center stage. In the heart of Maasai Mara National Reserve, we've crafted unforgettable moments surrounded by breathtaking beauty.

A calm beautiful evening sun, Maasai Mara's lush landscapes come alive, painting a vibrant canvas of green as far as the eye can see. This kind of green is not just a sight an everyday sun; it is rejuvenating and refreshing even to the soul.

In the company of Avian Safaris, witness the brilliance of these gentle giants, as they grace us with their presence against the backdrop of Maasai Mara's picturesque scenery. 🌿🌞


Our extraordinaire Avian Safaris this time got us to the furthest and remote Northern Kenya lush Marsabit and Mount Kulal, and the extreme deserts of Dida Galgalu and Loiyangalani for their unique and localised feathered friends of ours—outstanding scenery and inhabited by highly adaptive tribes with rich exotic cultures and practices.


Getting through forest undergrowth to reach the small and nicely coloured Forest Robin (Stiphrornis erythrothorax xanthogaster). At Mabira Forest in central Uganda, for every 100-metre walk, there will be a singing individual from the lowest small branches or on the ground. Recent studies have described eight subspecies of Stiphrornis erythrothorax, and I believe they are still ongoing. The Mabira population has vocal variations from the western populations, which connect well to the prominent Congo forest residents.


African Harrier Hawk or Gymnogene (Polyboroides typus typus) deploys its Perch hunting strategy to catch Blue-headed Tree Agama and Skinks in Queen Elizabeth National Park - Uganda.


We enjoyed observing the African Leopard - Panthera pardus pardus in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park. This was after a very productive boat ride on the Kazinga Channel.


A male Northern Red Bishop (Euplectes franciscanus franciscanus) is well-dressed for the breeding season. Females and non-breeding males have a brown and white feather pattern, typical of the family Ploceidae. When the breeding season ends, this brightly striking plumage moults to a plumage close to that of the females


D'Arnaud's Barbet (Trachyphonus darnaudii boehmi) Display. The video says it all.


Fantastic observations of Africa's largest Owl; the Verreaux's Eagle-Owl (Ketupa lacteus) during our birding excursion in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park. Not a a very tough Owl to find during day because of the size and the fact that they are not the most skitish.
The curiosity of the adult, the pink eyelids and the tallons in this video are quite something.


The Grey-headed Oliveback (Delacourella capistrata) is one of Africa's most attractive Waxbills (Estrildidae finches). For the last eight years, we have made significant progress in finding spots to find this species and White-collared Oliveback (Nesocharis ansorgei). The latter can be more challenging at times because one site or two are known in a year or two, and this is not too good for only a pair of finches.
We recently found a trio in Gulu while heading to Kidepo Valley National Park, which is in the furthest most North-eastern part of Uganda and famous for the Somali-Masai biome specials. This is far too west of their range than I have always known.


While birding Ruhija of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda, we attempted to find the Red-chested Owlet - Glaucidium tephronotum medje at a spot where I hold records, which worked out positively. G. t. medje is the eastern subspecies of the three; the other two, G. t. tephronotum and G. t. pycrafti, occur in West Africa.
This species hardly gets a peaceful day roost once its potential prey species notice its presence; in this video, a Collared Sunbird comes in to mob it amongst other vocalising small birds that include other Sunbirds and apalises...


A female Petit's Cuckooshrike - Campephaga petiti enjoys a Katydid at Buhoma in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.



Zygodactylaous and semi-zygodactylous have their unique kind of attractive beauty. It is entirely understandable for the Musophagids, which are semi-zygodactylous. Turacos are very variable in colours and remarkable for their peculiar pigments that give them bright green and red feathers. This Great Blue Turaco - Corythaeola cristata is the largest of them all, and often, on my tours, birders most favour it. A very vocal species whose sounds pe*****te hundreds of meters through forest, woodland and cultivation habitats. This individual was seen feeding in a fully fruiting fig tree at Entebbe Botanical Gardens.


A very beautiful Bar-tailed Trogon - Apaloderma vittatum. One of the only three Trogon species that occur in Africa. These are sometimes easier to hear than see and do not mean they are the most challenging to find, although they can be. They have mastered blending in their moist, montane forest habitats. They know that if they turn their beautiful greenbacks towards a potential threat (humans in this case), Trogons blend very well with the green vortex that they inhabit. Even when facing you, if your eyes miss the beautiful red, Trogons know so well to stay still and softly turn around so you do not notice their presence. If you watch this video of a fascinating male, you will see how he calmly turns around the head in a manner that does not attract immediate attention—brilliant and beautiful birds.
-tailed Trogon vittatum


Doherty's Bushshrike - Telophorus dohertyi is another extremely vocal yet with variable vocalisations. All of them, I love. This colour partnering of a bird is a true definition of what some friends would describe as a smart bird. With such an easily noticeable plumage, being skittish is a tolerable practice. Easily visible, the higher the chances of being taken prey. This East African endemic is restricted to high-elevation and montane forests and recently cleared habitats that are growing back. It can be tough to pull out, but during breeding seasons, they are happy to patch at vantage points to sing in territory defence and female attraction but at a very high cost of exposure.


Willard's Sooty Boubou - (Laniarius willardi) is an Albertine Rift endemic family Malaconotidae (Bushshrikes) member. Laniarius willardi was only described thirteen years back despite collecting the first specimen over 100 years ago. Boubous are typically black and large-sized black and white members of the Bushshrike family. They are as vocal as the other many coloured species and Gonoleks. All very skulky, loving thickets and vines and sometimes slowly sneaking in to see who is intruding if the first contact is by foreign vocalisation. We delightful had the most ample time with this one.


Rufous-naped Lark (Mirafra africana ruwenzoria) is Rufous-naped Lark subspecies number twenty-three, an Eastern DR Congo to South Western Uganda endemic. Mostly encountered on birding drives in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park. Brown jobs that impress only birders and all-rounder photographers. I hardly know friends who love photos of their Turaco species and equally colourful ones rushing to photograph Larks—a family of many similar-looking ground-dwelling birds of great adaptation to dry and desert country.


The Black Bishop (Euplectes gierowii ansorgei) is getting dressed up for the second breeding season. Just like several other members of the family Ploceidae, the male of this species moults to this colourful plumage for the breeding season. He will return to a less attractive brown, black and fawn streaky plumage when the season finishes. Evolutionary pressure for this, the females are attracted to colourful males for they will serve a better purpose deterring predators from young ones, among other reasons.


Rüppell's starling (Lamprotornis purpuroptera) is one of East Africa's most abundant starling. A big-sized and long-tailed starling of moist woodland to cultivation habitats mostly below 1,400 meters above sea level. They are very vocal around communities where they enjoy the safer and easy-to-share breeding cavities with large-sized Barbets like the Double-toothed. This particular individual appears to be having a faulty eye! The pupil on the bird's right shows an unproportionate shape compared to the normal one to the left. Does this affect its vision? I only noticed this later after looking at the video, although I am sure it would never grant me the privilege to observe such issues in its life.


A Grey-capped warbler (Eminia lepida) sings at an exposed perch at Uganda's Lake Mburo National Park. This monotypic genus is the largest member of the family, Cisticolidae. A skulky occupant of the dense undergrowth and scrub along the forest edge and cultivation, more often heard than seen, may require precise attention to be observed.


The search for the Green-breasted Pitta can be tricky and easy on some days. The day for this video was one of the easy ones. Multiple display observations, although all were in the canopy, which did not make it easier to film well, especially for the amateur in me. A few walks on the ground and observing it flip litter on the forest floor was a highlight for the team.


Zana Entebbe Road

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00




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