Our property management company is growing and we need help from a reliable, responsible, organized and thoughtful human who wants to be part of a team and have an awesome career opportunity in Taos, New Mexico. Job tasks will include helping with day to day office tasks, organizing, scheduling, business and hospitality communications. Some hours will be on call and can be remote, some hours will be in a physical location, some will require travel to businesses for supplies, or properties we manage for various tasks. If you like to ski or board Taos it's a plus for us!
If you get bored easily this is a great job for you. Must be reliable and motivated to work with good vehicle and be able to pass a background check.
This position will start as part time about 25 hours a week, and likely move into a full time 30-40 hours per week as we learn your strengths and interests. Pay is hourly, based on time worked. Quiet times of the year for hospitality in Taos in April/May and late October to early December offers opportunity to have some more flexibility in hours at these times to suit your personal schedule. Willingness to be on call to answer phones on weekends or evenings is needed, this will be scheduled and agreed to in advance.
Having a hospitality or other customer service oriented background is essential, having good writing, phone speaking and general office computing skills and confidence using Google Workspace tools is also essential. Ideally, candidate will be well versed in local knowledge (outdoor recreation, dining, arts and culture) to be able to provide good concierge service to guests. Candidates should have either 4 year college degree, or some relevant college experience, or in lieu of this, one may provide exceptional work experience and writing sample. All candidates need to provide 2 non-related references who have known candidate in a professional capacity for 2 years or longer.
There are no 'typical' days, but this position will report directly to co-owners and provide assistance to both. A day might include some routine office work in the morning, while answering phones and web inquiries and emails, and returning any missed calls from the previous day. Calling and scheduling subcontractors for work at various properties, some basic sales work, ordering items, delivering items to various locations, or picking up items from various locations are all likely requests for a given day. All work will be performed within Taos County, primarily, Arroyo Seco, Valdez, Las Colonias, Taos Ski Valley, and Taos. If you're interested please answer a few questions and submit CV/resume and references and if we like what you've got we will schedule an interview immediately.
If you're a great candidate and we want you but this salary seems low, signing bonuses and other perks might sweeten the deal and we are absolutely committed to growing with our employees, so the max salary goes up as soon as you show us what your value really is.