Labbayk | Heeding the Call
El-Hajj Hisham Mahmoud of Lanturna discusses the origins and history of the sacred call of #Hajj - Labbayk.
Dr. Anse Tamara Gray Hajj experience with Ihya Tours
Dr. Tamara Gray shares her #Hajj experience with Ihya Tours. Join us for Hajj 2020 with Ustadha Badriyya Tahhan for Hajj 2020. For more information:
Ustadha Badriyya Tahhan
Born in the blessed land of Syria, Ustadha Badriyya began her early studies in her native city of Damascus. In pursuit of knowledge, she has studied in various Middle Eastern countries with many luminaries including Shaykh Ahmed Sirajuddin, son of the late gnostic Shaykh Abdallah Sirajuddin Al Hussayni (rahimullah).
Ustadha teaches Fiqh, Aqeeda and Seerah as well as poems in praise of the beloved Prophet may peace and blessings be upon Him.
She has had the opportunity to teach at the annual Dowra in Tarim (Yemen), under the auspicious guidance of al-Habib Umar bin Hafiz. She is settled in Birmingham with her family, carrying out many dawah projects in her community and nationally
Ihya Tours would like to invite you to join us for #Hajj this year with Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, Ustadha Badriyya Tahhan and Hassan Shibly. For more information and registration, please visit:
Al-Maqasid Umrah Invitation
Register today for Al-Maqasid Umrah this November over Thanksgiving.
Win a free Umrah!
Step 1: Visit and sign up. You will receive a custom link to share directly and via email.
Step 2: Share the link far and wide - Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. Winner will be the person with the most sign ups through shares.
Step 3: Join is for Umrah this November InshaAllah 🙂
Dr. Tamara Gray of Rabata reflections on Surat al-Hajj
Shaykh Amin Buxton reflections on Madinah al-Munawwarah
Habib Faisal al-Kaff Visit
Visit by Mufti Abdul Rehman Mangera of at Ihya Tours camp at Mina
Omar Suleiman and Anse Dr. Tamara Gray discuss the Abrahamic paradigm in Mina.
Living the Hajj - Jamarat
On this day, 10th of Dhul-Hijjah the pilgrims make there way towards Jamarat. Join us as Shaykh Muhammad Mendes takes us through the Hajj.
Living the Hajj Series - Jamarat