Wonderful evening in the Woodlands hosted by Steve and Cheryl Kinny and created by Bailli Chef Steve Manion and Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Vincent DiLorato assisted by Dame de la Chaine Donna Lee DiLoreto. Eight members had fun raising funds.
The Year In Review
Although we can't get together this year to celebrate World Chaine Day, we hope this brings back memories of good times with good friends.
Virtual World Chaine Day April 25,2020
Olive and June: That's Amore!
A fun evening of Italian food, Italian wine, and Italian (and Italian wanna-be) friends!
Holiday Induction
A fun time was had by all!
Mondiale du Vin: Paso Robles
A great time with some great wines from Paso Robles!
Oktoberfest Chaine Style
A German celebration in Austin!
Mondiale Induction
A Chaine Induction is a Tradition...A Mondiale Induction is a Party!
Roaming the Rhone
Many, many thanks to Jeff and Becky Robinson for a wine-centric tour and taste from the Rhone River Valley. The revamp of the Societe Mondiale du Vin is off to an impressive start!
Lobster and Bubbly
A fun night at Trulucks with the best of the best - lobster and bubbly!
Congratulations to all of the young Sommelier contestants. Especially to Jonathan Eichholz, Northeast for placing first! Here’s a short clip of him at the competition.
Let’s get ready for World Chaîne Day. Saturday April 13, 2019 !!
#sommeliers #chefs