Check your email and fill out our online evaluation form while the memories of Terpsichore are still fresh. There are two evals: one for adults, and one for 13 & unders. We read every evaluation, and your feedback greatly helps our planning for future years!
(If you didn’t get an email directly, check with whoever registered for you! Only email addresses that were used to register received this email).
🎥 by @bizseay
#dance #community #music #contradance #contradancing #squaredancers #harmony #harmonysinging #englishcountrydance #percussivedance #banjo #guitar #fiddle #wakeuprobin #frederickmd #newyearseve #21stcentury #evaluation #thanksforcomingtocamp #feedback #thankyou #weloveyou
November has arrived, the leaves are falling off the trees, and the holiday season is fast approaching… you know what that means - Terpsichore is next month!
We have a great staff planned for this year, including: Wake Up Robin (Audrey Jaber, Amy Englesberg, Noah VanNorstrand), Luke Donforth, Adina Gordon, Emily Oleson, Matthew Olwell, Miranda Weinberg, Dave Wiesler, Chris Bischoff, Julie Gregorio, Kappy Laning, Katie Zukof, Meg Dedolph, Eric Schedler, an Jonathan Whitall). Many of our staff bios and a tentative schedule are available on the website.
Important! If you want to apply for a Lloyd Shaw Scholarship or for financial assistance, you must register by November 20th.
We can’t wait to see you & dance to tunes like this from Wake Up Robin.
#dance #community #music #contradance #contradancing #squaredancers #harmony #harmonysinging #englishcountrydance #percussivedance #banjo #guitar #fiddle #wakeuprobin #frederickmd #newyearseve #21stcentury @flurryfestival #marywesley #flurryfestuval #registernow
Who’s that fiddler on the roof?
Oh it’s Noah VanNorstrand of course! Hard to keep track of where Noah might appear next - but one thing is certain… he’ll be at Terpsichore this winter.
#dance #community #music #contradance #contradancing #squaredancers #harmony #harmonysinging #englishcountrydance #percussivedance #banjo #guitar #fiddle #wakeuprobin #frederickmd #newyearseve #21stcentury #welovenoah @greatbearmusic @noahvannorstrand #fiddler #fiddlerontheroof
Some of our favorite musicians can't wait to play tunes together in person - but for now, the wonders of technology help pass the time. Listen to Bizzy Seay, Joe Carter, Max Thoburn, and Steven Bluestein playing Red Prairie dawn and count down the days (41) until they'll be playing at camp!
We're excited to dance to music from The Cosmic Otters this year at camp! The Otters are Meg Dedolph, Jonathan Whitall, and Eric Schedler. They play tunes from the British Isles and its relatives – Ireland, England and Scotland with side trips to Cape Breton and Quebec – but in their own way, with an unshakable drive and playful improvisations that make dancers smile.
The Cosmic Otters will be playing for evening dances, teaching classes (Slow Jam, Dance Band, Kids' Ritual Dance, and more), and I'm sure you'll be able to catch them for some tunes in the coat closet.
Chloe and Helen singing You’re just in Love (I Wonder Why) by Irving Berlin
If you have an offering you’d like to share at our #virtualfamilygathering please send us a message! Songs/tunes/indoor games/drawings you’ve made while in isolation/etc are all welcome
#familygatheringtime #singingthroughthehardtimes #communityfromafar
Meg, Jonathan, and Jamie have a fun game to share! What are your favorite games to play at home? #stayhome #stayconnected #virtualfamilygathering #communityfromafar
Staying in doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected to your community! In a hope to bring a bit of joy to people’s days, the Terpsichore social media will be sharing music/games/songs/dances presented by members of our community during this time of physical distancing. Today we have @joekkeyy playing Bonaparte’s Retreat on the banjo (or should we say the BanJoe?)