Top Ten Reasons to travel with an Allianz plan
1. You have to cancel your trip due to an unexpected event such as bad weather, an illness in the family, involuntary job loss or the financial default of your airline, cruise line or tour operator.
2. You have to return home early due to an unexpected emergency such as an illness or death in the family.
3. Your luggage is lost or delayed, forcing you to purchase necessary
essentials, or prescription medications.
4. Your sporting, camping or adventure equipment is damaged or stolen.
5. You become ill or injured and learn that your health care plan doesn’t cover you outside the U.S.
6. You need an emergency medical evacuation due to an accident or sudden illness.
7. You run into flight delays and miss a portion of your trip or cruise.
8. You have to evacuate your resort due to an unexpected hurricane or storm.
9. You lose your passport, leaving you stranded abroad.
10. Your rental car is damaged leaving you responsible for the repair costs. get to be moved and dropped in a different container, whereas the red icon removes it from your workspace.
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