@albrittonjake workin one all the way in and @wrk2hunt letting the ol’ .410 eat!! Love it when they do it right!! Oh and thanks for letting him clear the deer boys 😜 🔨
One stop flop! 🦃 🎯
@brad_delaup 🏹
#turkeyhunting #bowhunting #turkeyseason #longbeard #gobbler #southtexas #huntlaspalmas
Look who decided to throw his first drop at 7 years old 😎. Y’all might remember this deer from previous posts. He is the only tagged buck on the ranch and was a spike yearling.
#monsterbucks #velvetbucks
#whitetail #whitetailhunting
#deerhunting #bowhunting #southtexashunting #huntlaspalmas
Sometimes you just need to clear the pipes 🤧😜
It’s been a while since y’all have heard from us! Let’s kick it off with one of the funniest moments ever at Las Palmas from about 10 years ago! Our buddy @mreckling29 “drills it” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #tbt
Did we just start the #dovebucketchallenge 🤔🤣
#rainingdove #dovehunting #dovehunt #dovehunters #dovelimits #southtexas #huntlaspalmas
Rainy day not keeping the birds away 😜😎.
#dovehunting #dovehunt #dovehunters #birdhunting #dovelimits #whitewings #mourningdove #southtexasdovehunting #huntlaspalmas
These boys were gettin their beak on🤣… and yes, Garrett did drop a bird mid vid 😜.
The birds are back in town 🤩🤩🤩.
#doveseason #dovehunting #dovehunt #dovehunter #whitewingeddove #whitewinghunting #mourningdove #birdhunting #sunflowers #southtexasdovehunting #huntlaspalmas
Thanks for clearing my camera lane... can’t say it’ll save you though 😏.
#waterhole #wildpig #feralhogs #hoghunting #deerhunting #monsterbucks #huntingseason #trailcam #southtexas #monsterbucks #huntlaspalmas