Hope Street Ministry is a ministry of former street kids and other youth who have a heart for street kids. It operates mainly in the slums of Kampala, trying to create hope and help kids develop hope for their future. We work almost seven days of the week, moving around the streets of Kampala, trying to reach as many kids as we can. We put our hope and trust in God because this is his work and he
just called us to work with his children since he said let the young children come to me because the kingdom of God is theirs. So everyone who wants to work and love the street kids is welcomed to the Hope Street center to meet and share the love of God with these kids. much love,
Hope Street ministry team
SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM-Hope street ministry sponsorship is optional.You can choose to sponsor a child on a monthly basis or any way God can use with. Your gifts will cover clothing's,education,medical treatment and food and you will receive a regular feedback and you are welcome to visit in person or as a team.Your contribution once off or ongoing is of the highest value. Hope Street Uganda is honored and exited about your interest in volunteering with us on our mission to rise the next generation of Uganda leader
VISION-The ministry intends to help children grow in health,safe and secure environment so as to have health life and education. The organization is also intended to address the abuse of children in the community and if such disadvantaged children are cared for, they can become responsible citizens hence avoiding crime in future.