You’ll find more than just bears trying to catch fish here at Brooks!
Soon enough this bird will be switching her wheels to an amphibian floats and will start taking our customers on their bear viewing trips to Brooks Falls! Until then if you’re looking for a Caravan charter - give us a call! // #anchorageaero #flykatmai #cessnacaravan #amphibianfloatplane #akaircraftcharters #alaskacharters #daytripstokatmai #brooksfallsdaytrips #capeyakitagaalaska
Ok.. posing for a last camera shot and I gotta go catch some fish! See ya at the falls! Have you booked your Brooks Falls trip yet // #brooksfallsbears #brooksfallsbearviewing #alaskabearviewing #alaskabears #bearviewingdaytrip #katmai #katmainationalpark #katmaibears #katmainationalparkandpreserve #katmainps #alaskabears #anchoragedaytrips #anchorageaero #flykatmai #alaskatripoflifetime #bearviewingadventure #visitkatmai #visitbrooksfalls Video credit Loly Farnos