Dear valued member and supporter of the BTN,
I hope this note finds you and your families safe and healthy. Our thoughts continue to be with you as we all face the uncertainty of the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on our events. We are hopeful that the majority of us will be able to host or reschedule our events later this year. Our work that brings people together for the joy of bicycling, travel and giving back has never been more important and we should all look forward to those happy days ahead.
For the past several weeks, the BTN Board has been considering the path forward with our annual National Bicycle Tourism Conference and whether we felt we could put on the same high quality networking and meeting event that you have come to expect and enjoy. We were looking forward to our reunion in Tempe, Arizona, however we have made the difficult decision to cancel the conference this November. There were several factors in our decision including travel budgets and the impact on rescheduled spring events for later this year. At this time, we felt we could not proceed with the planning for the November conference. We have made arrangements to host the conference in Tempe in 2021 and 2022 and hope that you can join us then.
In the meantime, we'd like to invite you to join us in our first Bicycle Tourism Network Town Hall - COVID-19 via Zoom on Tuesday. April 28th at 10am Pacific Standard Time. This moderated call will allow us to share information and ideas about our own events and provide opportunities to ask questions. We hope this will be a helpful virtual gathering that we are also considering on a regular basis in the months ahead. Please RSVP here:
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We are trying to gauge concerns of our membership including what events have been postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic and help set an agenda for the town hall. Please take a minute to provide some feedback to this quick survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=r4wNHaebu0yduEGj8qRM2auWt2s4G6dGsvAbExeFvFVUNFU2U05HUVBOWlBIM0NWVVRLU1owUEhGWi4u
Thank you for your continued support which unites us and will help us get through these challenging times. Stay strong and pedal on.
Andy Hanshaw
A Board facilitated discussion to share ideas and resources on the impacts of COVID-19