Dear Everyone:
Ok, watch this. Then tell me which guy is from the Black tribe, or the White tribe, or the Democratic tribe, or the republican tribe, or the Packer tribe, or the Saints tribe.
These two guys are from the American tribe. They are there together, born of woman, joined together by the heart of a woman.
Damnit, we are Americans. We are not puppets to be dangled by strings, played by people with money, who are dividing us. We are Americans. We can think for ourselves.
We can see who is lying to us, and who isn't. We don't have to have people telling us what to think. We know the difference between good and evil.
Do you think this guy, listening to his daughter's heart beat, did not love this man, who was keeping her heart alive, as it was keeping him alive, because of the color of his skin?
This is love; and it is the opposite of hate. A N**i would say let both die. White hearts don't belong in Black men. That's hate, and we know is spewing hate.
Donald Trump is spewing hate, and his republican followers are following him on his journey into darkness.
Vote for love. Vote for inclusivity. Vote for equality. Vote for honesty. Vote for justice. Vote for human dignity. Vote for the health of our planet. Vote like the prosperity and health of your family depends on it. It does.
Bill's daughter, Abbey, died abruptly in January 2017.