It was a great day to christen a boat, in honor of our friend and fellow rower Tom Stender. When we think of Tom and his relationship to our club and to rowing, one can’t help but think of the phrase passionate servant. If he thought he was capable of filling some need, of making the place better, he did. Or at least you knew he did everything he could. We see Tom everywhere at the boathouse: from the new wheels on the rolling rack, to the winch systems to the patches on damaged boats to the launch platform, his contributions & spirit are everywhere.
Tom gave selflessly to the club and had a profound impact on all of us. Tom was responsible for igniting a little bit of passion for the sport in all those that came into it through him. He will be missed.
This time last year. A great day on the water for our racers while showing support for the Riley Howell Foundation Fund. 🚣♀️🚣🧡🤟
Fantastic scrimmage day at ARC where we had new, brave LTR grads, recreational boaters as well as racers all mixed together. Races were very close! Here was the 3rd race of today with 2 8s, 2 4x and a double.
W8 at Hooch
Here's the Women's 8+ battling it out at Hooch 2018!
W8 at Hooch
Here's the Women's 8+ battling it out at Hooch 2018!
Creative safety while rowing
If thick fog rolls in unexpectedly while on the water reducing your visibility, tape a flashlight to your bow, row by sixes, and start singing!
Sun is partially out but rain with thunder/lightning nearby. Had to cancel rowing. Safety first! #bigtimebummer
Golden Girls 4+ get ready for Worlds!
The "Golden Girls" 4+ are getting ready for Worlds in Sarasota next month.
Start and 5!
Day 3 of LTR...let's race, baby (with training wheels, of course)!
Look at that swing!
Chris Toth Daniel DigbyJeff Byron Jay Clarke Mark Wysocki
Hard core crew heading out in torrential rain. Unfortunately as soon as the boat hit the water they heard thunder and had to call it. Mark Steciuk @Scott Huebner @Jay Clarke @Glenn Walters