Art Life is intended to be a holistic experience that requires multiple forms of media to reveal the complex personal growth for each artist as they explore the boundaries of their ambitions. The narrative of a comic book and the visual expression of paintings are complemented by Art Life: The Game, a mobile experience that enables the audience to play a more active role in the artist’s developmen
t. Art Life: The Game is a metaphor for an artist’s commitment to remain true to their unique Art Life by fending off harm from flying debris all the while earning respect and accolades by drawing on any art material that comes their way. Artists begin by living in the streets and earning skill points to level up to an apartment, a house and a mansion. Each level presents unique challenges and rewards the player with new art tools in order to build skills and become masters of their craft. Our Kickstarter campaign is focused on raising enough money to develop Art Life: The Game. If we are fortunate to hit specific stretch milestones, we will develop and release complimentary segments of each artist’s story. Those stories are best told using different art media such as comic books, paintings, etc. In a perfect world each artist would have the opportunity to captivate an audience with their unique Art Life. Your personal and financial support during our Kickstarter campaign will be your VIP invitation to join the audience with a front row seat.