Happy Holidays from Explore Austin! Whether you're planning on climbing mountains as the year draws to a close or are simply looking forward to a well-deserved break, we hope you're doing something you love with the people you love. Let the festivities commence! 🏔️❄️⛄
How do you celebrate in December? Let us know by dropping a comment!
#happyholidays #exploreaustin #getoutside #winterbreak #austinnonprofit #december #celebratetheholidays #climbmountains #youthempowerment #outdoorsforall
Join Our Team! We're hiring for a Program Manager - Logistics & Planning
The Program Manager owns the logistics and planning for the Saturday Challenge and Summer Wilderness Trip programming. Explore Austin is seeking a critical thinker who is detail oriented, charismatic, flexible, and highly organized with superior collaboration and communication skills.
If this sounds like you, read the full job description and learn how to apply here 👉 https://ow.ly/4CfG50UmQbY
🎁 Tuesday, December 3 is #GivingTuesday. Your gift to Explore Austin between now and 12/3 will be 🌟TRIPLED🌟 thanks to generous challenge matches from the Yonge Family and The Cooper Matthews Foundation. GIVE HERE 👉 https://ow.ly/aG8w50Ubpzy
🤝 Mentorship is the cornerstone of the Explore Austin program. Our adult volunteer Mentors dedicate six years of their free time -- and beyond -- to serve our program's youth. They give their time, attention and dedication to the youth we serve. Will you match our Mentors' enthusiasm this holiday season with a gift to Explore Austin?
🥾 EXPLORER APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! Learn more & apply today 👉 https://ow.ly/L3R050TMg2F
🗓️ Applications close November 30, with admitted youth joining the Explore Austin program in late spring 2025.
⛺ Explore Austin is a 100% FREE program for 6th-12th graders who qualify for free or reduced lunch in school. Those accepted will join a team of 15 Explorers and five adult volunteer Mentors in the spring, staying together as a team through high school graduation.
This year, we're recruiting:
🌲 6th grade boys
🌲 6th grade girls
🌲 10th grade girls
🚵♂️ Camping, hiking, navigation, rock climbing, canoeing and mountain biking are some of the outdoor skills and disciplines our Explorers learn over the course of the program.
Questions❓ Feel free to DM us!
#exploreaustin #youthempowerment #exploreatx #austinexplorers #kidswhocamp #kidswhocanoe #kidswhorockclimb #kidswhomountainbike #summerwildernesstrips #outdoorsforall #itstartswithadventure
🔥 CAMPAIGN EXTENDED TO OCT 15 🔥 GIVE HERE 👉 https://ow.ly/XYyZ50TopyA
🤝 Outdoors for All Takes YOU. Give to Trailblazer, our annual peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, or create your own fundraising page for Explore Austin at the link above and walk alongside us in our mission of empowering local youth through long-term mentorship, leadership development and outdoor adventure.
#exploreaustin #iliveherigivehere #givelocal #trailblazercampaign #peertopeerfundraising #youthempowerment #leadership #mentorship #atxnonprofit #nonprofit #austinnonprofit #atxcares
🎟️ EARLY-BIRD Tables & Tickets now on sale for 2025 Quest for the Summit 👉 onecau.se/quest2025
Last year's event sold out, so be sure to get your tickets early! For a limited time, get your individual tickets and tables at a discounted price:
🥾 Tables now 🌟$2,000🌟 through Nov 15 (increases to $3,500 thereafter)
🥾 Individual tix now 🌟$200🌟 through Dec 31 (increases to $300 thereafter)
🗓️ Tues, April 1, 2025 | AT&T Hotel & Conference Center
🎉 Join Explore Austin for our most impactful party of the year! Gather with new friends, long-time Explore Austin champions, business leaders and philanthropists to transform lives through mentorship and outdoor adventure. Enjoy a seated dinner, libations, silent and live auctions and stories from our Explorers and Mentors at this "outdoor chic" event!
#quest #questforthesummit #qfts25 #exploreaustin #austinfundraiser #austingala #givelocal #ilivehereigivehere #youthempowerment #outdoorsforall #outdoorsforalltakesyou #kidswhocamp #kidswhohike
🔥 We're halfway through the Trailblazer peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, with $14,000 raised. We have two more weeks to meet our goal -- $110,000! Go here to give to the campaign or to create your own fundraising page for Explore Austin 👉 https://ow.ly/XYyZ50TopyA
🤝 The “E” of Explore Austin’s shout-out tool, ACES, stands for “Excellent Teammate.” We consider you a teammate, walking alongside us in our mission of empowering local youth through long-term mentorship, leadership development and outdoor adventure. We’re counting on you, our Excellent Teammates, in our remaining 2 weeks of Trailblazer!
#exploreaustin #iliveherigivehere #givelocal #trailblazercampaign #peertopeerfundraising #youthempowerment #leadership #mentorship #atxnonprofit #nonprofit #austinnonprofit #atxcares
BECOME A TRIP LEADER! 🥾 APPLICATION --> https://ow.ly/Qjta50SxnVG
Trip Leaders provide outdoor education for our Explorers (youth in 6th-12th grades) and their volunteer Mentors in the greater Austin area at Saturday Challenges during the school year and during weeklong Summer Wilderness Trips out of state. We're now accepting applications for all the disciplines we instruct in!
Trip Leaders:
⛺ Are paid, part-time staff
⛺ Provide outdoor education for our Explorers and Mentors in backpacking, navigation, rock climbing, canoeing, mountain biking and camping skills
⛺ Work Saturday Challenges during the school year and lead our weeklong Summer Wilderness Trips
#exploreaustin #outdooreducation #austinguides #guideforus #tripleaders #tripleaderecruitment #rockclimbing #mountainbiking #canoeing #paddling #outdoorinstruction #workwithus #getoutside #outdoorsforall
✨{BECOME A MENTOR}✨ Apply here 👉 https://ow.ly/8Lif50SQiGs
Applications close 9/27!
We're recruiting for two types of Mentors:
1️⃣ Those who want to make a 3-6 year commitment to the program, dedicating themselves to a single team of 15 youth Explorers. Our Mentors who join a team commit to one Saturday a month during the academic year and one week in the summer for the team's out-of-state Summer Wilderness Trip.
2️⃣ Those who would like to be in the pool of substitute ("sub") Mentors. Sub Mentors volunteer on a one-off basis as they desire to fill gaps.
Mentors have the opportunity to learn outdoor skills such as mountain biking, hiking, canoeing, navigation and camping alongside their mentees (no previous experience is required!) at beautiful locations in the greater Austin area. Each summer, they are also fully supported in going on a week-long, out-of-state backcountry trip to some of the most breathtaking places in the US, including Idaho, New Mexico, Arkansas, Utah and beyond. Being a Mentor with Explore Austin allows you to make a difference in the lives of Austin youth, join a close-knit network of other Mentors, and travel to natural wonders in and out of state.
#volunteerwithexploreaustin #exploreaustin #austinmentors #austinmentorship #austinnonprofit #austinnonprofitopportunity #nonprofitopp #outdooradventure #outdoorleadership #austincamping #austinoutdoors #austinoutdooradventure #austintexas
👀 Have you seen us on the news? In this segment on Spectrum News 1 Texas, Explore Austin CEO Kathleen Lyons Schneeman talks about our Summer Wilderness Trips and Mentor recruiting -- applications open August 2! ⛺🌲🥾🛶🧗🚲
#spectrumnews #exploreaustin #inthenews #getoutside #outdooradventure #austinmentorship #austinmentors #austinvolunteers #kidswhocamp #kidswhoclimb #kidswhopaddle #kidswhobackpack #outdoorsforall #nonprofitatx #austinnonprofit #volunteerinaustin
APPLY TODAY! We're hiring Warehouse Coordinators, with multiple positions available.
More Info & Application --> https://ow.ly/u6NE50Sxqlz
These part-time roles will assist the Program Team with restoring operations at the Warehouse after Summer Wilderness Trips, and before the new school year starts. Available positions include:
🧗 Technical Gear Lead
🚚 Vehicle Lead
🫶 Saturday Challenge & Volunteer Lead
#exploreaustin #workwithus #warehousecoordinator #jobsintheoutdoors #outdooradventure #austinoutdoorsjobs #austinjobs #gethiredatx
JOIN OUR TEAM! 🥾 APPLY --> https://ow.ly/Qjta50SxnVG
Explore Austin is hiring Trip Leaders ahead of the start of fall programming. These positions:
⛺ Are paid, part-time staff
⛺ Provide outdoor education for our Explorers and Mentors in backpacking, navigation, rock climbing, canoeing, mountain biking and camping skills
⛺ Work Saturday Challenges during the school year and lead our weeklong Summer Wilderness Trips
⛺ Note: Those who are hired are required to attend an in-person training on Sept 5 at 5:00 pm
We currently have a particular need for canoeing Trip Leaders, but are accepting applications for all disciplines!
#exploreaustin #outdooreducation #austinguides #guideforus #tripleaders #tripleaderecruitment #rockclimbing #mountainbiking #canoeing #paddling #outdoorinstruction #workwithus #getoutside #outdoorsforall