Remember last winter . . . ya that was nice . . . #pepapig #caravan #textronaviation @textronaviation #bellyflop #snowangel #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska
Mind BLOWN!! Our Port Alsworth office phones are working again!! Well mostly! We have had calls only ring once then they seem to make it on the second try, so keep trying and we will answer! Thank you for your patience! #arg #portalsworth #lakeclark #phoneproblems #monkeyproblems #noidonthavemonkeyproblems #mindblown #redneck #atleastalittle #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska
It was a treat to fly over the Pinnacles and Pavlof volcano a couple days ago under clear skies! The rime ice fixed to the Pinnacles is pretty amazing! #pinnacles #pavlof #volcano #underwingadventures #coldbay #kingcove #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska
2019 Sourdough Fly-In trailer! Watch the 3 min feature film at 🎉
One more look at the amazing shadow of a ship slowly turning to dust on the shores of Middleton Island! What a place, let us help YOU unlock Alaska!! #middletonisland #shipwreck #ifthosebonescouldtalk #lostatsea #beachcombing #alaska #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska
Though the race for fist place in Iditarod 2019 is over the journey is not over for a few left on the trail. Pete Kaiser from Bethel Alaska has sealed to deal and places his name in the history books on the 1000 mile race across the state in 9 days and 12 hours!! Congratulations Pete!!! Kaiser Racing Kennel
#iditarod2019 #champion #dogsled #mush #leaddog #racetonome #petekaiser #1000miles #adventure #lakeandpenair #unlockingiditarod #unlockingalaska
The race for first place in Iditarod 2019 is getting exciting! Nic Petit ran out of gas shortly after leaving Shaktoolik and it looks like he walked his team a couple miles to a shelter cabin. Joar Ulsom, Pete Kaiser and Jessie Royer are in the best position to win but I wouldn’t count any of the top 6 racers out at this point!! We will watch and see who leaves Koyuk first headed west for Nome!! #iknowiusedthissongalready #butilikeit #xanthrax #shredders #nome #koyuk #unalakleet #shaktoolik #safety #racetonome #noplacelikehome #Iditarod #iditarod2019 #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska #unlockingiditarod #adventure #underwingadventure
We spent the last two days on the Yukon River capturing all the teams coming through! There was not much for public internet so I wasn’t able to give any updates! The custom for the Iditarod is the first person into the checkpoint receives a gourmet meal and so the folks in Anvik watched and salivated as Nick Petit filled his belly on fresh salad and seafood! #anvik #yukon #yukonriver #iditarod #iditarod2019 #nicolaspetit #joarulsom #jessieroyer #richiediehl #mush #halfway #kaltag #unalakleet #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska
We are posted up in Takotna today with a bunch of mushers taking their 24 hour rest. It is fun to interact with some of the mushers now after 6 years on the trail there is some camaraderie! They are amazing people challenging their bodies and pushing into these winter conditions, pretty awesome to be a close spectator and see how these dogs love their life! #Takotna #Iditarod #iditarod2019 #sleddog #betterthanasharpstickintheeye #richiediehl #realman #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska
Load and go! We are out of Skwentna and flew the course through Rainy Pass and hunkering down for the night. Petit was in the lead going up hill to the summit of the pass and he was looking strong! I should have some good shots of the teams streaming into Nicolai tomorrow and we will see how the mushers fared through the night!! #iditarod #adventure #underwingadventure #wheredoyouwanttogo #letitfly #caravan #caravanEX #LAKEANDPENAIR #unlockingalaska
Ahhh summer, I don’t miss you but I do love you!! #caravan #lovemyjob #winter #coldweather #summer #icanwait #lakeandpenair #unlockingalaska