Okay, photographers -- here's another chance to explore Croatia AND earn PPA merits!
EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! CROATIA 2025 IS A GO.!!!
Dennis and Cheri along with Dancing Moon Travel have once again scheduled a photographic workshop in Croatia. It will Take place August 24-30, 2025 This trip will be epic!!!!!!!!!!!! You will Depart out of Dubrovnik on the Adriatic Queen which will be your home for the next 7 days. We will visit towns along the Coast of the Adriatic Sea. You will have photographic workshops while we are sailing each day, along with image critiques. WE HAVE Limited space available. So, for this reason if you are interested in going, your interest in the trip will reflect in a Deposit towards the trip. You have till July 4th to make a deposit towards the trip and receive $100.00 bar tab credit.
Don't delay, the last time we had this trip it filled up quickly.
WE have added an additional excursion to the Plitvice lakes region and Zagreb.
These will be trips NOT to be missed.
Call me today Dennis Hammon 208 351 2843
or Pat Hand 404-735-5774 to book.
Watch the video below to check out the Adriatic Queen!
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ /ph%40dancingmoontravel.com/KtbxLzGDZnTsZVWmdWffLKgVhVZdmlHDnB?projector=1