Dear SunStone Fans -- Please place your orders for Saturday, stock your freezers and know that every loaf, every baguette is filled with love and gratitude for your support these last seven years. Monday, Memorial Day, May 30 will be SunStone's last delivery of baguettes. Eat them up - YUM! It has been an epic journey that we could not have made without you. Hopefully we'll see you out camping this summer, or hiking at one of Oregon's many wild and wonderful places. With the years moving along, we decided it was time to get out and enjoy some of the other things life has to offer before it got too late. Please feast this weekend. Honor those who have come before us, and celebrate all that life has to offer. And post pictures and stories of your favorite SunStone feasts. We'd love to hear them. Who knows, maybe we'll write a book next....