Discover Aurora’s East Colfax on Sept 16, 12-5 next to MLK Library. We’ll be celebrating over 50 artists that have created 33 murals in the neighborhood in 4 years. Games, local beer, meet the artists, and sample the amazing global food. •••Original footage by @bohlguy #OGAurora #ColfaxEast #BohemianCorridor #PeoplesBuilding #Aurora #Colorado #Denver #OriginalAurora #TheWorldInACity #Arts #Culture #IndieArtist #DoArtStuff #ColfaxAve•Come for the Art. Stay for the neighborhood: @ohheystanley @the_aurora_fox @auroragov @visitauroraco @auroraaipp @ladyjusticebrewing @peoplesbuilding @lavictoriahk @babaandpops @weareatown @florencesquareapts @fitzsimons_cu @miettechocolat @reddeliciouspress @davarts @vintagetheatreproductions @colfaxcanvas @scottpasternack @cerebralbrewing @pasternacksonthefax @aurora_public_schools @auroracommunityconnectionco @banhbutterbakerycafe @urbanburma @aurora_syrian_food @society303cafe @persistpublicity @bonfireeventco •@denvergazette @denverwestword @denverpost @thknwco @sentinelcolorado @newscpr
Painting doesn’t start till early Sept, but we’re excited to give y’all a sneak peak into who’s painting where!Our first wall collaboration will be on Colfax Ave across from our Sept 16 Block Party grounds. Koko Bayer & Wey Mnky! We can’t wait to share more about them and their wall.•Neighborhood Block Party Sept 16 on Fletcher Plaza2023 Artistic Team Brutus (@j_b_r_u_t_u_s); Koko Bayer (@Kokonofilter); Nico Cathcart (@nicocathcart); Johnny Draco (@johnnydraco_); Jannah Farooque (; Sandra Fettingis (; Tessa Fuqua (@artmom66); WEY MNKY (@weymnky); Alexandrea Pangburn (@alexandrea_pang); David Swartz (@david.doeswork)•Come for the Art. Stay for the neighborhood: @VisitAuroraCo @Indie1023 @bonfireeventco @peoplesbuilding @CreativeLawNetwork @ohheystanley @the_aurora_fox @auroragov @auroraaipp @acadartists @ladyjusticebrewing @babaandpops @lavictoriahk @weareatown @florencesquareapts @fitzsimons_cu @miettechocolat @reddeliciouspress @davarts @vintagetheatreproductions @colfaxcanvas @scottpasternack @cerebralbrewing @pasternacksonthefax @aurora_public_schools @auroracommunityconnectionco @banhbutterbakerycafe @urbanburma @aurora_syrian_food @illfoominati @bardgeek @specialkalyse#ColfaxCanvas #BlockParty #Mural #MuralArt #StreetArt #ColfaxEast #BohemianCorridor #PeoplesBuilding #Aurora #Colorado #Denver #OriginalAurora #OGAurora #Arts #Culture #IndieArtist #DoArtStuff #colfaxave
The People's Building Promo
We will be remembered for what we help create. Come create with us. The People's Building, a city of Aurora venue.
#OGAurora #ColfaxEast #BohemianCorridor #PeoplesBuilding #Aurora #Colorado #Denver #OriginalAurora #TheWorldInACity #Arts #Culture #IndieArtist #DoArtStuff #ColfaxAve
Come for the Art. Stay for the neighborhood: @ohheystanley @the_aurora_fox @auroragov @visitauroraco @auroraaipp @acadartists @ladyjusticebrewing @peoplesbuilding @lavictoriahk @babaandpops @weareatown @florencesquareapts @fitzsimons_cu @miettechocolat @reddeliciouspress @davarts @vintagetheatreproductions @colfaxcanvas @scottpasternack @cerebralbrewing @pasternacksonthefax @aurora_public_schools @auroracommunityconnectionco @banhbutterbakerycafe @urbanburma @aurora_syrian_food @society303cafe
@imperialcourtrockymountain, the oldest gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender organization in the state of Colorado is having a party at the oldest furniture store turned art space! ❤️#Music, #camp, #drag, and #fun! Info link in bio.•••#OGAurora #ColfaxEast #BohemianCorridor #PeoplesBuilding #Aurora #Colorado #Denver #OriginalAurora #TheWorldInACity #Arts #Culture #IndieArtist #DoArtStuff #ColfaxAve•Come for the Art. Stay for the neighborhood: @ohheystanley @the_aurora_fox @auroragov @visitauroraco @auroraaipp @acadartists @ladyjusticebrewing @peoplesbuilding @lavictoriahk @babaandpops @weareatown @florencesquareapts @fitzsimons_cu @miettechocolat @reddeliciouspress @davarts @vintagetheatreproductions @colfaxcanvas @scottpasternack @cerebralbrewing @pasternacksonthefax @aurora_public_schools @auroracommunityconnectionco @banhbutterbakerycafe @urbanburma @aurora_syrian_food @society303cafe•@denvergazette @denverwestword @denverpost @thknwco @sentinelcolorado @newscpr