Money and school are too parallel lines..
Taking about Rotary and the good deeds it has done in your local community and the world.
How is your Rotary Story and how are you sharing it to the world?
The Cheat Codes to Accelerate your Life
The 7 cheat codes you need to know..
What kind of mindset do you have??
Is it a growth mindset or scarcity mindset.
Check out the video below by one of my entrepreneurial mentors, Vusci Thembekwayo(VT)
The universal law of Karma states that "Whatever you give will always come back to you either in equal amounts or in greater quantity."
So ask yourself when it comes to investing, how much money have I saved and invested the last few years??
Remember saving alone won't get you to achieve your goals and dreams.
Its now more than ever that you learn to earn passive income.
That's why I recommend network marketing. It has a low overhead, start with low capital and earn over and over again with minimum efforts done consistently over time.
The old model of buying franchises is gone, now the new model is becoming a professional in network marketing and be paid huge commissions for moving a larger amount of products through leveraging other people's time then be able to earn passive income and build your asset column..
My WHY for doing Network marketing is IMPACT.
How helpful is what you are doing to the people or community around you??
Sarah Robbins has always been my biggest coach in Network Marketing..
Watch how this amazing industry has been able to change her life and for others around her..
Purpose over pension is the slogan of the 21st Century..
True success is measured by the number of people who are.
1. Successful because you poured your life unto them to as well become successful.
2. If other people celebrate you not tolerate you..