Only 13 days till spring and we will be splashing down very soon. Time to lock in those dates with Ayveryโs Angling Outdoors or myself. We're getting several calls daily so don't wait too long.
Walleye are first on the list for the 2025 season. We are planning on going to Lake Erie to chase some giant Walleye this week. A few boats are already getting into the pre spawn females so the chance of a trophy is almost guaranteed. 10+ pound fish aren't uncommon during early season before the spawn. Let us know if you're interested and we will be in the Huron Ohio area.
We will be trolling in mid to late March off Alpena hopefully. We are and have been scheduling groups for the 2025 season for both Ayvery on the 26' Angler Qwest tritoon and myself on my 232 Grady White Gulfstream. First come first serve on the dates so get yours scheduled as soon as you have a date picked out. If you schedule before January 1st 2025 we will honor the 2023 and 2024 prices since I haven't increased in several years. The 2025 price list will only be $50 which isn't much but is an inevitable aspect to running a business long term.
2025 spring summer and fall prices will be as follows:
1-2 people $550
3 anglers $600
4 anglers $650
5 anglers $700
6 anglers $750
Call or email when you know your dates for scheduling
989-657-4646 (Steve) or
989-884-3155 (Cherokee)
[email protected] (email)
If you want to get into some awesome fishing action I can schedule you at anytime. Call, text, or email to get set up with a date/time.
We offer world class mixed bag Trout, Salmon, and Walleye trips in Northern Lake Huron. April through October the fishing is outstanding. There isn't a bad time to fish here in Northeast Michigan.
www skunkednomore.biz
Michigan Charter Boat Association