Independent Beachbody Coach karenj23 (Karen J Rosenfeld)

Independent Beachbody Coach karenj23 (Karen J Rosenfeld) Let me motivate & support you in your health & wellness journey!! Experience the power of Beachbody with great products like INSANITY, P90X, TurboFire & more.

And the most nutritious meal of the day...Shakeology. Now available: VEGAN Tropical Strawberry! Insane Fitness ~ Get "Committed"



Hey friends. Just a quick note to let you all know I have decided to give up my Beachbody coaching business. I won't get into too much here except to say that it didn't work out for me. I thank you to the few who did support me & I hope you will continue with your products & personal journeys. I will always support Beachbody & will continue to use their products. Come on, you know Shaun T will ALWAYS be a part of my life. ;) Beachbody just didn't work for ME as a business. If you have any specific questions, please message me. And I'm not going anywhere. I made a lot of great friendships through BB & that won't change. Xoxo

Who's ordering PiYo today?? There will be a two week special period for coaches & their customers to order before it goe...

Who's ordering PiYo today?? There will be a two week special period for coaches & their customers to order before it goes on sale to the general public. So if you're not yet on my team, make sure to sign up & order your copy soon! If it's like any previous workout releases, it WILL sellout & there could be a delay in getting it restocked. I'm excited to try this one. Especially with my foot issues. Message me with any questions or use my link to order. :)


21 Day Fix Week 1 results: down 4.2 pounds & 2 inches!!!! WHAT????!!!! OK, I'm sold, this program is for real!! And that's with going out to eat one day, celebrating with a few cupcakes & being that time of month. Sorry for TMI but that plays a factor, too!! Lost 1/2 inch in 4 places. Lower waist & hips didn't show a loss but I do see & feel a tightness & think I see slimming. So hopefully they will show the inch loss next week. This was a tough week to start a new program with so much going on in my life, but it also pushed me right into real life. And I succeeded!! Can't wait to see what week 2 has to bring. Finding the new ME...and loving it. If you want information on the program, message me & I'll send ya the info!


"If you're tired of starting over then stop quitting!!" ~Autumn Calabrese TRUTH!!

Today I tried the 21 Day Fix : Dirty 30...That was fun!! I didn't burn as many calories as I would've liked, but it was a lot more weights than actual cardio, so my HR didn't get as high. But I bet I'll be sore tomorrow!! And that quote above she said in the beginning of the workout & it really hit home. Story of my life but I'm learning. One day at a time! But again, the positive of that is that I DO start over. Some people just quit & I will NEVER be that person.


Another 2.3 miles added to my December Run Challenge plus I did Shaun T's Day 3 one minute workout. I'm dedicating the rest of my run challenge to my cousin Jay. Jay has Parkinson's & while running used to be a big part of his life, he now has trouble just standing & walking. Things have slowed down for him, but he still has his mind & his spirit. I had a nice chat with him on Monday after the funeral of my dear Aunt Zelda who lived to be 101 1/2!!!! He told me he used to run often, and now, while he doesn't run, he often wonders if I ran & how far I went. That really touched me because I didn't know he remembered I ran, let alone would think about me. How can I NOT run now?? So this morning while my bed was calling me to stay I recalled that conversation, got out of bed, dressed, laced up & hit the streets. While I'm still a bit slow, I still have my feet & can still move forward. So for the rest of my December Run Challenge I will dedicate it to you cousin Jay!! Xoxo


December Run Challenge started today. Yes I'm behind! Two miles completed & also caught up on the Shaun T program. They're just short 1 minute exercises to add to your routine to help get you through the holiday season. And wow can he pack a nice little burst of exercise into one minute!! LOL Hoping I can use December to get back on track & give me a boost to hit 2014 strong!!


Beta Dynamic Core done. Well, I can feel how deconditioned I've become, but I've also worked out 3 days in a row!! So keep focusing on the positive!! One day at a time. It WILL come back...just gotta be patient & stay consistent. I'm planning on running tomorrow & Sunday. I'll do T25 Stretch probably Monday & Wednesday with one more light run Tuesday. That will take me to my Gobble Wobble 5K on Thursday!! Hopefully I'll feel much better by then.


3 miles. Done. Blah... It can only get better from here.


Gamma Extreme Circuit done. Whew, being sick & not working out consistently makes you lose your conditioning quick. That was challenging but felt good. Tomorrow I need to hit the pavement & get my running feet back under me. Got to be ready to Gobble Wobble next Thursday!!


You know you've been going the wrong way when you do T25 Stretch & you're wiped out. Ugh, I'm tired of the cycle I keep going through. I just wanna be motivated & stay that way. It's so easy for me to get knocked off track & I have to learn why. When I'm on I'm ON!! I want to feel sorry for myself but I can't. I have to love myself enough to keep pushing forward. I am strong for not just getting knocked down but for getting back up time after time. I will get it back!! Thanks to everyone who is always there for me. Even though I know I have to do this myself, without a support system I will surely fail. One day at a time!!


3 mile run done before work. Getting Gobble Wobble ready. Had knee pain a few times, but not enough to stop me. And I did my flatter route so I felt good & my time showed it. Also, this run was ~ Hey, I'll take any excuse to eat candy corn!! Have a great day! :)


Beta Upper Focus & Alpha Lower Focus. Double day Monday done! I've been slacking the last few days & had to make up for it. And I'm ready to get back on the wagon & not let myself get any more off track. So time to start the Part 2 movement!! Operation Back On Track has begun. I made statements to myself & others that I plan on sticking to, so time to kick some butt!! Here's to not letting my trainer, motivator & friend Shaun T down, to not letting my friends down & most not letting MYSELF down. This time of year is only going to get harder, so I'll take one day at a time & not beat myself up if I'm not 100%. This is a life journey, not a quick fix. Thanks again in advance for those who stand by my side & support me. I hope you all know who you are.


2.6 mile run done!! Was gonna do T25 cause it was kinda dark out & run later, but decided to push through & get my run done instead. That's really what I have to focus on more now that I'm trying to get back together with running. And I'm very proud of my time, too. No walk breaks again! The sun was up enough & it was a beautiful morning. But now, what I was afraid of...I'm not gonna want to get up in 20 minutes to get ready for work. My body is relaxing. :)


Stretch followed by a 3 mile run. I did my local park loop. Faced those hills with no fear. Well, just a little. LOL But can gladly say I faced those hills & conquered them...with no walk breaks the whole run!! Still wanna get my speed up, but as long as I can keep running with no pain that will come in time!! Now to enjoy the rest of my day off. :)


Today is my last day of T25 Round 1!!!! I'm finishing up with Gamma Extreme Circuit. This workout program is amazing, I will definitely be keeping this in my repertoire of workouts & can't wait for Shaun to put out more rounds!! Next week I will focus more on running as well as mixing in some T25. 25 minutes a day?? No excuses!! Thanks again Shaun T for everything you do & hurry up with Delta!! ;)


Nothing like getting up & getting your workout done for the day before your mind catches on to what you're doing. Rip'T Up done!! Have I said lately that I LOVE Gamma!!!! Can't wait to see what's next. But now my mind has caught up & I don't wanna go to work. Boo...


Wow, OK...time to get back to !! I haven't done any workouts for the past week. I had my butt (and every other body part) killed by Shaun T live not once but TWICE on Sunday, so I needed a few days to recover. But I'm ready to get back on my schedule & finish out this Gamma phase!! If only my bed wasn't so comfy. Sigh... Let's GOOOO!!!! Time to refocus & bring back the movement!!


Final STATurday for & the Alpha/Beta base program!! I gained a pound last week from all my festivities with my friend. Well, this week I'm happy to report I lost 1.6 pounds and 1 more inch. And my nutrition was off this week so I'm shocked & pleased with these results. So here it final numbers for the 10-week T25 program ~ 6.6 pounds lost & 15 total inches lost!!!! I'm going to take pix later & submit for my t-shirt. :) I have one more Beta workout to do now to finish it out (Dynamic Core) & then it's on to Gamma on Monday!! This product is truly amazing if I haven't said that lately, and if you just commit to 25 fun & fast minutes a day you, too, can change your life & your body!! The movement continues!! Stay tuned... :)


Wow, has this time really come?? I just finished my last Double Day Friday with Round 1!! I have one more workout to make up tomorrow then I will be an official graduate of the base program. I am adding the 4-week Gamma phase starting on Monday & am excited to see what results I get with that program. It is more weight-focused along with cardio. I have learned so much about myself as a person & what I can do when I set my mind to something. This is truly my soulmate workout & I can't thank Shaun T enough for creating, yet again, an amazing program!! And I'm thankful for all of my amazing fitness family for either doing it with me or supporting me along the way. And a special shout out to my soul workout sister Lisa M Woods who gave me the extra motivation to keep going & to help pick me up when I felt like falling down. I say bring on any letter of the Greek alphabet...I'll nail them all!! Haha!! Let's GOOOO!!!!


I didn't workout today. Had a food slip-up tonight. It's over with. Tomorrow is a new day & I have a double T25 workout to greet me. Damn emotions & hormones.


Long day at Philosophy training learning about all the great new products coming out in the next few months, and having a fun time! Then came home & knocked out Beta Rip'T Circuit & added in Core Speed to help combat the awesome lunch & dessert they provided us at training!! Now to relax & then off to bed...early day again tomorrow.


I think sweat is becoming my new fashion accessory. Haha!! Beta Core Cardio done. Whew...


Gamma Speed 3.0 done. Whew, was not ready for Gamma! You got me this time Shaun!! And where did my modifier go?? Come back Tania the modifier!! My body is toast!! I was at maybe 75% effort. I just had nothing to give. And all those different burpees?? WTF??!! I videotaped myself to compare to later when I get stronger. So didn't quite nail it today, but ready to finish out Beta this coming week & then enter Gamma fully. Eek...


Double Day Friday done!! Yay!! Beta Speed 2.0 & Beta Upper Focus. So glad I pushed through & didn't leave anything until later. My darn HR monitor stopped reading my HR towards the end of Upper Focus so I didn't get an exact reading. But I burned close to 500 calories in just under an hour!! Guess I was pushing that hard!! LOL Still not getting my HR above the zone, but I'm hoping it's because I'm getting more fit & therefore I'm going to have to push even harder. My body still feels a bit spent, too, but I gotta push past that. STATurday tomorrow & I'm curious to see what happens. My nutrition has been a bit off since my weekend with my friend, but I will tighten it back up next week. I'm not worried about it because I chose to do what I did, and it's a part of life. I will never deprive myself...within moderation. I'd say happy Friday, but in the world of retail there is no such thing. ;)


Don't wanna move...have to get ready for work...hate the dilemma. Got through Dynamic Core but it wasn't one of my greatest moments. Never got my HR up high enough so I didn't have a great burn. But, I still did it!! There will be good days & not so good days. The great thing is that there is always tomorrow to kick my a$$ again! :) Guess I'll go make some money...


Beta Core Cardio done. Not 100% nailed, but close. My body hurts & it's hard to push through when my body says no. But that's the wall we all have to get through. Not injury pain but muscle fatigue, especially in my legs. But I still torched 270 calories so I'm not complaining. I'm having a small blood test done this morning for work & I'll tell them I worked out. A few of my fitness friends mentioned how exercise could possibly skew some results. I have recent results from my Dr. so I'm not too concerned. Just didn't have time to get a copy of his before the paperwork has to be submitted. :)


Beta Rip'T Circuit & Beta Dynamic Core DONE!! I'm baaaack!!!! Whew, took me a few minutes to get back into the groove, but then I started feeling great. All of the awesome Philly foods from this past weekend were trying to weigh me down but I wouldn't let them. I really got a good burn with both workouts: 528 calories for just under an hour. I'll take it. Slowly getting back to my nutrition groove as well. That's a bit harder because since I introduced trigger foods back into my system, it's hard to just go cold-turkey again. But I'm working on it. I won't kill all my hard work. And I'm excited to try some Gamma workouts when that gets here.


Don't think 'cause I'm having a TREAT weekend that I skimped out on STATurday!! Weight & measurements stayed the same from last week. And being that I indulged in Chinese food for lunch & had an ooey-gooey yummy cheesesteak for dinner yesterday, I'm pleased with those results. Just goes to show you that when you consistently work hard, a few TREATS here & there won't hurt you. But we don't really need to discuss what I'm gonna have the rest of the weekend. ;)


Beta Dynamic Core & Beta Speed 2.0...NAILED!! 565 calories burned in 57 minutes!! Can't imagine what the after burn is!! :) It was awesome having a workout buddy today to help push me!! We earned our Chinese food lunch that we're going to have later!! Yes, my nutrition will be off this weekend since it's a TREAT weekend, but I'll still get my workouts in!! Phillies/D-backs game tonight, too. Yay!! :)


OMG, I've officially turned into a morning workout person!! I just can't do it later in the day. I didn't even work a full shift & my body didn't wanna respond. I pushed it & pushed it & it said "no way". Today was Beta Speed 2.0. I did the workout & kept going at as high a pace as I could, but nothing felt good. Who am I?? LOL Oh well, if morning is what I gotta do, then morning is what I gotta do.


Abington, PA



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