Logos Spanish Translations and Interpretations is a team of seasoned evangelical Spanish translators from Latin America, Spain, and the U.S. whose specific calling in the kingdom of God is to translate, interpret, and adapt the riches of the Gospel in all media formats, tailored to your specific ministry objectives. With 14 years of excellence and quality translations for the evangelical Christian community, Logos Spanish Translations and Interpretations delivers accurate Spanish translations and interpretations true to the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit through His servants, preachers, teachers, evangelists, missionaries and all Christians who love Jesus Christ, hunger for His Word, have a burden for lost souls, and a fervent desire to know Jesus and make Him known to a lost and dying world. If you are looking for accurate, grammatically correct, biblically focused, Christ-centered, doctrinally sound, culturally relevant adaptations of your materials from Spanish to English or English to Spanish, contact Logos Spanish Translations and Interpretations today for your bicultural consultation. Entrust the riches of the Gospel to saved, spirit-filled, trained professionals with a proven track record in evangelical Spanish translations. Our bicultural, bilingual brothers and sisters in Christ offer you the best quality Spanish adaptation of your Evangelical Christian materials. Blessings in Christ,
John J. Correa
Senior Translator, Editor