Making Waves with Cap'n Mike
Create YOUR Full Moon Kayak Adventure!
Making Waves with Cap'n Mike
Dressing Ship
Making waves with Cap'n Mike - Opening night, AYC Wednesday Night Races
Join me for a quick night out on the bay!
With the restrictions lifted and Memorial Day weekend upon us, weather permitting, many of us will be taking to the water for the first time this season. With this edition of Making Waves with Cap'n Mike, we're bringing you a few important safety tips. Do you know where the life jackets are? Watch this; it could save a life.
#makingwaveswithcapnmike #charterfullmoon #charterboatsannapolis
Making waves with Cap'n Mike
Over the years, my routine is always the same…before hauling Full Moon in January for her winter fluff & buff, I remove everything from her. I empty all the drawers and lockers, all the PFDs, the spare anchor and rode, all the cushions, the books, the fishing gear, the dog toys, the kayak and paddleboard paddles, race committee gear, spare fluids, the epirb and life raft, the coolers, the spare vhf, the binoculars, air horn, tools, flashlights, equipment manuals, all the galley items…you name it, it comes off. And it all fills the back of my Chevy Suburban eight times. Then it goes into my basement for sorting out, cleaning, replacing, and reorganizing for the Spring launch.
Next step? With the boatyard finished and the invoice paid, it’s time to bring her home and start putting her back to together.
Why do I go to so much trouble every year? You’ve heard it before, stuff accumulates on boats. And it gets dirty, or it deteriorates, or it gets duplicated or triplicated. How many times have you gone to Fawcett or West Marine to pick up a needed part, tool, or supply, only to find out you already have two of them aboard? Cleaning everything out on an annual basis keeps your necessities fresh, gets rid of the extras (thus saving weight and space), lets you reorganize, and temporarily empties your drawers, lockers, and lazarettes to allow for a good, really good, cleaning.
You heard it here first…a clean boat is a happy boat.
Over the years, my routine is always the same…before hauling Full Moon in January for her winter fluff & buff, I remove everything from her. I empty all the drawers and lockers, all the PFDs, the spare anchor and rode, all the cushions, the books, the fishing gear, the dog toys, the kayak and paddleboard paddles, race committee gear, spare fluids, the epirb and life raft, the coolers, the spare vhf, the binoculars, air horn, tools, flashlights, equipment manuals, all the galley items…you name it, it comes off. And it all fills the back of my Chevy Suburban eight times. Then it goes into my basement for sorting out, cleaning, replacing, and reorganizing for the Spring launch.
Next step? With the boatyard finished and the invoice paid, it’s time to bring her home and start putting her back to together.
Why do I go to so much trouble every year? You’ve heard it before, stuff accumulates on boats. And it gets dirty, or it deteriorates, or it gets duplicated or triplicated. How many times have you gone to Fawcett or West Marine to pick up a needed part, tool, or supply, only to find out you already have two of them aboard? Cleaning everything out on an annual basis keeps your necessities fresh, gets rid of the extras (thus saving weight and space), lets you reorganize, and temporarily empties your drawers, lockers, and lazarettes to allow for a good, really good, cleaning.
You heard it here first…a clean boat is a happy boat.
#Keeping the Maritime in the MRE
Making Waves with Cap'n Mike #1
Making Waves with Cap'n Mike #1
Bringing Her Home Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard just called. They splashed the Moon and I can come get her. For more years than I can remember, I have entrusted Full Moon to the AHBY spa for Full Moon’s annual fluff & buff (now you know why it’s called SPA Creek). She’s my personal boat, which can’t really be used right now, but she’s also my charter boat, which can. I think it’s ok to move her back home from Spa Creek to Little Aberdeen Creek on the South River. This trip is pretty much a quick delivery with a bare minimum of gear aboard. Once home, we’ll give her a good interior spring cleaning and load back aboard all the tools of her trade.
And another one. Thanks to LFB for the video.
Wow! Full Moon had the Naptown Brass Band aboard last night for the Eastport Yacht Club Lights Parade. What fun in Ego Alley!
Naptowne Brass Band is performing tomorrow night aboard Full Moon for the 36th Annual Eastport Yacht Club Lights Parade! We’ll start up the creek at 6 pm and enter the harbor at 7 pm! You don’t want to miss this!
Mike Krissoff has grown up on the waters of Anne Arundel County starting with his own 12' wooden rowboat at the age of 7 in Shady Side, now a custom-built 46' Chesapeake Bay deadrise berthed in Annapolis. Along the way were Lasers, Hobie Cats, a variety of one-design racing sailboats and log canoes, and countless days of race committee work with the Eastport & Annapolis Yacht Clubs. Recently named South River Federation's Volunteer of the Year, Cap'n Mike, a 50 Ton US Coast Guard Master, a past commodore and 35-year member of EYC and 20-year member of AYC, has hosted hundreds of days on the water for volunteer and non-profit organizations for fundraising and appreciation activities, his bike-riding and fishing friends, even a wedding. Now retired from a 40-year career in non-profit association management, Cap'n Mike is ready to invite you to sit back and let him share his knowledge of the bay's history & traditions, it's charm & beauty, wildlife and special settings best known only to the locals, while you enjoy the ride.