Alice's Rabbit Whole

Alice's Rabbit Whole A"wildish" herb farm that promotes health through our relationship with plants. Sales of handcrafted products and Services support the ongoing endeavor.

ARWhole as a business is a place that SELLS medicinal and culinary herbs, handcrafted herbal products and miscellaneous health products. The SERVICES offered are Wijara Energy Sessions (combination of consultation and energy-bodywork), Next Step Consultations (about personal herb and health care; diet and nutrition), Mentoring (which could include spiritual questing and life & lifestyle choices) a

nd an assortment of classes including everything from herbs to food to healthcare. ARWhole is the accumulation of my wisdom gained from many sources, first from living close to the earth on a dairy farm in a large family with two very resourceful self-employed parents. Second, through the many years of raising my 3 children into amazing adults, adding 2 son-in-laws and a grandgirl to the family presented challenges that deepened my herbal knowledge. Also through seeking answers to all of so many questions that have come my way through friends, clients and neighbors about their interests in herbal medicine, their hearts and sustainable living practices. ARWhole as a place is my home and it’s where I make “home”, a place of quietness, sharing and acceptance. My canvas is a beautiful 38 acre piece of land that was previously an Amish farm. Being a traditional farm it came with all its fences and fields. Slowly fences are coming down and fields are morphing into a connected unity of plants and spaces. The feeling is to interweave spaces of retreat and solitude with perennial foods, gardens, areas to wild craft and paths with plant identification markers for learning. As I’m trying to find my way back to some wilderness on this piece of land that was so domesticated I’m learning to listen and trust what it is that we are becoming together – the land and I. It’s a deep intimate experience and we continue to grow each other. Where we are now there are many new definements and etchings, on the land and in my heart space. Trees planted, fire rings set, stone circles and gardens, young and old, permanent and morphing. Some areas are claimed and some are left untouched, always changing always growing. Where do we go from here? There’s that place/space in between domestication and wilderness, where we live in the forever flow of life! Too much of either extreme is daunting to the human soul. The land can live without me. I cannot live without the land. I’m trying to find that space/place where I feel the flowing exchange of life that comes from being in “right relations” with the worlds around me. I practice listening to the earth so I can combine our needs and desires in a good balanced way. So in that ARWhole is also a learning center through direct and indirect experiences. A place with diverse experiences that have to do with this great relationship we’re in called life. There are formal and informal classes that always encourage growth and self-reliance so we can take that “next step” in creating our life. It could mean learning through a hands-on class on herbal medicine, learning through emotional heart work or through a hard day’s work outside. A place of learning where I keep things “a little bit on the wild side” and a place to practice the art of “living for the Greater Whole”

As for me I’m sure I started my herbal studies before I was aware of it. Born on a working dairy farm with many siblings and at a time when folks still took care of their own needs (except for the exceptions) I learned to be self-reliant. Doctors were non-existent in my growing up years and I’ve seen little of them in my adult life. With a farming father who also sold Watkins products we had the “back room”, a room full of products that served as the medicine cabinet. Mother had Aloe Vera and False Sea Onion plants that served as my introduction into plant medicine. Being part of a large family on a dairy farm it kind of looked like this for me: gardening, weeding, cooking and baking bread, driving tractor, feeding animals, canning, hiding behind doors to read, weeding, helping with butchering, picking eggs, weeding, sausage making, weeding, jam/jelly and wine making, sewing and embroidering, weeding, 4 – H, weeding, playing in the woods and the stream, harvesting crops, weeding, throwing hay bales, weeding, escaping into my art and books, weeding, weeding…….we also ate a lot of awesome food! Leaving home and wandering off into the mid 70’s when the radical changes of the 50’s & 60’s were starting to make headway into the so called normal world, I picked up my first herb book. “Rodale Herbs” one of the few herb books written at that time. And so began my addiction of book buying. I tumbled into my 20’s and the birth of my first daughter. After choosing a homebirth I proceeded to care for my little love in a way that made sense to the world as I saw it, only to come face to face with the medical world and antibiotics. Frustrated I started to read and searched out herbal health care, in the 1980’s there wasn’t much written about herbal medicine, especially pertaining to babies and children. Then I began the long slow process of observing, listening and caring for the child, trusting that I could know the way. Three and a half years later another wonderful daughter came into being and so did my first herbal study course. Then began the collection of bottles and jars for all the teas, tinctures, oils and plant matter that came to be made and harvested. On again 6 years to the birth of another wonderful, my son, then massage school and then the move back to a rural resident in the middle of an Amish community. Hearing that a woman “who knows stuff” moved into the neighborhood, my Amish neighbors soon started knocking at my door for herbs and information. I proceeded by hanging up my sign for Massage Therapy and my business slowly bloomed. I owe a lot to the Amish community for their encouraging patriotism as it helped me to keep studying. Most if not all of my products grew out of someone’s need and if the product proved the test of time I kept making it. The business quickly grew from one small shelving unit and a massage table to choosing to add an addition onto the house to hold my herb, consulting and massage business. The business grew through a name no one has heard of to now being called Alice’s Rabbit Whole which is very fitting and much more fun! Playing with the “whole” means there is always room to stretch for new ideas and ways to make life work for one and all. A person can’t stay home and raise children forever, at some point they grow up and it’s time to go forward with the rest of one’s life. So now many, many books later, many classes and conferences later, many clients/friends and neighbors later it’s time to bring all this wisdom out of the rabbit hole into the Whole so I that I can continue my journey of relation………..


And as she sang she wondered if that was not really the essence of life, to serve at the source of power, to do what had to be done, and if the gallows became the logical end of your behavior, to accept it…. but above all else, to participate, to be at the center of life as a participant……

“The Drifters” chapter Gretchen - by James Michener Website. Books to download for free. this is something everyon...

Excellent Website. Books to download for free. this is something everyone should learn about. Works great for me! I love it!!

Internal, external and alternative methods of urotherapy.

profound & life changing an excellent listen.  some great history & insights. its all about cycles & relationships!

profound & life changing an excellent listen. some great history & insights. its all about cycles & relationships!

WATCH Gregg Braden's FREE Video Event - The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-Healing👉 world is waking up to the incredible abilities of urine. Very informative...
The world is waking up to the incredible abilities of urine. Very informative video. And who ever wants beautiful skin just start using your own urine instead of buying creams and lotions, it's the best & works miracles. The first thing I noticed when I started using it internally was the amount of energy/stamina it gave me and that was after only consuming 11 oz. over 3 days. Yup! I'm a p*e drinker. Toast to the Golden liquid!!

Many of us are oblivious to the fact that our first months of life were actually spent swimming in urine. Indeed, the amniotic sac is made up of 80% urine, f...

and here's another...........

and here's another...........

The Fluoride Lawsuit is exposing fluoridation of our water supply as one of the greatest public health scandals of our time, with shocking new revelations coming to light through this groundbreaking legal case; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the FDA’s Pe…

the poisonous fluoride story is getting closer to complete exposure. "safe" at 1 part per million. so if you're drinking...

the poisonous fluoride story is getting closer to complete exposure. "safe" at 1 part per million. so if you're drinking water is .7 parts per million how much do you think you get everyday?? It's in your drinking water, toothpaste, mouthwash, the dentist gives you more, in your beer, most bottled beverages, all store bought bread is made with it, your crackers, your chips & on and on! This video is very informative & gives the history. They have done their homework. But the powers that be are still trying to keep this under wraps....... and it's destroying everyone's heath. Harmful to fetuses, to babies, Thyroid function, makes brittle bones esp.. the hips, causes osteoarthritis in the knees, messes with brain function, overdoses cause teeth malformation and on and on......... it's amazing what can be done with industrial waste products.

The Fluoride Lawsuit has produced video admissions that may have exposed the nearly 80 year practice of adding the toxin to our nation’s water supply as one of the biggest public health scandals in American history. Attorney Michael Connett, Esq., e…

Got teeth &/or gum problems?? Try Black Walnut tincture. What started as an experiment on myself ended up with the reali...

Got teeth &/or gum problems?? Try Black Walnut tincture. What started as an experiment on myself ended up with the realization of what amazing benefit Black walnut tincture has on any and all teeth problems. I was taking a single dose of 2 teaspoons of tincture everyday. By day 5 an issue I was having with a tooth was definitely disappearing.
The short story is I started handing out bottles to about 10 people with problems and ALL of them had success with helping to clear the problems they where having with their teeth.
My biggest success is the slight irritation that is constantly in your mouth because of old root canals (very expensive to have remove, and yes, I know they are best removed!) .... that constant nagging has completely cleared up.
So do your mouth a favor of 1 - 4 weeks on Black Walnut tincture.
I just put the 2 teaspoons in tiny glass of water. Doesn't matter morning, noon or evening. Just do it once a day........ it is also AWESOME for killing parasites. and fighting fungal infections.
There is still time to make your own tincture if you can find the nuts.


I LOVE LOVE to listen to Nassim. Brilliant & here he outdoes himself again.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. book is a great read also...

his book is a great read also...

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biolo...

Wondering if anyone has any extra Black Walnuts this year or where I can get some from? Willing to come and pick them up...

Wondering if anyone has any extra Black Walnuts this year or where I can get some from? Willing to come and pick them up. I'd appreciate it, thank you.


Rumors turn to dogma if repeated.


Sorry folks but late is better than never......... Herb Demo Schedule for the Art & Herb event. Saturday August 12th... Family event.

Art & Herbs 2023 Fest          Free Event Last year was so much fun that we are doing it again! A creative outdoor exper...

Art & Herbs 2023 Fest Free Event

Last year was so much fun that we are doing it again!

A creative outdoor experience for the whole family!
This time YOU PAINT … what fun!!!

Time has a way of bringing up ideas … So what is a person to do with old sheets, a pile of scrap wood & leftover interior house paint??? ---- Well, we created a very long wall of framed canvases…….. Your job will be to come and help fill them with your creative spark! There will be a big person’s wall & a small person’s wall. Old latex paints for big folks &
Tempera paints for the small folks.

WEAR APPROPIATE CLOTHES & pack yourself a picnic basket! There will be some refreshments available.

Come early, Come late, Stay all day or just for a bit! But come… for some fun!

A Backyard herb Q & A will be going on all day with a demo or 2 … this is still to be worked out!

The Rabbit Whole shop will be OPEN for Herbal products

AUGUST 12th.. Saturday 10:00 – 4:00pm
At Alice’s Rabbit Whole, 8981 Riley Road, Amherst - WI
This is a free event but donations will be accepted
if you’re inspired by the day’s events.
This is put on by Alice Dolata, Ashley Megal, MacKenzie Burns & Jenny Ignatowski

**OPTIONAL – have any old house paint or brushes you’d like to donate? Bring them along.

Another "Alive" Food Dinner class in July. Finally posting it but take note that there are only 2 of the 12 seats left o...

Another "Alive" Food Dinner class in July. Finally posting it but take note that there are only 2 of the 12 seats left open. These classes are always an adventure on your taste buds and mind!

I have been having many folks coming for help with congestion caused by the smoke in the air. These are some of the good...

I have been having many folks coming for help with congestion caused by the smoke in the air. These are some of the goodies that they have been using. Thyme Out Syrup is an expectorant (clears mucus) cough syrup and people of all ages are finding relief with it.
Elecampane root is incredible for deep congestion that is hard to breakup or for lungs that have taken a lot of abuse over the years. Very Clearing. I have it in tincture which can also be turned into a syrup (add 1 to 4 parts honey or other sweetener) or as a tea.
Also available are 3 teas, Golden Hyssop (clearing but also supportive to weak or abused lungs), Mullein Sage (clearing and immune supportive) and then Thyme Out Tea.
All available in SHOP, some at the Coop in Stevens Point & On-line. Still need to get Golden Hyssop tea & Elecampane tincture on the Website. Or CALL 715-824-5294

Today I cooked up Box Elder seeds. These get to move out of “survival” food & into the “Gourmet” food category! Today I ...

Today I cooked up Box Elder seeds. These get to move out of “survival” food & into the “Gourmet” food category! Today I ground regular Sesame seeds mixed it with about equal parts Starch (starch keeps things crispy), black pepper & salt!! Dipped & fried! Very tender crunchy!!!

Couldn’t resist. They where hanging right in front of my face and said “eat me”! Maple seeds. Made a batter of ground to...

Couldn’t resist. They where hanging right in front of my face and said “eat me”! Maple seeds. Made a batter of ground toasted sesame seeds, starch, spices & water. Fried them & sprinkled them with salt. Yummy! A tiny bit bitter in the background but when dipped in wild grape vinegar with Sea salt… all good folks!!

Creeping Charlie bubbly! Delis - natural soda. Its easy. Put a double fist full of freah Creeping Charlie (aka Gil o’ th...

Creeping Charlie bubbly! Delis - natural soda. Its easy. Put a double fist full of freah Creeping Charlie (aka Gil o’ the ground, Ground Ivy, Creeping Jenny) into a gallon jar. Add 1 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup Apple cider vinegar and the juice from one lemon, I added a few slices of dried apple this is optional. Then fill jar with water. Close tightly & shake to disslove sugar. Allow to sit in warm place. Sun or no sun. For a few days could be more if you forget. Then strain and bottle. Preferably into bottles with fliptops. They are usually thicker glass and can withstand pressure from carbonation.
Enjoy! Now or after a few days to allow the bubbles to increase.

Spontaneous WINE MAKING CLASS this coming Saturday May 20th..So there are choices in life & one of them is …. To Kill or...

Spontaneous WINE MAKING CLASS this coming Saturday May 20th..

So there are choices in life & one of them is …. To Kill or not to Kill…… Creeping Charlie the plant that is!!!! Someone gave me a plant with it intertwined in the roots. I was a bit upset when I realized it was doing its “creepy” thing all over my lawn & gardens. I then realized I could keep wasting my energy being mad or I could embrace those cute flowers. I embrace it totally. It makes the BEST natural soda and a wonderful wine!

Every year I make a batch of Ground Ivy (aka Creeping Charlie) Wine & this year I’m making it this Saturday, May 20th. Creeping Charlie has amazing medicinal properties, very cleansing and helps detox heavy metals out of the body. It also has an pleasant interesting flavor & yes, we can do some taste testing.

Making wine from your backyard herbs is a great way to store their healing properties. If you want to get in on the action Class will be held at Alice’s Rabbit Whole 8981 Riley Road, Amherst WI.

Saturday, May 20th .. 9:00 am till a couple/few hours later. Come and join the fun! Cost is $20.00 – pay when you get here! If you’re planning on coming please email or call or be spontaneous and we’ll see you if you get here!!

Time to make Dandelion wine!! Its easy! And I’m here to let you know that you DO NOT need to pick off all the green bott...

Time to make Dandelion wine!! Its easy! And I’m here to let you know that you DO NOT need to pick off all the green bottoms of each blossom. Just no stems! 1 gallon of blossoms (just over a pound in weight), one gallon water, 4 cups sugar and a lemon and a orange. Wine yeast and your good.

Heat water, pour over blossoms & allow to steep for 3 days ( NO longer) then strain. At this point add sugar, fruit and yeast. Allow to ferment for two weeks. Strain again and put in a jug with airlock to finish fermenting. Then sit back and enjoy last years danelion wine!! the truth about the Toxic effect of Fluoride in the drinking water i...

Finally the truth about the Toxic effect of Fluoride in the drinking water is coming out!!

Years of p*er-reviewed studies on the dangers of human exposure to fluoride should be enough to prove it isn’t a conspiracy. Activist and investigative journalist, Derrick Broze, describes the nearly decade long legal battle between multiple watch…


8981 Riley Road
Amherst, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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