I don't usually share my birth stories publicly because they feel somehow sacred to me, but I feel like I need to share my latest birth to help people see why I am so passionate about Hypnobabies! If you want your birth to be this easy and empowered, contact me about joining our May 31st class series! [email protected]
Throughout my last trimester, I had pre-birthing waves frequently that were usually quite comfortable (like blowing up a balloon inside my belly!). The Thursday before my guess date, I woke up to some more waves with a very mild cramping sensation. I didn't have any other signs, but I was pretty confident that it was birth day! My husband and I got our son up and ready for daycare, and on the commute to work, I mentioned that we might need to leave work early.
I work in higher education, so I spent my morning chatting with college students and setting up my out-of-office while listening to my birthing day affirmations. I used my Hypnobabies finger drop to turn off during waves. I would say for the morning my waves were about 7 minutes apart lasting about 35-45 seconds. At lunch, my waves started to require a little focus, so I e-mailed my boss to say I would head home a little early. I ate my sandwich in the main office chatting and laughing with my staff and students. I would pause to use my finger drop when seated or use my peace cue while in center when I felt like standing. I don't even think most of my students knew I was getting ready to give birth!
I left the office around 1:30, and I listened to "Deepening" in the car. When we got home, I showered , called the midwife to let her know things were started, and packed my bag. I listened to a track on my birthing ball while my husband packed up the car. In my last births, I really loved deepening in the car, but I had very mobile early birthing time so I didn't get to do a lot of quiet track time early on. This birth, I lay down on the couch and listened to Easy First Stage while resting. I checked the time, and it was about 4PM. We have a 40 minute ride to the hospital without traffic, so we decided to head in even though I would have preferred to wait a little longer.
I listened to Deepening in the car but would come up to center periodically to answer questions. My husband offered to stop at Wawa to pick up some dinner in case we were going to be at the hospital a while, and I agreed, but as we got closer, I told him I thought we should skip it because I had started to feel like I wanted to be at my birthing place. My midwife met us in the hallway and we were laughing on the way in. She teased me that I needed to stop laughing because she had vouched for me to skip triage and they would give her a hard time if I wasn't in my active birthing time yet.
No worries--she checked me and I was complete! I made the decision to break my water, and I started pushing before we finished my fetal monitoring. I was GBS+ but because of the speed of my birth, there wasn't time for antibiotics, so I didn't need an IV or any other intervention. I had wanted to avoid pushing on the bed so my midwife suggested several positions, but I only felt comfortable on my side in bed. I put the pushing baby out track on out loud, and I remember the nurse and midwife laughing because of the reminder not to listen to that track while driving.
I have found pushing very intense with all of my births, and this was no exception, but I had nice long recovery periods. I really trusted my body and when I didn't feel the need to push, I laid back and listened to the track. I remember my midwife saying one more push, and thinking she was patronizing me because there was no way baby would be here so easily and quickly, but then there she was! She was the roundest little baby I have ever seen, and I was able to hold her immediately. She was 9lbs 3oz and 21 inches long. I'm not sure how long I was at the hospital before she arrived, but she was born at 5:31PM about 4 hours after I left work.
I had asked my husband to take some video/pictures of me in my birthing time so I could show my students, but it turns out he never did because "there wasn't anything interesting" so hopefully that paints a picture of how calm things felt to him. My birth was enhanced by an amazing midwife at a supportive hospital.
I felt very calm and comfortable throughout my entire birth with a bit of intensity during pushing. I loved listening to my tracks while lying down this birth and leaned on them heavily which was different from my previous births where I relied more on moving my lightswitch and improvised cues during very mobile births. Both options were different and wonderful. You can see some gorgeous photos by Desiree Hoelzle Photography