💥💥To fill in all my customers that have supported me in my lake erie journey💥💥 i really cant thank you guys enough and i mean that with all my well being. its been a crazy road to try to succeed and i did! i chased my dreams and made em happen 🤙... however being gone for monthes at time and not seeing my (going on 3 y.o. kid) just puts a big kink in the water line. as a dad i personally cant do it anymore, it just kills me inside knowing she hasnt seen me half of her life litterally , with that being said all my customers that are in the books are now with the captains i trust and know very well, im even willing and going to first mate the day of your trip to keep everyone comfy .....to fill you in on the charter life its fun however its super costly and it takes a strong b***d guy/gal to make ends meet with all the bills and to find the happy in between with family, ...my hats off to you folks , ..this is why tips are very much appreciated by first mates and captains cause the struggle is crazy ,... on a different note ive been at my current job for going on 16 years and they was kind enough to let me leave all summer to let me fish for the last 6 years and to me that stands for something ,so im back home working right down the road with good friends and almost family at this point and i got put in a foreman position , if you want to fish with me on the boat the day of your trip please book a trip through me, ill put you on a well deserved boat super close to were mine was docked , thanks guys and hope everyone understands l🤙🤙